After the introduction of the masks, Veryga warns of two possible restrictions and remembers: a different system of sanctions is applied outside the quarantine conditions


Visitors should not wear masks only in places where it would not be possible to use the services with them: in catering establishments, sports clubs or, for example, when arriving at the razor. This time, legal entities will be responsible for the implementation of the requirement.

“It just came to our attention then. We cannot impose such measures on an individual. Quarantine allows such measures to be identified and then the liability imposed on the person himself. In an emergency, the legal regime allows a legal person to be held responsible. and must ensure that the requirements are met.

The services that the National Public Health Center oversees in the first place could impose fines and responsibilities on those who should not allow people to enter places where wearing masks is mandatory, “Veryga said.

The minister hoped that no fines were needed.

“When the message is spread, people tend to take care of each other and without services, comment on each other and work better than any official control,” Veryga said.

The main unknown is human behavior.

On Thursday, Professor Mindaugas Stankūnas of the Faculty of Public Health of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU) shared his ideas on Facebook that we are already experiencing the “second peak”. According to the researcher, we will most likely see a moderate increase in COVID-19 cases in the near future.

The Minister was cautious about the forecasts for the development of the situation in the country.

“The forecasts are very ungrateful. Those who have been so far have not given good results. Scientists have that job: looking at numbers, evaluating, predicting. We also have mathematicians trying to calculate, but there are too many unknowns that do not allow an accurate estimation. “Said A. Veryga.

The Minister clarified that these unknowns depend on all of us; The main one is human behavior.

“It just came to our attention then. It will all depend on how responsible society is treated. Decisions have already been made to wear masks in certain places. If we act as we did before, really responsibly, this is likely to be the scenario that M. Stankūnas also described. That is, there will be a steady growth in cases.

There are infected people in society, but if society protects itself, it will use protective equipment, that spread will be more isolated, somewhere where people do not have that means, they will not protect themselves, perhaps somewhere workplace place, on vacation. Such cases can be traced, those that were there can be found and can be effectively isolated, “said A. Veryga.

According to the Minister, another mystery is how individuals who return from countries where isolation is compulsory and where the spread is greater than in Lithuania will behave.

“If people follow the mandatory requirements, they register, they are at home and they do not walk somewhere, they will not infect others, it will be a scenario. But things can end, as happened in many European countries, where the second growth was even significantly higher than the first. It was just because he forgot, he was too relaxed, “said A. Veryga.

According to the Minister, the Government’s decisions on new measures will depend on the specific situation.

“The scenarios can be very different. One possible scenario is that those spreads will be higher in some places, they could even be quarantined locally. If it is generalized, more population measures will be taken, due to the limitation of the number of meetings and the like.

The health system should also react, fever clinics should be reactivated and tests in the hospital should be intensified. We have already followed this path, and we will not make any major new discoveries. But let’s hope that society behaves responsibly and doesn’t need stricter population measures, “said A.Veryga.

Weaknesses: celebrations and visitor behavior.

The health minister said the vulnerabilities that prevent the virus from spreading remain the same.

“If, for example, there are some celebrations or workplaces where a person becomes infected and perhaps without realizing that they are infected, they communicate more intensely, especially if it is the place where they gather to celebrate something, and that is the people who do not communicate constantly, (…) There that spread may be greater.

And, of course, those that come from countries where the spread is high. Therein remains the risk. Everything will depend on how people behave consciously. And he himself had to look at reports from long-distance drivers from the affected countries. It will not have a police officer next to each driver and company unless it is seen that it prevents people from walking through the stores, … we will have problems, “said A. Veryga.

So far, there are no plans to strengthen a sufficiently liberal border control regime, where people from high-risk countries have to register, and trust their conscience and responsibility.

“At the moment, we believe that the existing measures are sufficient. The situation is not deteriorating dramatically. But anything can be. Let’s not forget that the list of countries is also reviewed every week, unfortunately there are more and more countries that have to isolate themselves when they arrive.

Once again, I want to remind the population not to forget to look at the list of countries and monitor the situation very actively, first of all when deciding whether to go somewhere. If not necessary, I would especially recommend refraining from further travel, “said A. Veryga.

The Minister was skeptical of the discussion that those who came should be evaluated more actively.

