After the first weekend of summer, the joy of the businessmen of Palanga: the mayor warned the capital


The siege of vacationers

According to the mayor of Palanga, Šarūnas Vaitkus, on the first weekend of summer, as many people as usual came to the beach at the end of July.

“The communists had a lot of work: about 10 tons of garbage were removed from the beaches from Šventoji to Palanga. These are large numbers typical of mid-summer.

Rescuers worked actively, but there were no incidents. It was gratifying that no intoxicated person was stopped on the beach. This shows that cultural people come to rest ”, said the portal. Š.Vaitkus said.

Such a rich weekend can mean that this season will be as good for Palanga and its entrepreneurs as it was last year. So business in the capital, not the coast, should be sad.

“I believe that the businessmen of Palanga do not complain and cannot complain.

I spent the weekend with my family in Vilnius. Then the capital should complain because its hotels are empty. We were at the MO Museum, the people in it were each other. People seemed to be missing somewhere.

Sunday around 6pm I drove from Vilnius to Palanga. I saw that the line of cars on the road stretched between Kaunas and Klaipeda. It was a sea of ​​cars. They all drew from the seashore: Nida or Palanga. This type of car traffic is rarely seen. People rode bicycles and towed trailers with boats.

So the spas have nothing to complain about, they have a lot of vacationers.

I believe that this year the rural tourism farms, by the lake, by the sea will be besieged by guests. Give it to God so that you can only work, ”said the mayor of Palanga.

He also noted that this summer, when travel to foreign countries is still restricted, many are likely to choose a holiday in Lithuania.

Full hotels

The fact that the hotels welcomed a large number of tourists during the weekend was also confirmed by Ingrida Valaitienė, president of the Palanga Hotel and Restaurant Association.

“Already on Friday, the system showed about 80 percent. Employment. This system shows all accommodations: both hoteliers and the private sector. It is a great job,” said the portal. she said.

According to her, tourists should book hotels in hotels two to three weeks in advance, otherwise, people may be left without a room for the night.

“There are still vacancies for next weekend, but they are the most popular, so the places are melting quickly,” said I. Valaitienė.

And in fact, on Monday, June 7, the system showed 74 percent. The places for the following Friday, Saturday and Sunday are already reserved. The price range for two people for two nights in a hotel is extremely wide: from 100 to 800 euros.

For example, representatives of the Hotel Palangos Vėtra said that all rooms were filled this weekend and there were no more vacancies for the next weekend. There are only a couple of rooms left for Friday.

The Hotel Gabija was also full on the first weekend of the summer. There are also no vacancies for next Saturday. However, if you want to reserve a room on a Friday or Sunday, you will still have the option.

“In summer, you always have to reserve seats in advance. But there are many cases where people, after hearing favorable weather forecasts, arrive after work, around 6pm to call.

And on Fridays, there are those who decide at the last minute to go to the seashore, and then look for vacancies whenever possible. However, in such cases, there is little we can offer, ”said a hotel representative.

On Monday, about 80 percent of the reservation was made at the Hotel Vanagupe. bedrooms.

According to his representative, not all hotel rooms have yet been opened, as the goal is to ensure maximum security for guests: the quarantine has not yet ended.

However, he has no doubt that this summer, like last, will be a great success for beach hotels.

Also visit the museum

Rasa Kmitienė, director of the Palanga Information and Tourism Center, said that the number of people in this complex had already increased when movement restrictions between municipalities were lifted.

According to her, most of the coastal guests will be Lithuanian again this year, but the situation is expected to change slightly from mid-summer.

“We hope that from July 1, when the European Union Green Passport is introduced, we will receive guests from neighboring countries: Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Germany, Scandinavia.” R. Kmitienė spoke.

According to her, tourists who come to Palanga spend time not only sunbathing by the sea, eating in cafes or restaurants, but also looking for entertainment. Families who arrive often take them to playgrounds, a park, or a museum.

“Museums are very popular. People on the beach want to go somewhere, do something, see.

Popular and active tourism – bike rental. Many people sit on them and drive to Klaipėda, Karklė or Šventoji “, R. Kmitienė spoke about the activities of tourists.
