After trying out spiritual practices, an entrepreneur from Jonava found a calling in production.


One of them is for the production of food supplements, the other for the production of cosmetics. It has already managed to create and register two trademarks in Lithuania.

Currently, it is one of the first in Lithuania to be able to produce food supplements for a healthy lifestyle. Entrepreneur opens up, there is no shortage of challenges every day.

– Has received a license to produce food supplements in Lithuania for only 33 years. Only large manufacturers with a capital of millions of euros and teams of tens and hundreds of employees receive this type of license. How did you do that?

“As I am”, I attract “magical” people who have a big heart, a sharp mind, a great intelligence. Fate brought me together with the right people, I gained access to state-of-the-art labs, millions of expensive equipment, and quality raw materials.

I make good friends with professionals in my field in the healthcare and manufacturing sector in Europe and Lithuania. The team is made up of a team of talented people. For these food supplements to see the light, it was necessary to form new alliances with foreign companies, laboratories, scientists and suppliers of raw materials.

I learned new things every day. After all, for a product to be legal, it is necessary to know the production technology based on professional production standards – ISO2200, GMP, GHP, create documentation for products – quality certificates, product specifications, laboratory tests, notify products , communicate and cooperate with government agencies, correct errors, which occur in the process because no one was born paying for everything.

But there is all the beauty in it: constantly improving, growing, learning from mistakes, acquiring new knowledge, not being afraid of making mistakes and knowing how to “stand up” and do everything even better, to achieve the maximum result.

The beginning is always difficult, but now I see the difference between what it was 4 years ago when I started developing products, I see that we have made significant progress. I grew up a production workshop in Lithuania. The latest products are manufactured in the European Union in cooperation with partners. I couldn’t have done that alone. Now I dream of surprising the global market as well.

– You have named your brand with a special name: “GERA KARMA”. So who is hiding under that name?

– The idea for this project was born in Spain, where I stayed for a year. I lived on the island of Ibiza for three months. I walked a conscious path of life. I have not drunk for eight years, I have been interested in meditation, breathing techniques, healthy eating; I tried veganism, vegetarianism, and eating raw foods, and later, and keto, Paleo diet.

Alone, I wanted to try everything myself, I wanted to know and feel how it works, what happens when you do certain practices.

I like to try new things, it is interesting to explore myself, my conscience, my mind, my body. That is why I have accumulated a lot of experience and knowledge in 12 years. Today I am 36 years old.

I don’t want to call myself a “guru”, it is just an outright label for those who do not trust themselves or yearn for fame or “recognition”. I am interested in practice: doing, not reading or speaking. When you do, when you do, then you’ll know.

I believe that the essence of human existence is learning to control your own ego, learn modesty, humility, learn to accept everything and everything, not judge, reconcile, love, respect. They are infinitely noble things. It is very difficult for many to reach such a “frequency” – we all have our own “blocks”, beliefs, negative emotions, attitudes, “goats”, we are “in the ground”, and a “dirty” person cannot “vibrate” to high frequencies – universe, body, mind, soul already works. I will not deceive the souls, I will not lie to him. She knows what is true and what is a lie. You just have to listen. But here is another topic, I have already expanded it. Let’s save this for other conversations.

In Spain a vision was born, which I realized when I returned to Lithuania. I wanted and now I want – to help people who do not have that experience, who lack knowledge, will, lack of motivation, lack of inspiration to change something in life, heal, improve.

I stopped drinking when I was 24, tried many spiritual practices. He didn’t want to be a “lifestyle coach” who gets paid for nutrition tips or programs.

It turned out to be a bit silly for me, so I put all my energy into creating innovative, complex, fairly strong, but most importantly, natural health products. I wanted to earn money for products, not for talks.

Andrejus Petruša

Andrejus Petruša

© Photo from personal archive

At the same time, I wanted the products to be really solid and not just “accessories”. That was my mission and idea here.

