After the tragic event at Šiauliai Hospital, Šimonytė’s call: addressed to the employees


However, the Prime Minister emphasizes that there is no rush to lay off or remove specific personnel in the hospital administration, as this requires a clear legal basis.

“I understand very well that the public is very excited in all these cases, because each one of those cases is very shocking (…), such a quick response seems desirable, and it is always desirable to cut off someone’s head. There are certain legal grounds for expulsion, there must be a specific responsibility of a specific person, ”I. Šimonytė told News Radio on Thursday.

It emphasizes that employees should not be afraid to provide the necessary information for the investigation in anticipation of necessary changes in the institution. The Prime Minister assured that SAM is working to create the appropriate conditions for the institution’s staff to disclose the necessary facts in a confidential manner.

“I have spoken with the Minister of Health about this, he has given me the floor to really create the conditions to present information to the commission in a way that creates the preconditions for the determination and disclosure of what is important. “If the people want to do it or just hope that the problem will somehow be solved without their participation, there is another question, but without the participation of the people, this problem will not be solved,” said the Prime Minister.

I. Šimonytė states that he understands that employees may feel insecure when sharing information, as there is a risk that management will not change.

“I understand that it is shy that if they provide some information, then I can respond to the same team, especially if it happens that nothing changes,” said the Prime Minister, noting that the authorities did not reveal certain facts known to the employees. you just won’t be able to solve the problem properly.

“You cannot expect that when such an event occurs, the government will come and solve a problem that is so delicate. Because here, like family relationships, as well as work team relationships, there are many breaches, a lot of information that the people of the country simply do not have and cannot have ”, assured I. Šimonytė.

ELTA recalls that after the crisis at the Šiauliai Republican Hospital, the Initiation to Change Group was formed. The Ministry, in cooperation with the State Labor Inspectorate, intends to use psychologists with experience in environments and culture conducive to mental health in the organization.

SAM contacted the treatment center early last week to provide additional facts and information that may be related to the event. On Monday, according to SAM, the information was received and is being evaluated. The group’s goal is to examine, understand, and evaluate ongoing processes, identify systemic problems, areas for change, and take action to end the situation in the long-term with solutions.

Specific allegations of mismanagement have not yet been made to hospital management. The task of the change initiation team is to assess all the circumstances and, in the event of reasonable suspicion or fact that further investigations should be initiated, they will be initiated immediately (without waiting for the group to complete its work).

The Ministry emphasizes communication and cooperation with all parties, is determined to listen to everyone, as the situation is multifaceted, information is constantly changing, and new circumstances are added. Related to it is the reorganization process, the demonstrations of mobbing, the management of suicide as a crisis event, ensuring adequate working conditions. The Change Initiative Group will allow each member of the community to be heard, ensuring anonymity, without revealing sources of information.

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