Almost 7 tons of coffee grounds have already been used to illuminate the capital’s main fir


Warmth, comfort, being together, traditions are also symbolized by a living Christmas tree built inside the capital’s main fir. Meanwhile, the surrounding frame, a modern fir tree that creates a surreal image, this year’s current affairs: forced distancing, the changing world we were used to.

Distant fir planes symbolize the required distances

“The idea of ​​what this year’s Christmas tree would look like came about three years ago, when I was drawing. It was dictated by the very structure of the Christmas tree, which consists of 12 triangles, which is like a horizontally divided duodenal pyramid. Wanted distracting its plane from the general geometric shape, expanding it in space. The image that it originated took on a different meaning this year: the distance from each other, the need to maintain distances, “says Dominykas Koncevičius, the designer of Švenčių studija, who created the Christmas tree.

According to the head of the team that created the Christmas tree in the capital, this year the challenge turned not only to all the necessary calculations that had to be done when installing the distant plans of the Christmas tree, but also to the question of what should happen. inside. “I wanted thematic depth, a second plan and, without discussion, the team came up with the idea to build another Christmas tree inside the outer structure. The mirrors that surround it and the Christmas tree decorated in a classic style reflected in them embody the main idea: whatever happens, living, crossed, traditional or modern, the Christmas tree symbolizes the warmth, closeness and comfort of the house, ”says D. Koncevičius.

According to him, many years of work experience and a strong team of professionals allowed 100 percent. to make the idea come true and not only attract the attention of the local population. “I am very happy that the capital supports bold initiatives, every year it tries to create something new, different, unique. Only innovative and different ideas, even if not everyone likes them or is not even surprised, can attract the attention of the world, ”says Dominykas Koncevičius.

The capital processes more than 21 tons of coffee grounds to light the Christmas tree

This year, not only the Christmas tree, but also the energy used for its lighting, is obtained by processing the coffee grounds. In total, to light the Christmas tree in the capital until January 7. 12,000 kWh of electricity will be needed. Much of it is made from more than 21 tons of coffee grounds. They were collected throughout the year at the initiative of the coffee producer Paulig by the main business centers operating in the capital. “This year, both during the first and second quarantines, when part of the companies moved work from their offices to their homes, the amount of coffee grounds collected also decreased significantly. The difficult situation for all has not yet prevented us from collecting more. of what is necessary, a total of 30 tons of coffee grounds ”, says Valdas Šidla, Marketing Manager of Paulig.

A ton of coffee grounds is formed after drinking about 100 thousand. Cups of coffee. Its processing produces around 500 kWh of electricity. That energy is enough to meet the monthly electricity needs of two statistical Lithuanian families or to drive 2,900 km in a BMWi3 electric car. The green energy from coffee grounds is produced in one of the country’s biogas plants. The coffee is transported thickly from the business centers located in the capital and the bacteria it contains are processed in large containers. The biogas released during this process is collected and used for electricity generation, and the remaining waste is transferred as fertilizer to farmers. This ensures a circular and sustainable recycling of waste without causing pollution to the environment.

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