The name of my product line reflects the principle that everything should be focused on the person, on noble goals, on love for oneself, love for others, support, growth and improvement. People are inspired by working, living, being close to each other. So the name “good karma” was very appropriate. And this brand has gradually become another new brand: “BIYOMA”. All the products that I create now have a new name, which means “total” or synergy between all the elements: earth, air, fire, water. Or – the synergy between Earth and Heaven. Synergies between nature and all living things, including humans. Now we have up to 11 complex food supplements, I want to have at least 25.

– Did you seek to surprise the world?

– When creating this line, our aim was to create products that would impress not only in Lithuania, but also around the world.

On the one hand, it was difficult, so I was looking for partners, I actively cooperated with professionals in my field: experienced suppliers of raw materials both in Lithuania and abroad: USA, Netherlands, Latvia, UK, Belgium.

I have simply made a lot of contacts over the years, I have a lot of acquaintances, a lot of friends, a lot of colleagues. I am a sociable, communicative, curious and professional person, that is why I have earned the respect of the same people.

When people respect you, share, as friendship grows, support, warm connection, true friendship arises. By the way, I myself have been a member of the International Organization of High Intelligence for about 15 years.

I studied a variety of subjects, from information systems, engineering, marketing, business, economics to medicine, manufacturing, nutrition, etc. My studies are ongoing. I have been studying food supplements full time for four years now, so as I jokingly say, I already have a ‘bachelor’s degree in food supplements’ and my products will be my master’s degree in food supplements.

When creating products, I constantly communicate with institutions in Lithuania: KTU Faculty of Food, State Food and Veterinary Service, Institute of Hygiene, Kaunas Science and Technology Park. I became friends with the Danish project SB Food Inno and Interrg South Baltic, a project designed to connect, integrate and help food innovators in Europe and the Baltic countries. I met the whole team, we are very good friends and we support each other a lot, I got a lot of good experience, contacts and inspiration.

– Which are your future plans?

– For the moment, I will deal with products that are already in production, introduce them to the market, develop new products – I have many ideas, I want to have at least 25 products, so there will be news, but not all at once, because a new product is created, manufactured, introduced to the market. requires a lot of energy, resources.

I hope that in the next 2021. it will be even more productive, because a very talented doctor and scientist Aida Budrevičiūtė joins the team. Together we can bring products to market faster and more professionally, we will work as a team and strive for common results. We are currently expanding, looking for new solutions to be able to create new and more complex products.

– Have you already won the first million?

– I’m in no rush to get to a million. I think the frequent ones would not know what to do with it or would make a lot of mistakes.

It is best to grow naturally, step by step, to avoid unnecessary stress and maximize accumulated experience, knowledge and skills. Slow but safe!

Companies can only survive in the global marketplace if they constantly create and implement innovations. The creation of innovations helps to adapt to the changing environment, to maintain demand, to develop environmentally friendly solutions, to achieve sustainability.

The application of innovation and a unique business approach promotes growth, adaptability and, at the same time, opens opportunities to surprise the world. In search of a suitable formula for food supplements, I decided to focus on one of the most promising and innovative areas not only in Lithuania, but also around the world: plant extracts, medicinal mushrooms, the best absorbed forms of vitamins and minerals .

However, it is vital for us to change our eating habits, to change our lifestyle towards a healthier and more balanced way, especially in today’s world of pandemics.

– Where can I find health?

– Health must be cared for in a comprehensive manner: food, nutrition, stress management, quality rest. You need to “discover yourself”, defeat the “inner demons”, cleanse the body and mind, change the environment to a more harmonious one, avoid harmful habits, “toxic” relationships and friendships, protect your energy.

Health begins not with a visit to a pharmacy or a family doctor, but mainly with an inventory in the inner world. Well-being is closely related not only to physical well-being, but also to a stable psychological and spiritual state. We need to enjoy every moment, appreciate the people around us because they are the true factor of happiness.

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