After the unexpected news about the pregnancy of Andrius Šedžius’s new lover: the wish of his ex-wife Monika Kvietkutė


Of course, the woman says that at the moment she only communicates with the ex-husband on issues related to the child, without any personality.

“Gabriel always wants to go with his father. This means that their connection is very good. However, I look at the child and if the child is happy, I am happy too,” smiles M. Kvietkutė.

Meanwhile, Monika is not willing to open or express her opinion about the relationship between Andrius and his current beloved Erdvilė; the woman says it’s just their business. However, the ex-husband would like to thank the beloved.

“I can only say that Erdvilė is a great girl. I can’t say a single bad word about it. She takes care of Gabriel, spends time with him, assures M. Kvietkutė. – And now the most important thing is that Andrius appreciates it. I hope that they are well “.

Delphi recalls that conversations about E. Pilvinyt conversaciones’s pregnancy began to spread after she suddenly became interested in children’s topics on social media, joined special groups, pregnant women’s communities, etc.

A. Šedžius, who was interviewed about a possible future son a little earlier, told the media that he would be eager to receive such a gift.

“I would like that, but a person can love a lot, the essence is that everything is controlled by God, who decides for whom he can smile so much happiness,” he said enigmatically.

The relationship between A. Šedžius and E. Pilvinytė, much younger, was made public last year, when the former Seimas member was still divorced from his then-wife Monika Kvietkutė.

For some time living together About the relationship with Erdvilas Pilvinyte Andrius Šedžius has not been inclined to open for a long time, but during quarantine, communicating with Delphi, the entrepreneur took over and recounted how his life had changed when a girl who was twice his youth entered Ireland a few years ago.

During the interview, the interlocutor did not hide the fact that he and Erdvilė live together, and also talked about how their relationship was affected by life and if we would have a wedding.

Last year, the media spread news about how another woman, 21-year-old E. Pilvinytė, appeared in Andrius’s life before the end of the divorce proceedings with his former lover Monika Kvietkutė. Delphi She told the portal very openly what was happening between her and the entrepreneur.

She admitted to being the new lover of a famous 44-year-old man, told about the acquaintance of the two in Dublin, serious relationships, coexistence and confessions of love by A. Šedžius.

Today, the couple’s life is a bit calmer: they both share a common life and live together in Šiauliai. Although Andrius no longer conceals this relationship from the public, when asked how they agreed during the quarantine and if there was any anger about it, A. Šedžius laughed.

“Well, like I said here,” he said with a smile and continued. – Seriously, I am a peaceful person and I am not angry with anyone. In general, I try not to have any conflicts. “

“It just came to our knowledge then. There is such a Russian saying, which means that we have to live, but we do not live with whom, we live with whom we live,” added the interlocutor.

Explaining that such a saying can somehow captivate Erdvilė, because she seems to be very much in love with him, Andrius calmed down.

“She is in love. But love, it happens, it happens. Life is full of worries. It is very easy to love and be good when there are no responsibilities or other difficulties, and when they arise, things often change,” says the man. When asked why A. Šedžius talks about these relationships in a rather limited and infrequent way, the former Seimas member did not deny that it was a deliberate step on his part. “I already have experience in my life, so I don’t I attack that relationship the other way around. It is not urgent to let them know or enjoy them “, explains the interlocutor.

Erdvilė also helps Andrius take care of his son or have fun with him. According to the interlocutor, the relationship between the child and his beloved is excellent.

“I’m very happy that you perfectly agree with Gabriel. They have so much fun that I even joke (I just don’t know if the readers will understand me well and won’t condemn me for that) … I joke that when they are closer, they agree more easily, – laughed Andrius. “For example, they are lying on the bed and I hear my son yelling: ‘Come on, Erdville!’ In this situation, not even Dad can catch up. They are true friends. “

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