After quarantine – marriage on the beach: favorite places, one of which is already forbidden


Marriages in Palanga are more abundant

The Civil Registry of Palanga records a little more than two hundred marriages annually. The head of this department is Žaneta Žulkuvienė 15 minutes he said marriages are likely to be more frequent this year.

“During the summer, it will be difficult for us to meet this year, because there are married couples remarried since last year, especially foreigners who could not come,” said the host.

According to her, in summer probably the main desire to get married in the open air: by the sea, in the park, in a pine forest.

“There are many beautiful places. This year, we have noticed an unusual number of extroverted marriages. During a week we only had marriages of this type and only in the villa “Komoda”. We laughed that we went there for work. The couples chose in the rose garden next to the villa, in its park.

My other favorite places are Birutė Park, both on Birutė Hill and on the small ground floor, where there is a greenhouse. There is a small sculpture and a rose nearby, a bit far from the Amber Museum, a really wonderful place, ”said Ž.Žulkuvienė.

Those who want to get married outdoors are not put off by the unpredictable coastal weather. The presenter says that newlyweds decide to take the risk, and usually that risk is really worth it.

“People take risks, offer alternatives if bad weather, wind, comes back to us in the hall, but know how deliberately the sun is shining at that moment,” Ž said. Žulkuvienė. – We had planned a marriage in the rotunda of the park. The rain was pouring down from the bucket, it was gray, we called, we asked the young people, what are we going to do? And they say: we look through the application, the sun must shine. And actually, half an hour later, the rain stopped raining. “

People take risks, they give us alternatives if bad weather returns in the hall, but know how deliberately the sun is shining at that moment.

Kurhauze Registrars

This season, newlyweds will also be able to get married at Kurhaus. A couple already had the opportunity to register their marriage at this location. Another couple has expressed their wish to get married in July.

Currently, Kurhaus has been transferred from the municipality to the Palanga Culture and Youth Center.

“It will be a popular place, we have no doubt, because we receive many calls, but the employment must be coordinated with the Kurhaus administration so that other events do not occur,” said the president.

The Palanga City Council should approve in the near future the rates according to which Kurhaus will operate, the pavilions will be rented, etc. The newlyweds will also have to pay for the use of the marriage room. Preliminary price: about 120 euros. An additional € 60 will be charged for the departure service of the civil registry staff.

Photo by Aldas Kazlauskas / Representation room and reconstructed terrace of Palanga Kurhaus

Photo by Aldas Kazlauskas / Representation room and veranda of the rebuilt Palanga Kurhaus

Both on board and at the dock

There will be no shortage of newlyweds this season at Curonian Spit. Edita Vaičiūnienė, Head of the Neringa Municipality Civil Registration Division 15 minutes He stated that there are several places on Curonian Spit that are especially liked by honeymooners. There are also original spaces discovered by the newlyweds themselves.

“The places remain practically the same, one of them is the parking lot next to Tomás Mano’s house, where there is an Italian view. It is one of the most popular, welcoming and suitable places for this occasion. He also chooses another place: on the dock of the Curonian Lagoon. I would say quite appropriate, because it is possible to manage the flow of vacationers, because it is really difficult in summer in Neringa with the flow of people.

We don’t get to the sea at that time, because it’s not fun with vacationers, but newlyweds choose entertainment spaces like the “Dome.” There by the sea a platform is prepared, an arch, as the newlyweds wish. They will also get married at the Preila rescue station, there is the possibility of renting a festive space for the event, ”said E.Vaičiūnienė.

Photo by Thomas Mann Cultural Center / Thomas Mann Cultural Center

Photo by Thomas Mann Cultural Center / Thomas Mann Cultural Center

According to the hostess, the newlyweds have their own history, they choose places related to their love, pairing, dating.

“I am also married at the lighthouse, on board. It has an interesting appeal. I remember we sailed to the great dune, the ship anchored, we performed the ceremony and transported myself, and the guests continued sailing. It is both entertainment for the guests and a ceremony. in a beautiful and unique place ”, said the host.

Metric staff are often flexible about the locations chosen by newlyweds. It is true that E.Vaičiūnienė says that in extremely remote places, where it is necessary to travel through the dunes, efforts are made not to register marriages, because there is simply no possibility of spending so much time with a couple.

On the sundial – sure

Although the dune of Parnidis with a sundial was not the most popular place for marriages, as of this season it is generally forbidden to register marriages here. The Neringa Council made that decision in the spring.

According to E.Vaičiūnienė, this was decided by protecting the dune to control flows and transport. There is never a shortage of visitors to the dune, especially during the summer season.

“It is very difficult to organize a celebration here because of the constant movement and excursions. The symbolism was simply abandoned: the sundial is designed to check, not to walk through the dunes for guests, wedding guests.

There was a constant question for other people as to why someone was climbing the dunes and they couldn’t. To protect nature, it was decided not to do it there, there are more areas that are more suitable, “said the president.

Photo of the couple / Dune of Parnidi

Photo of the couple / Dune of Parnidi

This place also becomes problematic due to the winds that make it difficult to celebrate when signing documents.

“This year, Neringa’s interest is really higher, maybe last year she felt she was more interested, and this year we are married every business day, not just Saturday. Weddings are scheduled for different business days throughout the summer. Only so much that there are places to celebrate in Neringa.

Perhaps there would be even more traffic if it were possible to book nights and vacations. Nobody wants to rent accommodation for a few days, they often want to rent it for at least a week, ”said Neringiškė.

According to the woman, the Curonian spit is associated with a certain exoticism for many Lithuanians, so this place also seems very symbolic for marriage.

“Neringo as a foreign country – beyond the lagoon, when you get here you have to cross to the other, more exotic shore”, smiles E.Vaičiūnienė
