Although the vaccine is already in Lithuania, specialists do not idealize the situation: restrictions will still have to be respected


“There was talk of risks in other countries, indications that Lithuania has not received specifics, but having that knowledge, Lithuania decided to take out insurance,” said Jurgita Grebenkovienė, Chancellor of Health, at the press conference.

Boxes filled with dry ice contain even smaller boxes of vaccine doses. Officials urgently load them into freezers, as they must be kept at a temperature of 80 degrees. Almost 10,000 doses of vaccines (9,750) arrived in Lithuania on Saturday.

(19 photos)

PHOTO GALLERY. The first vaccines against the coronavirus arrived in Lithuania

Latvia and Estonia, which have the same population, report the same number on Saturday, although the European Commission has announced that vaccines must be supplied to countries in proportion to their population. Health Ministry officials expect to receive more vaccines in the coming weeks, with a second shipment expected on Wednesday.

“The vaccine has finally arrived in Lithuania. A new hopeful phase begins when we respond and do not flee, but fight against the virus. The vaccine will be under control and little by little we will return to normal life,” he also spoke at the press conference. the Minister of Health, Arūnas Dulkys.

The vaccines were already accepted by staff at the Santara clinics on Saturday morning and preparations began for the medical vaccination, which will begin on Sunday. By vaccinating doctors first, officials hope that the risk of infection will be reduced and that work in hospitals will be easier and that more doctors will be able to work instead of in isolation.

“We plan to vaccinate doctors in the first trimester, then in nursing, care personnel and residents, then in chronic diseases, over 65 years and finally in mass vaccination of society,” said J. Grebenkovienė.

Doctors at Klaipeda University Hospital, who also received coronavirus vaccines on Saturday, are also anxious about the start of vaccination. It is true that a tenth of the doctors here refuse to be vaccinated, and those who have acquired immunity and have already contracted the coronavirus will not be vaccinated.

The vaccines are now available at the Kaunas clinics. Doctors in this city received as many vaccinations as Vilnius residents, almost 3,000 doses. The other three large cities received fewer first vaccines in terms of regional population. The third shipment of vaccine should arrive in Lithuania in early January. In the first stage, the ministry plans to consume the 10,000. doses and vaccination of twenty-eight hospital employees.

To develop full immunity, they will need to be re-vaccinated after 3 weeks and use vaccines from subsequent batches. When doctors working in health care institutions are vaccinated in Lithuania, in the second stage, vaccines will be administered to employees and patients of nursing and support care institutions.

Although the long-awaited vaccination against the coronavirus in Lithuania will begin soon, experts warn that this will not allow us to relax and return to a pre-pandemic lifestyle. According to experts, you will continue to have to wear masks for a long time, avoid meetings and stay away from people.

“It would be a big mistake if people thought that they have been vaccinated, that they can no longer be safe. The distance, the masks, the hand hygiene, will remain for a long time. Ideally, urgently, when vaccines will be available on a regular basis Collective when it is formed, “said Saulius Čaplinskas, director of the Center for Infectious Diseases and AIDS.

The virus continues to spread uncontrollably in Lithuania. In the last day, 2,350 new cases of coronavirus were identified in the country and almost 4,900 studies were carried out, that is, one out of every two studies is positive. Another 23 people died yesterday of coronavirus, including 1 in 32 and 2 in 40. And while the government demands strict carnatine, many compatriots are spitting on the demands. Here, for example, followers of K sekšnosa visit people in villages, visit common tables without masks, and insist on the requirement not to meet or wear masks, explaining that God is protecting them.
