Algimantas Rusteika: Gabrieliau, Ingrida, Aušrine – let’s legalize prostitution! –


And how is this “sales objective” determined, which is impossible in principle? And if you have a factory and you do it at home, but you don’t hold your hand when selling, it will also be simply “Niu-niu-niu?”. Then all the real men in the garage will have a can of live cannabis, a bag of cocaine, or a bottle of mayonnaise opiates “for their own use.”

The drug legalization law does not provide anything else. Admire their authorship: Gabrielius Landsbergis, Ingrida Šimonytė, Aušrinė Armonaitė, Viktorija Čimilytė-Nielsen, Stasys Šedbaras, Kazys Starkevičius, Tomas Vytautas Raskevičius, Virgilijus Alekna, Simonas Gentvelutas, Dobroviärasky. Dobroviäras. Kernagis and other smaller elite snails.

The nation must know its heroes, let us wish them happiness and prosperity. But we won’t just modernize Lithuania with tripods, it’s time to use both biceps and biceps. I think drivers are racing down the streets at 150 km / h anyway, so the hormones in your pants are boiling! It’s time to defeat the shadow and carry all that crumbles and falls apart. Let’s legalize prostitution too!

After all, this is the oldest profession that we do not have as a Russian, although all men smile elegantly when they hear it. Nothing will ban girls for money, believe it or not – watch celebrity conversations with Rūta. There, they roll their eyes and speak with pride and thoroughness.

By shrugging our shoulders and using Norwegian NGOs and UFOs, we would defeat the Davatkas, who are drying up their secret dreams, and the eternal clients for nothing, sorry, the police and prosecutors certainly would not veto. We ban alcohol, we allow drugs and we legalize prostitution, because they do not harm health, on the contrary, depression and rape will decrease.

It must be legalized in the same way that all sexes have equal opportunities, although more like others it already has them legalized in closed kennels, all kinds of Men Without Windows factory. There would be short and fierce competition for small animals and massage kiosks, cottage owners standing with a meter-high sled in a partition similar to Germany’s, and IDV blocks on squeaky couches exhaling rapidly.

And there would be large foreign investment, the budget would be replenished, and girls and men would earn pensions. The privatization of the remaining bus stations would increase accessibility for the provinces and would bring in large capital with cash registers, quality documents, and product traceability. VAT, PMS and GDP would increase.

Mayors and premieres would cut the ribbons through openings and buffets, and for the first hundred customers there would only be discounts, rebates, and once again sale discounts. On TV every night: roaring cats and kittens, huge smoky eyes with half a meter of lashes. Silk clothes slipping under the spa music before the weather forecast, during the weather forecast and after the weather forecast.

Sweet Megapasaulis PLUS! Orgasm centers, Viagra houses and see you at family inns on the Acropolis! Relaxmaxima XXX! With us closer to home and to what you need, it is worth living like this! Advent and Lenten campaigns for Catholics with parish certificate of confession! Signatories and committee chairs are always free, civil servants are free on public holidays!

The Seimas Hotel could be rented very profitably, and the premises are suitable for both customers and babies already used to the place. On birthdays or name days – 50% cheaper with personal code! Senior discounts: five per order; The sixth receives a gift! Personal trainers and tasting in small pieces (not until the end!) For passersby. Supplements, Supplements and Supplements Again!

Universal Discount Party during St. Valentine’s Day – a campaign for THEM! Undoubtedly, there would be places in shopping malls where modern, tolerant wives of all genders could drop off men for fun shopping.

Everything is healthy, everyone has PRG and other smears! And when he returns, he turns on the telico and discovers that for blondes, dumb and fat, 40 percent. discount tomorrow! And for black people without priests with humanitarian – the day after tomorrow! And for feminists: discounts again, discounts and discounts again!

The European Commissioners would give payment and discount cards to disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged people in accordance with the provisions of the Istanbul Convention, and would promote diversity in every possible way. Orgasm protection services would be established to monitor equal opportunities, and those who violated established procedures would be apprehended and turned over to guardians after public harassment.

And how would the country’s budget recover from the loss of alcohol! We could increase benefits and other benefits even more, and the president could impose three more on retirees. And through the stock market, we would finally legally hire people of all genders, and with other promises from the state, it would move and the insomnia problem would certainly be solved. I don’t even mean the happiness index in the happiness economy.

The wives of today’s stubborn policemen would certainly have less heartache. And the social tension and the possibility of a bloody beet uprising would finally be eliminated. We would sell water cannons to Lukashenko and, if he had enough of them, we would use them to irrigate the streets and extinguish tire fires. 4239-b0c6-78c060795c8a% 26fbclid% 3DIwAR24NAhQGhV_A3rOhjfO4F4-vDqFM15TQ7cg4QdF4CBHjiMpq5HJh5MoSek & h = AT2ldBE2P8MwDkZUnL7ql8whHjKpUM-AnXlIEtiQnzDk_lHOXoGa56EouubktR3QlrhDne0fJQLF7oXMt7vNA9N82CRdddw7oUHOAUBG9Cv7iQE1BMawXaka6x4tA4bZmZRep3lf1w

Vito TOMKAUS trigrašis: Utopia. Members of the Seimas will never agree to legalize prostitutes. Especially the current parliament, run by liberal-minded asabas. The reason is very simple: nobody likes competition …
