After the speeches of a famous priest: the anger of famous LGBT supporters – what darkness and shame


The speeches of the priest Algirdas Toliatas on Facebook caused anger among celebrities who support LGBT people. The famous priest shared an entry asking for the signing of petitions against the enactment of a gender neutral association and against the Istanbul Convention. It is true that, after receiving criticism, A. Toliatas withdrew the part of the post that deals with petitions.

“Dear friends, I received this letter from Lina Šulcienė. And very excited … I want to share with you. Perhaps it will also be your turn. I wish you a happy day! Dear dear companions on the path of spiritual life, dear peoples with whose souls we are intertwined! You probably know that we are in the prayer group for a family prayer campaign. Therefore, we want to let you know the message that comes from her. First, the prayer campaign was extended. Another 40 days before the end Lent. The situation in Lithuania is dire. The fight is really going big. The force representing the Lithuanian minority intends to transform the lives of all of us in a way that is favorable for them, but not for Lithuania The people who represent us and fight on the front lines testify that they feel that they are not fighting in the flesh. Prayer is a shield. It is necessary, it is necessary … Therefore, we strongly invite everyone to continue fighting. or in prayer and indifference. This is very important, very much, “wrote a well-known priest on the social network.

“The other request is a request for action. We probably feel that this moment invites us to come together and unite. We call not only to focus on signing two petitions. More importantly, we invite you to be heralds in your environment by encouraging people to they register, talking and explaining what is really happening ”, said A. Toliatas not to be indifferent.

Sadness. How much more do some need to grow … Homophobes have no idea: like it or not, LGBT people have always been, are and will be.

Not a day after the announcement, Tolyat added that the position expressed did not seek to incur politicization or agitation. “I can’t help but write. I have received a comment that my previous division is an upheaval and a move towards politicking. I really don’t have that goal. I only heard this weekend at this conference and especially from prof. Jokubaitis’s ideas ( like the provocative Jokubaitis), her part of the conference that begins at 1.24 am, made me think that many fundamental decisions in our country are made without the participation of society. Of course, society itself often prefers to sit at a telecom or surfing on Facebook to delve into the direction chosen by the Lithuanian and European strategists for them. So my sharing is an invitation to deepen the discussion. And I do not impose anything on anyone. I simply share my opinion as a free and democratic country ”Said the priest.

It seems that A. Toliatas received comments again after the second recording, so he shared another speech on Facebook. “It just came to our notice then. I hear comments that this sounds agitated. Although my aim was just a spontaneous invitation to delve into this topic. Therefore, I remove the part that deals with petitions. Because here everyone has to make your own decision consulting with your conscience. I think that the letter of the Conference of Bishops is very nice about it. So far the need to actively defend the rights of women, but at the same time warning that this document is like a train with more wagons. It is about artificially constructed social genres. The subject here is very delicate. It is worth a deeper discussion and reflection. Although, on the other hand, it is very likely that the train has already passed and can be discussed without arguing ”, Wrote the priest on the social network.

Vemsiu. The world of something trivial …

Famous people also reacted to such posts by a famous clergyman on social media. According to singer Justė Arlauskaitė-Jazzu, such an approach reveals a true atheism. “It just came to our knowledge then. The world of some insignificance … Don’t listen to your Pope, Catholics, think! What darkness and what shame when priests share those nests … Sadness. How much more do some need to grow. .. Homophobes have no idea: like it or not, LGBT people have always been, are and will be. Why do people want to control what is not in their will? To control human choice and ultimately , love. How good some feel … Here’s true atheism. This is distaste. It’s darkness, “Jazz said.

Opinion maker Agnė Kulitaitė also spoke about the recordings of the famous priest in public space. ‘TO. The tolate split was disgusting, but what else can you expect? It would be more surprising if they announced that finally, after 50 years of repair, church roofs were repaired and the remaining funds allocated to families living in poverty, ”wrote a famous woman on Facebook.
