After the tragedy of a young doctor in Šiauliai, he spoke about the appalling working conditions: there are more such cases.


“The working conditions and the environment depend a lot on each clinic and specialty. We probably hear mostly about rape, psychological violence, harassment in surgical specialties, but there are definitely some nuances that young doctors face in many specialties, ”the president of the Young Doctors Association told Delfi Day.

According to her, since young professionals are not only employees but also students, such a situation is often used, and doctors themselves do not dare to seek help.

“We are attached to university hospitals, to certain departments, which means that many times it is impossible to leave them and change jobs. There are really cases in which the situation of young specialists is taken advantage of, manipulated, a great asymmetry of power arises and sometimes it is even difficult to get help ”, said K. Norvainytė.

According to her, the problems faced by young doctors do not take into account working hours, as well as pressure and humiliation, even in cases of physical violence.

Kristina Norvainytė

Kristina Norvainytė

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

“Some residencies have long working hours, which sometimes are not accounted for or are not paid properly. In other cases, there is a huge burden of bureaucracy: young doctors are the ones who get all the” paperwork “necessary to do all the black work. There may also be cases where you just put pressure on the job itself – I know some [specialistai] they are really humiliated and patients can be pressured during staff meetings. There are many such cases, “said a representative of the young doctors.

“We have also heard of cases where operational tools are buried in young professionals,” he added.

Non-isolated cases

According to K. Norvainytė, similar cases occur both in university and regional hospitals.

According to Jurgita Sejonienė, a member of the Seimas Health Affairs Committee, the age of doctors is very different and is under pressure; not only young specialists face problems.

“Employees of all ages are really vulnerable. Now the people of Šiauliai are calling, telling their stories, they are people of very different ages,” said a member of the Seimas.

“The legal basis in Lithuania is not bad, the question of why it does not work is the most difficult. Apparently, employees are afraid to ask for help, to express problems, “he commented on the” Delfi diena “program.

After the tragedy of a young doctor in Šiauliai, he spoke about the appalling working conditions: there are more such cases.

© DELFI / Orestas Gurevičius

Member of Seimas Linas Slušnys emphasized that these are not isolated cases, but almost a “tradition” that is observed not only in the health system, but sometimes also in the educational system.

“We don’t have enough people with a higher level of empathy in leadership positions. Perhaps we are still in the early 19th century in our vision of how to look at compassion. For some 30-40 years, the world has realized that it is not the economy that needs to be examined first, but human security, a good emotional state, and then the economy will perform well. The opposite is happening with us.

The manager becomes a director and, first of all, begins to take charge of the money. Everything else becomes a background. There is no such perception. This is not an isolated case, this is the whole management. Only representatives of global companies, who come with a completely different culture, begin to realize that the emotional health and safety of the employee is the most important ”, said L. Slušnys in the program“ Delfi diena ”.

On Sunday, the news spread on social media of a young doctor who had retired and worked as an anesthesiologist-resuscitator at the Republican Hospital in Šiauliai. The doctor was fired last Thursday for a serious misconduct, according to hospital officials.

Help lines:
Calls to all lines are paid by the Ministry of Social Affairs from the state budget.
Emotional support online
The Crisis Management Center (Antakalnio St. 97, Vilnius, has mental health specialists on call, whom you can consult upon arrival or via Skype without prior registration and free of charge. On-call psychologists will be available Monday through Friday from 4 pm to 8 pm, Saturday from 12 pm to 4 pm. Working hours: I, III, V 16.00–20.00 All additional information – on the page Assistance to relatives of suicides: self-help group, frequently asked questions, literature and other useful information on the page Division of Child and Adolescent Crisis Intervention. Open 24 hours a day. (8-5) 275 75 64.

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