After the hawk was diagnosed with coronavirus, the LNOB interpreter said: we live in fear


This was confirmed by J. Sakalauskas himself on BNS on Friday.

“Yes, it is true, I received positive data this morning that the coronavirus is present. The procedures are currently in progress, contact persons with whom I have been in contact have been identified ”, said the head of LNOBT.

He says he felt the first symptoms of the disease on Wednesday and went to a private clinic Thursday to get tested for coronavirus. The theater director says he does not know where he may have contracted the coronavirus because he has not recently gone abroad, he did not communicate with people who would be diagnosed with the coronavirus.

J. Sakalauskas says that he avoided communication with the theater groups, and this week he had closer contact with various theater employees, mainly management.

“At the moment, there are solutions to disinfect the theater, stop work, investigate possible contacts and, after receiving answers, return to work for those who do not have those risks,” said J. Sakalauskas.

Over the weekend, he claimed to have participated in two open air events in Klaipeda: the Blue Dinner and the premiere of the Flying Dutchman opera in the port city. The mayor of Klaipda, Vytautas Grubliauskas, other public figures from Klaip otherda and representatives from the world of music also participated in the events.

“I felt bad on Wednesday, there didn’t seem to be any illness on Thursday, but I went to do prophylactic tests, little thing. Today it has gotten worse again (…), at this moment it seems that I don’t have the temperature, it goes up, down, the symptoms are very rare, ”he said.

J. Sakalauskas claims that he isolated himself at home, along with his children.

He claims that theater facilities will be disinfected and employees who have been in close contact with him will be tested.

“If the tests are positive, there will be a separate language. If it is negative, after a while it will work again. “Only me and my immediate environment will have to quarantine ourselves for a longer period of time,” said the LNOBT director.

LNOBT also reported that due to the threat of coroanvirus, rehearsals in the theater have been interrupted, it is not yet clear if the premieres scheduled for this month will be held: the ballet “Gizel” by Adolphe Adam and Gaetano Donizetti scheduled for 12, August 13 and 14. (Gaetan Donizetti) opera Ana Bolena.

The theater has a total of more than 600 employees.

Epidemiologist: Contacts are established

Rolanda Lingienė, head of the Vilnius department of the National Center for Public Health (NVSC), says that the center ordered the suspension of the theater, epidemiologists are clarifying the situation.

“It was ordered to temporarily suspend the activities of the theater until we know all the people who have had contact, we find out which of them had high-risk exposures, who did not – pass, the epidemiologists work, we select other people. When cases are identified in other cities, colleagues work in other cities. This, of course, will first be the disinfection of the facilities, the search for contacts, the isolation and then all the other recommendations that will be necessary, ”he said.

R. Lingienė says that a person is considered to be infected for three days before the onset of symptoms. So according to her, if a person experienced symptoms last Wednesday, the term “dangerous” could still be last Sunday. The events in which J. Sakalauskas participated took place the day before, i. on Saturday.

“It just came to our knowledge then. But everything will be decided by epidemiologists,” he emphasized.

LNOB interpreter: we live in fear

Ballet performer LNOBT, speaking to BNS on condition of anonymity, argued that theatricals were concerned about the lack of security, as the government allegedly made concessions in harmonizing the descriptions that cultural institutions must follow to work during a pandemic, i. operating mode, with masks.

He said there were also concerns about management decisions to hold August premieres, despite the fact that a large number of concert venues around the world had closed at least until the end of the year.

“In this case, everyone has to wear masks. But musical venues, like the theater, all other concert organizations, operate according to their own description because they have come up with a safe plan. This plan is as follows: how much work is there in the theater, disinfectant liquid, no, the place is not disinfected, everyone walks without masks, they use a buffet. We live like nothing anywhere, so we had to wait for that ”, said the interlocutor.

According to him, when it became clear on Friday that the head of the theater was infected with the coronavirus, it was only reported that the theater was suspended until Monday. It is unknown if everyone will have to choose to rehearse again on Monday.

The man affirms that there may be more infections, because each head of the unit, with whom J. Sakalauskas met, communicates with hundreds of people.

“There is a ballet staging, everything is in such contact, everyone is dancing, sweating, screaming and the orchestra is sitting next to him. There is only one box of matches here, all you need is a spark. Playing with fire just to satisfy the whims of managers, who needs it? Why do it during the summer, when there have never been such productions in my life in the summer? “I was angry.

According to the artist, the colleagues were also suspicious of the fact that the theatrical art director Sesto Quatrini, who returned to Vilnius from Italy two weeks ago, felt bad, and also informed his colleagues about it.

“When he arrived in Vilnius, on the third day he complained that he was very ill in health. He arrived two weeks ago and, judging by the incubation period, it seems that it could be so. Not a single person saw him complain of discomfort”, said the interlocutor.

“People are afraid to give their opinion because repression can happen. People talk to each other and think about it, but are afraid to say it out loud. Because we are slaves, they can take us and kick us out saying that you dance or play. bad, ”he added.

V. Grubliauskas promises to search for COVID-19

The mayor of Klaipeda says that he participated in the two events mentioned over the weekend, which included J. Sakalauskas, but did not communicate directly with him. However, the mayor says he does not rule out the possibility of conducting preventive tests for the coronavirus.

“Both events took place outdoors, from what I could see, the requirements were met at both events. At the blue dinner I arrived for a short time, I was not in the hustle and bustle where the whole crowd was, I came almost directly to the stage, waved and flew to “Flying Holland”. “In Holland, as far as I could see, those chairs were arranged at the required distances,” said the mayor.

“From a preventive point of view, the requirements were met, and I really did not communicate with Sakalauskas himself, somehow the roads did not cross us,” said V. Grubliauskas.

The mayor says he advises those who have contacted J. Sakalauskas to monitor his condition more closely, and intends to do the same.

“I don’t really rule out that possibility (check – BNS), because it is important not only how you feel, how safe you are, but how much it can become dangerous for other people who communicate with you. Above all, I go on vacation the week that It comes, in any case, before I go on vacation, it can be good to know that you are completely healthy, first of all, taking care of others ”, said the politician.

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