Algirdas Radzevičius, leader of the Patruliai group, revealed the recipe for good health


Algirdas Radzevičius, a well-known performer and leader of the Patruliai group, revealed a recipe for good health on the medical program “Health Tree” shown on TV8 television. Although the man has been actively involved in sport since childhood and has tried many sports, after closing gyms and canceling all events, Algirdas found different activities for him.

“During the quarantine period, I started to walk a lot, I go out three times a day: after breakfast, in the afternoon and at night. So I walk at least 15 miles a day. My body is asking for constant movement and if I can’t move one day, I feel bad, ”Algirdas said on the show.

Physical activity is one of the most important factors in a healthy lifestyle, which has a great impact on our well-being, body weight, and flexibility. Plus, physical activity helps you stay fresh and energetic. But even active movement cannot protect us from age-related changes.

“Looking at my lifestyle and my work style, it is very easy to see how important movement is to me. On stage, I give myself everywhere, legs, arms, the whole body in constant movement. Also tours, trips take a lot of energy. Of course, the body remains firmly attached, but with age things that inform about you and your health come out, ”the singer opened.

One of the first warning signs sent by the body is pain. Initially, joint pain is mild and transitory. However, it is necessary to respond to such pain signals, as this can be a sign that the body has started to deplete important substances such as collagen. It offers the form of protein that is needed for human skin, hair, joints and the heart.

The joint, which is responsible for bone mobility and range of motion, has no blood flow and feeds on the fluid that surrounds it, the production of which depends only on the person’s lifestyle, which is also influenced by eating habits. Since only a small proportion of people in society eat a balanced diet and consume the right amount of food, scientists are reaching out to offer joint supplements that contain type I and II collagen and vitamin C specifically for the joints.

Orthopedic trauma doctors claim that movement helps ensure the nutrition of the joint and, at the same time, strengthens the surrounding tissues of the joints – ligaments and muscles. It is also important to note that in case of joint pain, it is not recommended to immediately reduce exercise or lie down and wait for the pain to pass.

“Our joints like to move, whatever their direct function: movement, exercise, regular sports. During sports, the joint is subjected to a very high force, so in case of irregular movement, the joint can collapse very quickly and start to wear out faster. For elderly patients, it is important to maintain full range of motion for as long as possible. Pain restricts movement, but without moving it only weakens the muscles, tendons and puts even more stress on the joint, ”says orthopedic traumatologist Vytautas Vengrauskas.

When starting gardening, tetanus shots are worth thinking about.

We spend more and more time outdoors, garden work begins. However, being in the wild has its own health risks, which are largely forgotten in the face of a pandemic. One of them is tetanus. It is an infection that spreads through wounds and can be contracted by an animal bite when colliding with a rose needle and climbing up a nail. Tetanus pathogens, once ingested into the human body, begin to produce toxins that cause muscle spasms, seizures, hypoxia, and even death. The most reliable form of tetanus prevention is vaccinations. We all receive the first dose along with the childhood diphtheria and pertussis vaccine, but it is recommended that patients over 25 years of age repeat these vaccinations every 10 years.

“Vaccines are the only reliable way to protect against the effects of toxins. It is a powerful weapon that we must use. In the case of diphtheria and tetanus, these are the diseases that vaccines protect against, but they do not affect the existence of pathogens in nature. However, vaccinated people are insensitive to the poison produced by these bacteria and, therefore, we must renew that resistance every 10 years to be safe “, says Dr. Prof. Vytautas Usonis.

The actual age is menopause.

Menopause is an extremely sensitive transition period in every woman’s life. This is a natural stage, but it is generally not easy and is expected with fear.

Due to the change in the concentration of hormones in the blood, a woman’s body begins to undergo changes associated with the symptoms of menopause that are difficult to control: sweating, hot flashes, fluctuations in blood pressure, frequent heart rate, increased irritability, insomnia. Another problem that occurs during menopause is urinary incontinence. Urine-absorbing pads and packets, such as Tena, help neutralize bad breath and prevent bacteria from multiplying.

“Psychologically, menopause is quite difficult for women, because it is medically proven that you are aging and falling into the margins of sexual, social and health life.

But this is an absolutely wrong belief, because it is the real time, where there is still something to discover and it is a good time to make those dreams come true, ”said psychotherapist Andrius Kaluginas in the program.
