After Pravieniškės prisoner’s escape – scandalous testimonies: 3 fences crossed, not even 13 shots fired


And up to 13 were released, at least according to an official who tried to arrest Mr. Stulgis, who was running out of prison.

M. Stulgys was convicted of escaping from the correctional facility: Rasa Balsevičienė, judge of the Kaišiadorys Chamber of the Kaunas District Court, added to her imprisonment for another 6 months, therefore, the convicted person may be released only after 5 months and 5 months. Since he was convicted of a crime committed in a prison, Stulgys will not be able to claim his early release.

“M. Stulgys knew that his duty was to be in the place of residence of the convicts at night, in the territory of the correctional institution, but he did not fulfill this duty, with active actions he left the territory of the correctional institution, disobeyed the demands of the officials to stop “, declared the judge in the sentence.

In imposing a custodial sentence, R. Balsevičienė emphasized that during the execution of the custodial sentence, Ms. Stulgys was punished three times in a disciplinary manner, promoted only once, in addition, she recognized the provisions of the subculture of the convicted and did not participate in positive employment measures.

According to the court, Stulgys, who is serving his sentence, is not drawing the correct conclusions and is inclined to commit new crimes.

The reason why he fled the correctional institution was not explained during the pre-trial investigation or court hearing: the confused inmate refused to communicate and stated the reasons. Psychiatrists who examined the prisoner diagnosed him with adjustment disorders, but said the man could be tried and serve his sentence.

It was no coincidence that the doctors alluded to this health condition, so M. Stulgys probably tried to escape from the correctional facility. The convict, who could not be reconciled to the new reality of life, had previously hinted to his family that other convicts in the correctional center used not only psychological but also physical violence against him, so he asked officials for help, but nobody he reacted once he was injured. fearing further inconvenience, he told investigators that he had inadvertently injured himself.

There is no evidence that he was abused in a criminal case in which Pravieniškės Correctional Facility officers conducted a pre-trial investigation; only a few prisoners had hinted that Stulgys had planned to flee the area early because he wanted to meet his girlfriend.

Mindaugas Stulgys

Mindaugas Stulgys

© DELFI / Kiril Tchachovsky

“He does not want to say the reasons for his escape, even if he was being bullied, he probably will not be useful to talk about it, he will still have to be in a correctional center,” perhaps he does not want to say the real reasons for it, “said Alexander Kuznetsov , a defense attorney for Stulgis.

At that time, Ms. Stulgis’s sister admitted that her brother was afraid to speak up about what was happening at the correctional facility – she repeatedly complained that he was being abused. I once asked him if he had told anyone about it, but he didn’t even speak, he said, “Sister, don’t be mad, I can’t talk about this, because if someone listens to it, I will end sadly.”

“My brother did not escape the correctional facility by himself, he told me on the phone the day before that he would no longer be there,” he said. He couldn’t even imagine that he planned to escape, but he knew that he no longer wanted to live. I was very afraid that something bad would not happen to myself. He asked me to go on a date, he wanted to tell me something, but he still didn’t have time. “

According to the convict’s sister, even before entering Pravieniškės, she was comforted that she was afraid of entering the correctional facility. And when he entered, he was immediately uncomfortable with the other convicts.

“I know my brother was constantly beaten, he complained more than once, and there are acquaintances who said he was hitting the shower with wet towels because there are no marks left,” he said. “Once my brother was beaten so badly that he was on blueberries, he comforted me himself, and then I needed medical help.”

M. Stulgis’s brother, who currently lives abroad, stated that an official working in Pravieniškės said that the money earned was taken away by other convicts, and that night when he escaped from the correctional facility, other prisoners planned to bring him down to the caste. more low.

“He was blocked by a young boy, so he was easily injured,” he said.

“Believe me, my brother didn’t really have cakes there, on the eve he cried for his mother and told her that he no longer wanted to live, just asked her to pray and tie a red ribbon on his hand,” said Stulgis’ brother. “He didn’t say he was going to run, but he probably decided at the last minute, whether it is dying or running, it won’t get worse.”

“We all know by language what the laws of prisoners in the ‘zone’ are like, but that should not be the case: officials must maintain order, help convicts recover, but how they can change if there is more nonsense than freedom, “said the convict’s brother.