“Testing does not replace insulation. Even if the test is negative, it can happen that people unnecessarily acquire a sense of security and walk somewhere thinking that they are not infected. That infection can manifest later, so it takes 14 days. isolation. Much depends on people’s conscience, since isolation is also allowed in the home.

You will probably agree that you will not park a police officer in every house, and you will not be lost. We appeal to the conscience of people and society, loved ones, those around them. Let’s understand that it depends on how we live, “said A. Veryga.

The Minister hopes that in the near future the traceability of contact cases will be controlled by a mobile application that people can voluntarily install.

“The app is being developed. A purchase was announced, a bid was won. I will not say the exact date now (when it should appear) but, if I remember correctly, August was mentioned,” said A. Veryga.

Patients have a more optimistic understanding than during the first peak.

The Minister of Health hopes that the work of medical institutions is no longer as severely restricted as it was during the first peak.

“We are already familiar with the quarantine scenarios, even in the case of the flu. There are milder measures, there is no need to shut down the treatment facility. But then there are demands to isolate the patient at bedtime until it is determined whether the person is infected, patient care is limited to a minimum, or no infection is allowed to prevent the introduction of infection.

Finally, keep in mind that doctors have already learned to have better care, there are more protective measures than at first, they are already paid to use them differently, there is more caution. Hopefully no further restrictions on the number of services are needed, “said A. Veryga.

However, according to the minister, if the disease spreads in a particular treatment center, you may need to severely shut down or restrict activities.

“This is due to the fact that a large number of doctors are isolated and it is difficult to provide services there. That is why we say that protection and surveillance measures must be maintained. Too much desire to rush with the services or relax completely for security reasons it can lead to some institutions not being able to provide them and then patients will be disconnected from many services again. We want to keep the golden mean for patients to receive services too, but also don’t forget about complete safety and precaution, “said A. Veryga.

Evidence that Lithuania buys

The Minister denied statements made by Šarūnas Narbutas, a public figure and businessman Šarūnas Narbutas, suspected of buying reagents in the Reagent Trade Special Investigation Service (STT) study, that Lithuania is not making proactive efforts to acquire evidence and that no public acquisitions are made after the first peak.

“I don’t know where Š. Narbutas takes such data and information. Even more so because he doesn’t participate in those purchases. He wouldn’t know much about them,” he said.

According to A. Veryga, how long the evidence available in Lithuania would suffice would depend on the scope of the evidence.

“They are a little smaller now than they were during peak hours, although we are doing a lot of testing.” I couldn’t say very precisely how many days would be sufficient for testing at maximum volumes. Because the institutions themselves also buy tests. They have different teams. As far as I have the latest data, it should be enough for some time by September. Purchases have been made, contracts must be signed for additional periods. Those purchases were made more routinely, because the quarantine has ended and we are returning to procedures that are more routine, “said the Minister.

Now said in public procurement intermediaries, such as the former Š. Narbutas, help is not supported.

“The procedures are more or less routine, and through a central contracting authority. The procurement situation is much calmer and simpler. Of course, it is not entirely simple, because the world buys them and you must be vigilant.

And because of the situation with Š. Narbutu, she is really weird. At the time the help was provided and there was communication from colleagues, no one knew that it was the actual mediation service for which they were remunerated. Many business and socially active people attended for free, organizing a wide range of initiatives. No one with us thought that such an option could be here. “It doesn’t necessarily go beyond the law, and it’s not for me to judge and evaluate it, but anyway, such a story is really unattractive,” said A. Veryga.

There is no point in negotiating vaccines individually

The Minister was also skeptical of criticism that Lithuania was not trying to buy future coronavirus vaccines on its own, although other countries were doing so.

“I don’t know how and where they are going or what other countries are doing. There are large countries that have their own producers, and we cannot compare them with those, be it the United States, Germany, France or the United Kingdom. Just keep in mind that they have not has approved no vaccine. All preliminary agreements are “forks in the water,” the vaccine may prove to be unsafe, unsuitable for use, “said A. Veryga.

According to the Minister, Lithuania participates in joint processes with the European Union.

“For as long as I can remember, the whole process has been referred to me and the European Commission has been asked not to hold individual negotiations, not to interrupt joint processes and to act in solidarity. This is how Lithuania behaves.” We have expressed our needs and we hope make those processes go smoothly in the EU, and we will receive those vaccines in the same way as in other countries, “said A. Veryga.

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