Alcohol bans are causing passions again – maybe it’s time to give up, at least partially


V. Mitalas lacks logic in the decisions of the past government

According to the vice president of Seimas, member of the Freedom Party Vytautas Mitalas, several points are currently being discussed in the Seimas among the coalition partners: Regarding advertising, it is not about lifting all bans on advertising of beverages alcoholic, but to clarify some places ”. According to the representative of the Freedom Party, the existing restrictions increase the statistics on illegal alcohol consumption.

According to the parliamentarian, discussions on the amendments are necessary, because the decrease in alcohol consumption in Lithuania has been noticed since 2012, long before the bans initiated by the Lithuanian Union of Greens and Peasants: “Not all of them need to be reviewed. Let’s say that the requirement of the 10 a.m. trade can be left to my understanding, but there are places that are in no way explained and that have little to do with alcohol consumption, in my opinion. “

Vytautas Mitalas

Vytautas Mitalas

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

According to V. Mitalas, it is still unclear who needs a Sunday alcohol swap before 3 pm restriction. The current age limit for buying alcohol from the age of twenty also seems inappropriate for politicians: in a restaurant or hiding on a farm. “

According to V. Mitalas, international research shows a trend that alcohol consumption among young people is decreasing in itself: “The public’s moods about alcohol consumption are changing slightly. It seems to me that this is another reason why the alcohol control law needs to be revised, because if there is a natural increase in maturity, especially among young people, in terms of alcohol consumption, we cannot be the ones to put unreasonable and illogical. bans at the top “.

J. Jarutis: we have not removed those prohibitions from the ceiling, the results will be seen in a few decades

Meanwhile, Jonas Jarutis, member of the LVŽS and vice president of the Seimas, says that all the restrictions on the availability of alcohol adopted during that period are justified and have logical explanations: “We did not just present those prohibitions: there are estimates from the World Organization of Health that two things – the limited availability of alcohol and the restriction of the age at which it can be purchased – people who depend on alcohol are the most affected. “

In addition, says the politician, science has shown that the later a person begins to consume alcohol, the less likely they are to become addicted. Why was Sunday chosen as the highest time limit for sales? According to J. Jarutis, the goal was to make the break between the weekend break with alcohol consumption and a productive workday as long as possible.

Jonas Jarutis

Jonas Jarutis

© DELFI / Karolina Pansevič

According to J. Jarutis, it will take less than five and not even ten years to change public attitudes towards alcohol and form moderate drinking habits: “It would be unfortunate if the current ruling majority eased those restrictions. I believe that a specific measure by all governments to reduce accessibility and maintain the current age limit may have an impact, but it will not have it today or tomorrow. I think it’s a matter of decades. “

Sunday’s restrictions didn’t reassure eastern workplaces Monday

According to the peasant representative J. Jarutis, the statistics show the effectiveness of the decisions made during that period: after the introduction of the restrictions proposed by the LVŽS, the amount of alcohol consumption per person has decreased by two liters in the last two years. and due to the increase in excise taxes on alcohol, the budget revenue EUR. In addition, cases of alcohol dependence, says a member of the Seimas, decreased by 11 percent, psychoses by 24 percent and alcohol intoxication by 12 percent.

Darius Didžgalvis, director of the company that provides the automated sobriety check service Dirbkblaivus, says that for calculations of how much alcohol is consumed per person, etc., other statistics that reveal how many employees come to work are much more eloquent, because they are the figures showing a lack of moderation, which is already a direct path to addiction.

According to D. Didžgalvis, Monday has always been the “most intoxicating” day for workers, and Sunday’s restrictions on the alcohol trade had no long-term effect: the number of intoxicated workers arriving on Monday morning decreased. . After the second month, only 15 percent remained. After the third month, everything went back to the previous level. “

Breathalyser.  Company photo

Breathalyser. Company photo

In addition, according to the director of Dirbkblaivus, the available figures show that after the increase in the excise tax on alcohol, some consumers did not abandon alcoholic beverages, but instead began to choose lower quality alcohol. According to D. Didžgalvis, more and more companies in Lithuania believe that employees who come to work for any reason are intoxicated, need help solving problems, not punished or fired.