“He is still a boy, he was caught behind bars for the first time, he was completely terrified of other convicts from the start,” about M. Stulgis after escaping. Delphi said a prison official who asked not to be identified. “It is no secret that he told all the officers, both the platoon leader and the officers of the Criminal Intelligence Unit, but they all paid no attention to the fact that it takes time and he will get used to it.”

Mindaugas Stulgys

Mindaugas Stulgys

© DELFI / Kiril Tchachovsky

According to a prison staff member, the incarcerated convict visited prison doctors regularly for a good week and was also informed about the bullying he was experiencing.

At the hearing, Mr. Stulgys testified that he had pleaded guilty but did not recall the day he had fled the correctional facility. The convict declined to answer questions, but did not say why.

M. Stulgys escaped from the correctional facility on September 8 last year. In the afternoon. This escape from the prisoner caused confusion when necessary: ​​the officers also used their colleagues to help, the neighborhoods were combed, after about 20 minutes. Even a helicopter rose into the air. Information about the escaped prisoner soon appeared on the online prisoner forums, and the chief of the correctional facility came home from work in the evening.

At the time, the Department of Prisons provided relatively “dry” information about the riots: 10:25 p.m. the convict left the first sector, he had around 2 p.m. detained on the Vilnius-Kaunas highway near the institution, the man is currently isolated. “The administration of the institution thanks police personnel and other police institutions for their help,” department representatives said.

At the time, an officer working in Pravieniškės said he was on duty in the security post tower that night, at approximately 10:25 p.m., when he heard a message on the radio station that the convict was climbing the second fence.

“I ran on the forbidden perimeter to the corner of the second guard section and at that moment I saw the convict: he ran to the corner of the second guard section and climbed the second fence,” the official said. – I told him to stop and back off, or – I will shoot, but the convict ignored my instructions, so I immediately used a firearm as a psychological deterrent. He still ignored it, climbing the second fence. I screamed again: I backed up and fired a few shots. Then he ran to the third fence, running around the forbidden perimeter. When I got up to the third fence, I yelled again: I stepped back, fired a few more shots. But he did not react: he crossed the third fence and fled to freedom. “

The officer said he fired live ammunition.

Another official at the Pravieniškės Correctional Facility, who detained Mr. Stulgis with a colleague at night, said he had been called from the house that night “under the emergency scheme.”

“They told us that the convict had escaped from the first sector, he gave us photos, he indicated the place of residence,” said the witness. – We carried out the calculations of the convicts, since it was late at night, we carried out the calculations in their homes and then inspected the surroundings following the verbal instructions of the Deputy Director. Police officers also drove, firewalls were built. We were informed that most escaped convicts go on roads and highways. This is what happened this time: we drove towards Kaunas and near the village of Grabuciškės we saw a person walking on a scarf. It corresponds to age, appearance. We stopped before him and asked where he was going. “Towards Prienai,” he replied. Then we jumped out of the car, admitted that he had escaped, said that he would not resist and that we would take him back. Everything went out at lightning speed, we inspected his pockets, we found the convict’s signal. The fugitive was tired, wet, exhausted and did not explain the circumstances, he just said that I am here, take me back. “

After Pravieniškės prisoner's escape - scandalous testimonies: 3 fences crossed, not even 13 shots fired

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

The Prisons Department has previously denied that other convicts were violent against Stulgis.

“The convict did not apply to the administration of the Pravieniškės Correctional Center or the Prison Department for psychological or physical violence against him,” the department said. – In each case, upon receiving information about the violent behavior of the convicts, the correctional institution officials react: depending on the circumstances of the incident, the convicted person or the convicts may be isolated, transferred to other sectors or correctional institutions. In case of violation of the requirements of the penitentiary system, the condemned will be subject to the sanctions provided in the Sentence Execution Code or to the start of a pre-trial investigation of a crime committed in a detention center. “

M. Stulgys, who comes from Prienai, was sent to a correctional facility to serve a 7-year prison sentence. He devoted himself to the fact that in 2017. August 11 killed a homeless man at night with two units in an abandoned old elementary school abandoned building with two units – he was hit by at least thirteen.

At the time of the crime, he had not yet come of age: he was seventeen years old. Fifteen years old was sentenced along with him.

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