After the appendicitis operation, a nightmare awaited me in Šiauliai Hospital: not only was it not treated, but I had to struggle to get a thermometer.


“He did an ultrasound, said he had appendicitis and ordered surgery. I say that everything is normal, everything is fine. Then, around 12 noon, since the COVID-19 test was carried out, they took me to surgery, – commented patient Julius Staskevičius.

The man said his health began to deteriorate one day after the operation.

“I tell my sister that I’m wrong. They say:” What’s wrong with you? “I tell myself wrong, my temperature has risen, I am cold. Measure the temperature – 39, everything is fine, dropped some fluids, dropped a little the temperature and that’s it, “he recalled.

According to J. Staskevičius, the next day nothing happened again, because no treatment was applied. He complained of discomfort for several days and his health deteriorated for hours.

“I had a lot of stomach pain and I couldn’t even touch it anymore, I was completely dehydrated because I couldn’t even drink, nothing left me. Also, none of that said, suffers a little more. I look at it that way and I’m already terrible myself, because I know I’m wrong, “he recalled.

The man says that not only was he not treated after the operation, but he even had to struggle to get a thermometer. The Šiauliai Hospital calls the situation the lack of communication.

“Perhaps the doctors somehow vaguely communicated, vaguely explained, presented the current situation, why one or another patient did not perform and did not perform the desired actions. In this place, it is probably possible to apologize to the patient only if, as I mentioned, the medical staff did not take one or another action, ”said Sonata Tenytė, representative of Šiauliai Hospital.

Although Joniškis was examined in Šiauliai for inflammation, the man was released from the hospital with his consent to refuse treatment. Although the husband felt very unwell, his wife drove him to the reception department of the Kaunas clinics.

“When you see the blood tests, you say you are a little short of sepsis. I was attacked by the treatment: four liters of fluids were instilled in me at night, 300 ml of antibiotics and antibiotics were added so that only I could start to get better. The next day I was feeling fine, “said J. Staskevičius.
Doctors from the Kaunas clinics do not want to comment on what could not have been done in the treatment of patients in Šiauliai. They sent a written comment explaining what condition the patient had come to visit.

“He complained of abdominal pain, intestinal dysfunction, generalized weakness. After the initial examination, laboratory and instrumental examinations (ultrasound and computed tomography), the patient was diagnosed with high rates of blood inflammation and infection in the area of ​​the anterior growth of the worm. The patient was hospitalized at the Kaunas Clinics Surgery Clinic, conservative treatment with antibiotics was prescribed ”, commented Tadas Latkauskas, Head of the Department of Colon and Perineal Surgery at Kaunas Clinics.

In Kaunas, doctors found fluid in the man’s abdomen and decided whether a second operation would be necessary, but after the antibiotics were activated, Joniškis was released from the hospital five days later. Meanwhile, Šiauliai Hospital takes the position that communication is to blame for this situation.

“Doctors make a decision, a certain treatment tactic, that provides the necessary actions, which may not be necessary and may not be necessary. The problem of communication between patients and medical personnel often arises due to stressful and perhaps elementary situations of lack of communication, ”explained S. Tenytė.

Joniškietis believes that one of the problems is that due to the coronavirus, visitors are not admitted to the hospital and patients remain only at the will of doctors.

“Because there are no visitors, no one can complain. No one is allowed in, no one sees anything, I can do whatever I want. Something as terrible as almost saying “I treat you as I want, if you die, this is your problem,” the man resented.

A representative of the Republican Hospital Šiauliai says that the medical institution is explaining why the patient was in a hurry to seek help from his hospital elsewhere. Almost 150 km. Doctors say that these postoperative complications are not uncommon and are found in up to 10 percent of cases. cases of the disease.
