Agnė Grigaliūnienė revealed the tradition she cherishes with her husband: she delights every Monday


Agnė Grigaliūnienė spends a lot of time by the sea, so sometimes she jokingly calls herself Ms. Nida and dreams that if she ever becomes mayor of Nida, she will continue to fuel the 19th century. The vision of Nida as an art colony, which began to take shape at the end of the 19th century, so that not only Lithuanians but also creators from all over the world would find their inspiration here.

“Even children on the street sometimes yell at me for Ms. Nida. Therein lies so much self-irony, and during the quarantine period I spent a lot of time in Neringa and especially in Nida, even without leaving here, I thought, and what not a lady. I would have those visions here that it would become a separate island, with our own fleet, we would have our sheriff supervising people to follow rules like bathing in the water since March, not wearing coats and jackets since April, lavender growing in all parties and being fines are imposed for bad mood or a complaint about bad weather “, – Delfi TV show” Conversations by the sea. Agnė jokes to the rhythm of the holidays ”.

Photo by Justė Zinkevičiūtė and Agnė Grigaliūnienė / Delfi TV

Photo by Justė Zinkevičiūtė and Agnė Grigaliūnienė / Delfi TV

The event organizer, who met host Juste Zinkevičiūtė to meet writer Tomas Mano Museum near Nida, says there is no shortage of challenges in his life, so during the quarantine period, Agnė began to search for a stronger force. in nature to overcome stress. Today, a woman boldly dives into icy water and urges others to make an extreme decision to decide too much without thinking about it.

“The only advice is not to think. The best achievements come when you let go of your mind and feel things. You reach the sea, undress and go straight to the water. You don’t need to think, because all doubts arise when thinking, and doubt is the worst that can be in life. It is better to make a mistake than to doubt, “says Agnė.

Agnė does not hide the fact that the quarantine period, especially for people working in the events field, has been fraught with exhausting stresses like never before. And although the woman was initially happy to be able to rest and take time for herself, eventually friction and difficulties began to arise at home as well.

Photo by Justė Zinkevičiūtė and Agnė Grigaliūnienė / Delfi TV

Photo by Justė Zinkevičiūtė and Agnė Grigaliūnienė / Delfi TV

“In the first months of quarantine, I was even happy because I finally had a good, much-needed rest. Later, like everyone else, both the pain and the anxiety began, in general I think that the quarantine has slowed down the relationships of many people: both personal and work. When you live at a great pace and life throws you into a situation where you are constantly together, it was all there was: fatigue and excitement for the future, there was pain for all calamities, which is not so angry here – throw me out a stone.

But then I discovered cold water, long walks, much more movement and a simple truth: I discovered health, which is both the health of the body and the health of the spirit, soul and heart. When you find that everything, you realize that you are not an inexhaustible source and you have to fill yourself to give ”, Agnė shares his philosophy discovered in the program.

Agnė and Simonas Grigaliūnai, who were married in the same Nida almost a decade ago, can be happy to have discovered the key to a strong and harmonious relationship. The woman reveals that she cannot say that she is in love with her husband, as that would be a deduction, but claims to value him for his great heart and diplomacy, sometimes even beating Agne’s legs and enslaving her heart. The couple also adhere to a beautiful tradition to nurture the novel, when every Monday Agnė receives a bouquet of flowers from her loving husband.

“I will not hide, there are definitely Mondays past and lost, but this tradition is very beautiful. She was born quite unexpectedly, when for several consecutive Mondays there were respective occasions to give me flowers. Then, because of that goodwill, half duress, I always receive flowers on Mondays. But again, for me, the most memorable and beautiful flowers of him are not picked: when we go to the forest and he gives flowers to the meadow without even picking them ”, opens Agnė in the program.

On the relationship with the beloved husband, the twists and turns of life, the secrets of ketogenic nutrition and the philosophy of life, in an interview with Agne Grigaliūnienė already this Sunday on the Delfi television program “Conversations by the Sea. The rhythm of the holidays ”.
