Agnė Zuokienė changed his last name on Facebook


From now on, the 49-year-old will appear on Facebook instead of Zuokienė’s last name, but Andre’s is probably an abbreviation derived from her maiden name: Andriulytė.

It is true that the status of the relationship with personal data has not changed. Here it is indicated that the woman is still married.

The couple wanted an official divorce last summer. A. and A. Zuokai lived together in marriage for 27 years.

Spouses who previously lived together are now opening the court door to divorce. It is true that the process does not advance quickly, because the hearings deal not only with the issue of divorce, but also common property and others. personal aspects.

More recently, A. Zuokas himself spoke on the subject of divorce. The politician, while participating in the Delfi television program, did not shy away from extremely personal questions, to which, however, he gave answers.

When the audience asked what his current relationship was with his wife Agne, if they were communicating and forgot their complaints, A. Zuokas replied, barely holding back his tears for a moment.

“It just came to our attention then. They are not that common now because of the coronavirus. Unfortunately, it is as it is,” said the man currently going through divorce.

And what was the reason for them?

“Here maybe Agnė could better answer these questions, because on his initiative all this happened. I don’t think he would have been determined to do that, although the relationship was complicated, it lasted quite a long time. You know, people change over time. Some accept these changes, others do not. I think that only someone who has had similar experiences can understand me. In any case, I am glad that we have been together 27 years, we have raised three children, we have had a good and interesting life, although perhaps Agnė would say that it is not enough. Today, God, let her stand up. There are certain things, and I have said publicly that the relatives can no longer change anything. There is her decision, her actions that could change the situation. That she can do it, I have no doubt, she is intelligent, educated, and it is a pity to see that she has chosen the path that leads I do not know where, “said A. Zuokas.

When asked about A. Zuokienė’s dependence on alcohol and how one person in the family feels about it, the man said that he did not want to talk much about it.

“The topic of addictions has always been very close in my life. I grew up in a family where my mother and father had these problems, my two brothers, too, one of them left quite early due to Anapillin, the other is constantly in balance on the border. Yes, Agnė has addictions, but she has to deal with them herself. It hurts when you realize that loved ones can no longer help, and even more painful than I only found out now, experts explained that pity is the worst in such a situation. You try to cover up situations, help, not irritate, protect yourself from publicity, because ultimately it turns against the same person and your loved ones. I only realized that very late. Unfortunately, anyone who has these experiences understands how difficult it is. So the first rule is that the affected person must want to stand on their own two feet. Get to the bottom, hold on, and then to the station. This is the main problem that we are where we are today, ”said A. Zuokas.

He said that he had to thank Agne in a way that she had done and that he is doing his best to make Zuokas accept the divorce easily.

“I mean, with his behavior, he makes the situation a lot easier for me. His intentions and threats of divorce have accompanied me for many years, but I accepted them philosophically. I thought that a person needs to change, he has an objective reason: he wants to change everything. This is it. the case of many, including me. And now I want everything to be over as soon as possible, those courts … It’s easy to part ways, and that’s all. Was the reason for the divorce that she wanted a change? She needs a change. To for a person to stand up, it is necessary to change many things. And we, loved ones, have done and done everything. I pray that it succeeds. Because it is not easy to see a person with whom you have been for many years ” A. Zuokas said.

When R. Mackevičius noticed that the remaining person is prone to even greater depression, self-destruction, the interlocutor who is currently in the process of divorce said that this is a very serious topic and that it would be better not to touch it.

“Loneliness is a deadly business. Especially when you see the nonsense that is nearby. Especially knowing that Agnė’s sister has run out of anapiline like this. Even during the domestic conflict, I tried not to go beyond a certain limit, I kept thinking about It. There are nuances in every family that no one sees, no one knows. Unfortunately, according to today’s laws, the public attitude is such that their problem is their problem. Sometimes coercion is inevitable. The point is that I am carrying you, you have to do that. Try. It is impossible for us to do this even if we want to do it without the expression of our own will. It seems that we are defending human rights, but the right to what? Stay alone where you should not be? optimistic. Agnė is a strong person, has a strong will, and we and his children wish the same thing: that he stands up and moves on, “said Zuokas.

When asked if his wife’s allegations of violence against her were true, the interlocutor said it was also one of those things where a woman does everything she can to facilitate a divorce.

“I have been called to the police many times, allegedly using violence, even during the election campaign, but, thank God, the media did not find out. The investigation lasted half a year, perhaps longer, now the investigation has been terminated, and Agnė was advised that he cannot make false accusations in pursuit of some of his objectives. I have never raised my hand in my life, neither against children, nor even more so against women ”, – assured A. Zuokas.

You can see the full interview with the politician here:

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