After the secret vote, Pavilionis is happy: this time the entire Seimas did not give in to the Kremlin’s provocation


On the Delfi TV show “Delfi Daily Interview” Ž. The pavilion said it was glad that little by little we were learning not to succumb to the Kremlin’s provocations.

“This time the entire Seimas did not give in to this provocation by the Kremlin, because the purpose of these provocations is to divide us, to divide us within, with our allies. But, as I said in my speech, I think we are slowly learning and the way we all react to the inauthentic comment made by the Kremlin on June 19th by the head of the Polish Chancellery, to which Mr. Skvernel himself said there No there was a need to react, we all reacted very correctly, we did not comment. For me, the phones changed all day, but I saw how well Gabriel Landsberg reacted. I believe that we have shown an ethical and professional standard of response to the opposition itself, ”says Ž. Pavilion.

The opposition names three moments: Ž. Pavilionis’ visit to Sakartvele, conversation with provocateurs and marriages are seen as a sign of confusion of interests.

“I think I have responded to all those accusations, you can also read three pages of my speech on my Facebook,” says Ž. Pavilion.

Ensures that these are targeted attacks

Ž. The pavilion also said it was not possible to comment on the content created by the Kremlin.

“You see, there is a question of self-education here, not for nothing today, and I delivered books about those Putin trolls. Never tell Delphi or other channels to comment on content created by the Kremlin. That content is specifically designed to provoke such reactions. ”Says Ž. Pavilion.

“This is not authentic content,” he said again. Palionis.

According to the politician, all the Kremlin attacks have a purpose.

“I think all the Kremlin attacks have a real purpose. As the president of the Polish Sejm said yesterday at a dinner in which there was exactly the same situation and initiatives to remove certain people, she kindly said: tanks are more difficult to occupy countries, easier to occupy countries with information because tanks do not reach the brain as fast and information arrives in an instant, says politics.

When asked why such attacks are carried out against politics itself, Ž. Pavilionis said that we are very prominent in the global media right now, so it is easy to connect with specific people.

“I do not think it is only against me. And against the foreign policy of this coalition. See how the world media or the main experts now name us: these are certain leaders of freedom, our word is very listened to by the Belarusians on freedom issues, “says the politician.

In a secret ballot on Tuesday, 62 ballots were handed out to parliamentarians, while Ž. The flag would have needed at least 71 votes in favor.

Only the representatives of the Mixed Group of the opposition and members of the Seimas voted by distrust, the rulers did not participate in the vote.

Opposition officials sought to remove the head of Seimas URK for his remarks in a conversation with provocateurs in Russia, accused him of causing an “international scandal” during a visit to Sakartvele and criticized the Berlin-registered marriage during the mission.

Aušrinė Norkienė, the eldest of the “peasants”, who introduced the draft resolution on mistrust, stated that Ž. Pavilionis “with his irresponsible behavior systematically damages the parliamentary diplomacy carried out by the Seimas”.

Ž. The pavilion denied the allegations and said it had become a target of the Kremlin for its active activities against the eastern regimes.

He admitted that he had not been “careful enough” in speaking to Russian provocateurs, but welcomed his role in Sakartvele, noting the spouse’s trip to Berlin at his expense, married after official visiting hours.

A statement of mistrust in Ž. Paviionis was signed by 55 MPs from the “peasants”, social democrats, “workers”, Lithuanian regional factions and the mixed group of members of the Seimas.

According to the Statute of the Seimas, a proposal to dismiss an official of the Seimas must be considered when it is presented by the Board of the Seimas, a committee or at least one fifth of the members of the Seimas, that is, at least 29 parliamentarians .

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