After reviewing the statistics on the incidence of the coronavirus, Pinskuvienė was surprised: people who had already recovered were included


As the mayor of the Širvintos district told the portal, it was noted that the information provided in the general map of the incidence of the coronavirus in the country and the detailed data provided to the municipality of NVSC are different.

Municipal specialists saw that the list of sick people in Širvintos district sent by NVSC also includes a colleague who had recovered from COVID-19 a long time ago.

“Then we started to check and see why there are such differences here, maybe the data did not go somewhere. Then our responsible specialists, who have the right to work with the data protection database, reviewed the lists and we A municipal specialist first drew attention: he was at work for the longest time, but he was on the list “, – Ž. Pinskuvienė.

According to the mayor, this list also found another specialist who works in the municipal administration, who has already returned to work after an illness.

“Maybe two months ago I sent a very similar message (to Facebook – aut.p.), because we had a kindergarten employee who was on the sick list, even though he used to work. Maybe she was ill in mid-October,” she recalled the mayor of the Širvintos district.

Ž. According to Pinskuvienė, on Saturday the municipality continued to review the lists of the population with coronavirus in the district and ordered the medical institutions to update the information.

“Some medical institutions have recovered and 20 people have already decreased”, Ž. Pinskuvienė.

It is caused by the lack of a unified system and medical burdens.

According to her, this is not the responsibility of the NVSC, but of the medical institutions themselves.

“If the family doctor did not say that the person is healthy, then the NVSC and the person hang up. We wrote to all institutions on Friday. We cannot write orders to individuals, we can ask their doctors to treat their patients,” he said the mayor of the Širvintos district.

He noted that he understands that the burden on doctors is high.

“The man is sick, he called the ambulance, the ambulance took him to Vilnius. The man left the hospital and the burden on the large Vilnius institutions is enormous and the doctor did not fill out that form. So our GP doesn’t see that the person was in the hospital and left for a long time ”, Ž. Pinskuvienė.

He wondered why, with so much money earmarked for the improvement of various systems, there is still no unified system in the health sector; According to the mayor, if a person who has recovered in Sodra ends his period of incapacity for work, it should be automatically reflected in the electronic health system. In this way, J. Pinskuvienė pointed out, the burden on doctors would be reduced.

“I really don’t understand if it is that complicated – when you see” disability “in” Sodra “that the inability to work has been” closed “, that person would automatically be excluded from the system. Where is the problem here? and there is no basic elementary system ”Ž. Pinskuvienė.

After reviewing the statistics on the incidence of the coronavirus, Pinskuvienė was surprised: people who had already recovered were included

Most of the inaccurate data comes from private treatment centers

At the same time, the mayor noted that most of those inaccuracies come from private medical institutions.

“Most of these disorderly patients are in private centers. There is no responsibility or burden to any government for private centers. Take a look: government outpatient clinics must open fever clinics, all patients must be admitted, private centers don’t need it, they don’t have to spend on it. Vaccination is needed, who is responsible? Municipal administration and polyclinics. You need to prove: who is responsible? What are private centers? They are not able to cope with this data even on the ground, ”Ž said. Pinskuvienė.

According to her, this situation must be addressed quickly.

“Quickly take and calculate in real terms: give tasks, orders to all centers – 24 hours a day to organize the data and maybe those numbers will be completely different and those panics will be less, and everyone will be able to continue working and living normally. Undoubtedly, we will keep walking with masks, getting vaccinated, we will do all this, but perhaps there is not such a cruel decision that everything is closed, ”added the mayor of the Širvintos district.

NVSC has data provided by physicians

For its part, the NVSC also approved Ž. Pinskuvienė’s statement that the center only manages data provided by doctors.

“NVSC does not diagnose COVID-19 disease, nor can it confirm the fact of death or recovery. This is the competence of doctors. This means that the doctor who supervises the course of the disease, after evaluating the clinic, that is, the symptoms perceived by the person, as well as the legislation governing recovery, that is, when a person can be considered healthy according to the form disease, you can confirm recovery and record it in the human health record. For its part, NVSC automatically imports the data of the people recovered from the eHealth system. In general, if a doctor does not indicate that a person has recovered, it will not be visible in the statistics, “comments the NVSC. Delphi.

The portal also requested a comment from the Ministry of Health. Once we receive it, we will complete the text.

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