after the suicide of the doctor Šiauliai – A. Dulkys ordered to create a working group


The Ministry of Health, in cooperation with the State Labor Inspectorate and with the help of psychologists with experience in organizing the environment and culture conducive to mental health, will analyze the working conditions at the Republican Hospital Šiauliai. The purpose of such activities is to analyze, understand and evaluate ongoing processes, identify systemic problems, areas that need change, and take action to end the situation in the long term with solutions.

“The Ministry, with the help of experts and the community of this medical institution, is determined to jointly address the situation, listen to and evaluate all the information, put together clear goals and steps to move towards positive change,” said the vice minister. by SAM Aurimas. Pečkauskas, who will lead the change initiation group.

The painful event affected the entire medical community. What is being said today about how people working in personal health care facilities (PDI) feel reaffirms the need for proactive system-wide action to initiate an updated Action Plan on Psychosocial Climate and Psychological Well-being, to be presented to the public in the near future.

The loss of a young doctor this year has shocked the public; we are all in trouble right now. Experiencing pain manifests itself in complex and conflicting feelings such as anger, guilt-seeking, self-pity, sadness, tension, or helplessness. A similar event is repeated for the first time. This, of course, generates memories and a more intense response from the medical community, as well as discomfort.

SAM is extremely sensitive and responsible about the importance of managing this crisis event and emphasizes the need to prioritize emergency psychological care in the first week of the crisis. Immediately after news of the disaster, a mobile team of crisis management professionals set out to help the hospital community.

His intervention focuses on helping reduce the consequences of a sudden loss. Psychological help or emotional support is most important for people directly and indirectly affected by suicide, not only in the first days of survival, but also during the survival period of the crisis in order to return to a normal life.

Following the recommendations of suicidologists and the World Health Organization (WHO), we remember that suicide is a complex, complex and lengthy process, and often there is no single reason for a person to make such a decision. With the phenomenon of suicide, there are many myths that it is important to dispel, and to reiterate that suicide is not the answer, but for all those who are at risk of suicide, ask for and encourage help.

We remind you that the Ministry of Health has a direct line 8 800 66004, with which you can contact personally and anonymously. If the signs of suicide are noticed early, the person can be helped by listening to them and directing professional help. For this reason, it is extremely important to focus not only on the immediate but also on the work environment, to generate opportunities or know how to use mental health services.
