After St. John’s Eve Wedding Invitation – Frustration: COVID-19 Test Failed


Renata from Delfi Vilnius wrote that she wanted to tell about an unpleasant incident that happened to her tonight on Tuesday night.

“Summer is the time of the wedding and I was invited to the wedding, which was going to take place on the eve of Saint John’s Day. I was happy thinking about how well there will be another opportunity to go out somewhere, to dress up to be with friends.

However, the call indicated that tests would be required as more than 30 people would attend. An antigen test was required. After receiving the link, I registered immediately, because the free places are melting, everyone is trying ”, he assured.

According to her, everything was planned, and after work the last hour was chosen – 20.53 at the Siemens Arena.

“I arrived at 8:57 p.m., but already while I was driving I noticed that everything is closed. I got out of the car without a phone, just with an ID card, and tried to get as close to the kiosk as possible with the door open. I say, ‘Good morning, aren’t you working?’ I asked several times out loud.

A young employee came out and said yes dissatisfied, that we had already finished the job. I said it was recorded and maybe a few minutes late, but it was recorded. She said everyone who was registered came. I started dictating his personal code to him, and he told me in a nasty way that he might not try. “

According to the woman, she tried to explain that due to the heat, blood was running and she had to stop it, so that was the only reason she drank.

“Then he said he would accept, tapped the fence with his finger and told him to turn around and come. I quickly tried to catch the doors I had to enter through and flew through here, but everything was closed. I went back to the kiosk where I had been before, and again asked where I should go in, and she pointed to the hole between the doors and said to come through here. I tried to sneak in and got stuck, she laughed, then I told her that maybe I was making fun of her, and she replied that if it didn’t happen, she wouldn’t ask for anything.

According to Renata from Vilnius, she received it as an opportunity to lose, but such behavior from the employee was not only rude, but also humiliating.

“Handling a pandemic and conducting tests of your own free will should not hire people who do not have an ecological understanding of how to deal with such a situation. She, a future or current doctor, but no longer patience or humanity. Thank you, I ran out of vacation” the woman lamented.

After St. John's Eve Wedding Invitation - Frustration: COVID-19 Test Failed

© DELFI / Tomas Vinickas

The situation is clarified

Delfi contacted G. Ruopaite-Beige, director of the Vilnius Public Health Office, who said he had responded immediately after receiving a letter from the editorial office about the incident. According to her, it is explained who was on duty at the time and why this may have happened.

“The point is open until 9:15 p.m. and there really is no practice to finish the job earlier. I sent a letter to the staff, repeated the on-call procedure, explained the situation, and if the details were clear, we would impose some penalties.

In fact, it is regrettable that this was done. It doesn’t matter what mood people come to try, but our employees must always behave with respect and kindness. We will try to clarify this situation. “

According to the director, a greater flow of testers is not observed, flows are managed, but there may be unpleasant situations with incoming people. When asked if it is not difficult to find the exact place where residents should be tested, he said that many people have already been tested and no problems have arisen as a result so far.

The number of guests is not limited with a passport for personal celebrations.

Delfi reminds that the Opportunity Passport is valid for those who:

  • have been vaccinated with one of the following vaccines against COVID-19 (coronavirus infection):
  • 1 week after the second dose of Comirnaty or COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna according to the vaccination schedule;
  • 2 weeks after dose of Janssen COVID-19 vaccine;
  • 4 weeks after the first dose of Vaxzevria, but no later than 13 weeks before the second dose. Also immediately after the second dose;
  • after the second dose of Vaxzevria has been administered according to the vaccination schedule.
  • developed COVID-19 disease (coronavirus infection) and the diagnosis was confirmed based on a positive SARS-CoV-2 antigen or PCR test, and no more than 210 days had passed since the positive test result (but no before the end of the prescribed period) isolation period). If a person has been diagnosed with COVID-19 but has not consulted a family doctor, and the fact of the disease is not recorded in their medical history, they will not be able to obtain an Opportunity Passport.
  • after COVID-19 and negative: 72 hours (from time of sampling) after SARS-CoV-2 PCR or 48 hours (from time of sampling) after antigen test.
  • They are children under 16 years of age. People under the age of 16 do not need an Opportunity Passport, they can use the more lenient quarantine conditions by presenting an identity document to prove their age.

Important: Testing at municipal mobile points is performed using rapid antigen testing.

When only people with an Opportunity Passport are present at a personal celebration, their number is not limited.

In addition to the Passport of Opportunities, contacts in public and private closed spaces are limited to 10 people or two families and / or two members of the household, and in open spaces the number of people is not limited.
For testing, the SARS-CoV-2 PCR test is valid for 72 hours (from the time of sampling) and the antigen test is valid for 48 hours (from the time of sampling) from the negative test result.

It is strictly forbidden to use the information published by DELFI on other websites, in the media or elsewhere, or to distribute our material in any way without consent, and if consent has been obtained, it is necessary to cite DELFI as the source.
