After the declaration of G. Nausėda about 75 thousand. vaccine dose – SAM explained


However, at the same time, he did not miss the opportunity to criticize the ongoing vaccination program in Lithuania, stating that, to his knowledge, there are currently around 75,000 unused people in the country. COVID-19 vaccine dose.

“I want to say that today, to the best of my knowledge and belief, 75 thousand have not been used. vaccines, that is, in the coming days, even if we work very hard, we have to work to absorb this vaccine, ”said G. Nausėda.

SAM: Only the vaccines that arrived in Lithuania this week have not been used

In turn, the representative of the portal of the Minister of Health Aistė Šuksta He assured that so far only the vaccines that arrived in Lithuania this week have not been used.

“No vaccines have been used because they have just arrived in Lithuania. Some of them were eliminated on Tuesday and others today. Naturally, on the same day of arrival in Lithuania, the vaccines are checked to comply with the cold requirement and orderly packaging This is logistics, “said a SAM spokeswoman.

According to her, all vaccines that have previously arrived in Lithuania are transported to vaccination centers. “There are no vaccines in stock, all vaccines are distributed after vaccination centers. Today, some of the vaccines were in stock, which were delivered on Tuesday, which is less than 12 thousand, but they will be distributed today, ”said A. Šuksta.

However, he later clarified that the sum of the vaccines that remain in the warehouse and those that have not yet been used, but which are already in the vaccination centers, yields around 70 thousand. unused vaccines: “The number mentioned by the President is the sum of what is not vaccinated. (…) Look at the numbers and see that 328 thousand vaccines were received and 254 thousand were used. Where is 70 thousand? They have been delivered to vaccination centers and are currently in use. “

The biggest focus is on the pandemic and Belarus

Following the meeting with the Estonian leader, the President of Lithuania stated that while the meeting had a lot of discussion about geopolitical challenges, one of the most important topics was the pandemic. G.Nausėda emphasized that both Lithuania and Estonia are currently facing similar problems and both countries have established very ambitious vaccination plans.

“It must be recognized that we have faced very similar problems and we are taking very similar measures to combat them. In fact, a lot depends on the current quarantine policy, but at the same time both countries are very ambitious in the implementation of the vaccination program ”, the head of the country is convinced.

The president said the meeting focused on Belarus, both on human rights violations and on the Astrava nuclear power plant in the country.

“In our meeting, we also paid a lot of attention to avoid supplying electricity from an unsafe nuclear power plant in Belarus to the Baltic market. Because today there is a real need for effective and real measures to prevent this electricity from entering our market and into that of continental Europe.

This requires technical solutions, which really require political will to implement, “said G. Nausėda.

Su darbo vizitu į Lietuvą atvykusi Estijos prezidentė Kersti Kaljulaid trečiadienį su Lietuvos vadovu Gitanu Nausėda aptarė COVID-19 situaciją, padėtį Rusijoje ir Baltarusijoje.<br />Presidency photo “itemprop =” thumbnail “class =” LGallerySingle__image “data-v-aacb7394 =” “/> <span class=
More photos (28)
On Wednesday, Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid, who arrived in Lithuania on a working visit, discussed the COVID-19 situation, the situation in Russia and Belarus with Lithuanian leader Gitanas Nausėda.
Presidency photo

G. Nausėda: The human rights situation in the surrounding states is deplorable

Speaking of human rights violations, he referred not only to Belarus, but also to Russia, calling the situation “quite deplorable”.

“Another important issue is the human rights situation in neighboring states. Unfortunately, today it is in a rather deplorable state and we are witnessing continuous human rights violations in Belarus, the persecuted opposition.

Unfortunately, similar processes are intensifying in Russia: the arrest of Navalno, the persecution of opposition leaders, and the very disturbing phenomena surrounding the falsification of history and the absolutely shameful decision, I will not call it, to prosecute our judges. and prosecutors seeking to restore justice in the January 13 case.

We are not going to put up with that and I think that the entire European Union, which is currently in the process of applying sanctions, cannot bear it, ”the Lithuanian leader emphasized.

