All preventive tests last weekend were negative


As much as 63 percent. The subjects were employees of preschool and preschool educational institutions, of which 1031 were enrolled, among which were: doctors – 221, pharmacists – 191, sales personnel – 135, social workers – 49, officials – 2. Residents Vilnius and Kaunas were more actively registered for research. .

We remind you that hundreds of medical, social care and nursing personnel who work in various medical institutions in the country, as well as specialists who provide social services at home, state border guards, customs, police, firefighters, employees of energy companies that They work in dispatch centers and are being regularly investigated. .

Investigations are also carried out by specialists from the Public Security Service, the Administration Protection Department, the Financial Crime Investigation Service, the National Center for Public Health, the State Food and Veterinary Service, specialists from the Crop Service of the State, military, pharmacy and business personnel, preschool and preschool employees. Patients admitted to new hospitals and patients transferred to nursing hospitals are also studied as a preventive measure.

Preventive studies of the target groups were started by ensuring the examination of samples from the population experiencing symptoms at the mobile points. Prophylactic testing ensures the safety of both frontline fighters and the public. The expansion of the test population aims to protect the most vulnerable members of society, especially those with chronic diseases and the elderly, who are at the highest risk of developing the disease.

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