Algirdas Paleckis, who wants to work, calls for detention measures to be further relaxed


The representative of the court, Vytautas Jončas, informed the BNS that A. Paleckis is asking the court to extend the hours during which he is allowed not to be at home, because he intends to start working again and needs additional time. to travel to work.

The court intends to announce a decision on this request on Thursday.

Under the current preventive detention measure, A. Paleckis is required to be at his place of residence in Vilnius by 5 p.m. at 7 a.m. and not leave the city of Vilnius, except in cases related to participation in judicial hearings.

Defendant Deimantas Bertauskas was also questioned at the hearing.

The next hearing in the case is scheduled for September 15. According to V. Jončas, the defendant’s testimony during the pre-trial investigation is scheduled to be heard and heard at this hearing.

A. Paleckis and businessman D.Bertauskas are accused of spying for the benefit of another state while operating in an organized group. The former politician denies and claims his guilt after conducting a journalistic investigation. D. Bertauskas admits his guilt.

The case was designated to be heard in Šiauliai in early March by the Lithuanian Court of Appeals after the Vilnius Regional Court withdrew from the case.

According to the Attorney General’s Office, from February 2017 to October 2018, the defendants, acting in an organized group with a Russian intelligence officer and other Russian citizens, one of whom was found guilty in a case on January 13, they may have collected information of interest to Russian intelligence in Lithuania for monetary and other consideration. .

Other remuneration includes assistance in establishing contacts with representatives of a Russian political party in order to obtain financing for one of the registered Lithuanian parties, as well as assistance in establishing business contacts.

According to the prosecutor’s office, the defendants were tasked with gathering information on the officers and judges they were investigating on January 13, as well as information on other cases related to Russia’s aggression against Lithuania in 1990-1991.

Among other things, the defendant had to find people working for the Lithuanian authorities who would provide the Lithuanian police authorities with false information about the state of health of Yuri Melis, who was convicted in the January 13 case of illegal monetary compensation. , to change your detention to a minor detention. measure or facilitate the arrest of J. Melis.