Su darbo vizitu į Lietuvą atvykusi Estijos prezidentė Kersti Kaljulaid trečiadienį su Lietuvos vadovu Gitanu Nausėda aptarė COVID-19 situaciją, padėtį Rusijoje ir Baltarusijoje.<br />Presidency photo “itemprop =” thumbnail “class =” LGallerySingle__image “data-v-aacb7394 =” “/> <span class=
More photos (28)
On Wednesday, Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid, who arrived in Lithuania on a working visit, discussed the COVID-19 situation, the situation in Russia and Belarus with Lithuanian leader Gitanas Nausėda.
Presidency photo

He talked about the unused doses of the vaccine.

The leaders of both countries were asked if they were satisfied with the centralized purchase and supply of vaccines from the European Union to member states and how they evaluated the decisions of some countries to purchase additional vaccines from Russia or China.

“Today we talk too much about the plans of one of the manufacturers, their changes, because those plans may change in one direction or another next week. I really want to urge you to talk about vaccine supply as a whole and try not just to copy the facts of the past, but to look ahead and see the dynamics of the process. Today I miss that.

(…) Today, talking about some alternative vaccines from manufacturers in other countries is not serious, especially since these vaccines have not even started their approval process with the European Medicines Agency. This is a long enough process to have its own preparatory phases.

Therefore, if today a procedure of this type were theoretically started for one or another manufacturer, it would be completed very quickly and by then we would have vaccinated our people to the extent that we intend to vaccinate ”, answered G. Nausėda.

The president added that, to his knowledge, there are currently around 75,000 unused in Lithuania. Vaccine doses: “I mean that, to my knowledge, 75,000 have not been used today. vaccines, that is, in the next few days, even if we work very hard, we have to work to absorb this vaccine ”.

Su darbo vizitu į Lietuvą atvykusi Estijos prezidentė Kersti Kaljulaid trečiadienį su Lietuvos vadovu Gitanu Nausėda aptarė COVID-19 situaciją, padėtį Rusijoje ir Baltarusijoje.<br />Presidency photo “itemprop =” thumbnail “class =” LGallerySingle__image “data-v-aacb7394 =” “/> <span class=
More photos (28)
On Wednesday, Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid, who arrived in Lithuania on a working visit, discussed the COVID-19 situation, the situation in Russia and Belarus with Lithuanian leader Gitanas Nausėda.
Presidency photo

Estonian President Sputnik V does not close the door

The Estonian president said the country is currently vaccinated at just over 6 percent. According to her, although she would like the vaccination rates to be higher, the vaccination is the highest possible.

“Estonia has participated in all EU vaccine purchases. (…) Of course, we are unhappy with the delivery of vaccines because the previous agreements have not been maintained, but still today more than 6%. Estonians, “said K. Kaljulaid.

He also emphasized that AstraZeneca is not vaccinated in the elderly in Estonia. Kaljulaid noted that Estonia could also use third-country vaccines if they were approved as safe, but there is no rush to talk about them so far.

“For third parties. We are convinced that if these vaccines are approved in the EU, Estonia will consider them equivalent. The debate over whether we should hurry up and get the Sputnik V vaccine from Russia soon leads me to a serious communication problem that we have today in Europe.

In March, AstraZeneca will deliver around 900,000 units to Europe. vaccine dose. Yes, that is two times less than what they promised and we are disappointed, but even that number is as high as the amount of Sputnik V vaccine produced overall. Sputnik V vaccines sell for more than they are made, and we really don’t know how they will fare with their delivery.

The Estonian authorities are convinced that vaccines from other countries, if registered, will certainly be used to vaccinate our people. We will definitely do it, but at the same time I would like to warn you not to fall into the communication trap, ”said the Estonian president.

Estonian President K. Kaljulaid’s visit is dedicated to the centenary of de jure diplomatic relations between Lithuania and Estonia. He arrived in Vilnius on Tuesday evening, participated in a discussion seminar organized at the Estonian Embassy.
