After the loss of designer Žanas Maslauskas, happiness is back in the family home: son Ben and his wife Gintare await their first-born


The baby is expected to see the world in 5 months.

The couple exchanged gold rings shortly after Ben’s father, famous shoemaker Jean Maslauskas, left for Anapilin.

At the wedding ceremony at the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Palanga, when the young men exchanged rings, Ben was approached by his little brother, just three years old, who took his brother by the hand as he swore eternal love to her. bride decorating. her hand with a wedding ring.

The young people organized the celebration in the mythical town of Palanga “Auska”.

“We had no feelings for this place and we chose it for our celebration not because Auska is a legend of our parents. Yet this is the nature of Gintarė: Born and raised in Klaipėda, she constantly longs for the sea, especially now that she has been living in my home region of Kėdainiai for two years, ”said Ben.

From school love to marriage

Ben and Amber’s path to marriage was short. Gintarė was twelve years old when Ben, who had a career as a basketball player in the United States and graduated from high school there, began speaking on Facebook.

Before long, Ben and Amber’s dates became more frequent. Gintarė chose physiotherapy sciences at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences in Kaunas and Benas, business and communication studies at the ISM University of Management and Economics.

As he studied, Ben returned more and more to his parents’ home because it was important to him to put the knowledge he had acquired to the test.

“It just came to my attention then. I received several thousand euros from him, which I could risk and make good business decisions. I” burned “money more than once until I was convinced that not all business theories work in practice. Just that Dad was so smart that he limited my experiments to safe amounts. This practice in my dad’s business gave me the most I could get out of my studies. Also, it somehow turned out that my knowledge had a very positive effect on the business of my dad, I was very interested in helping him, so, without feeling it myself, I got involved in all the processes and had an increasingly important voice in decision-making. Apparently, so was my destiny: as soon as I achieved go into business at full speed, as soon as I could take care of everything from my father, he was very young, he was only 44 years old, and on August 30 of last year he left. without having another heart attack. “, – Ben spoke in the bo gives a year ago.

The engagement was prompted by dad

If it weren’t for Jean, Ben probably wouldn’t be married to Amber today. They, like most young people, would live together as they had for two years.

The son’s wedding was promoted by the father, a well-known shoe designer.

“Dad’s whole life was like fragile glass beads strung by beautiful coincidences and spontaneous events. Besides his spontaneity, our engagement did not pass. As I remember now, one day, when accepting individual orders in our shoe salon in Vilnius, Dad opens his sketch folder and there, among his papers, 400 euros. Overjoyed, he begins to laugh because he does not know where that money came from. And when they don’t know where, that’s not their thing: we go to the jewelry salon to buy an engagement ring for Amber, it’s a finger! And we went. We both chose the ring and even measured it on my finger, because his fingers are smaller than mine, this amber symbol of my love, chosen together with my father, was perfect ”, Ben rejoiced as he recalled the funny moment.

The quarantine almost ruined the plans.

Ben says that, accustomed to constant change, the unexpected and prolonged quarantine has almost ruined all his wedding celebration plans.

The young creators of Shoe House managed to avoid business stagnation. After taking a risky step and presenting the first independent collection of the “House of Shoes” shortly before the announcement of the quarantine, they did not ask about the works of Jean.

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