After lifting restrictions, Lithuanians went to resorts: the most expensive now, not in Palanga


However, not all are ready to open their doors to visitors: some businessmen say that due to the unclear epidemiological situation in the country, there is no rush to start activities. Be that as it may, the places you can already stay have not raised their prices terribly, at least not yet.

Judging by the ads on, two nights per person this weekend in Palanga cost from 42 euros, in Druskininkai – from 44 euros, and in Birštonas – from 56 euros. It is true, according to the portal, in this complex almost 80 percent. all places on the weekend are taken.

More, but still few

Vytautas, the owner of the guest house “Bila Klasika” in Birštonas, says that he is already receiving bookings for the weekends this month, however, there are not many exceptional applicants yet.

“It’s a bit more daring to book, but there isn’t much to do yet, because there isn’t much to do here: lodging and walking. But hey, it’s freer, we’ve already booked for the weekend, we fill it up a bit, ”says Vytautas.

Attractions in Birštonas

According to the businessman, in general the activity of tourists in April depends mainly on the weather: if the weather is good, many more people come.

“In fact, we go all year round, of course, mostly on weekends, or when there is an event or congress in the city, then we spend the night, and in winter the weekends are more crowded,” adds the man.

And although this winter the businessman was unable to provide lodging services due to circulation restrictions in the country, Vytautas does not plan to make up for the lost months by raising the prices of the summer season.

“Even if we go up, it is symbolically the price of one night. I have in mind when people come for a night. But if there are two or more, the price will remain the same as last year ”, shares Vytautas.

Most calls, just before the weekend

At the time, Audrius Abromavičius, manager of the Simpatija hotel in Druskininkai, did not hide the fact that as soon as the traffic restrictions were lifted, the hotel immediately received reservations.

“Of course, there are not many yet, mostly applying for next weekend, not many people on weekdays. And people are more and more inclined to book rooms at the last minute, the flow intensifies just before of the weekend ”, shares A. Abromavičius.


According to the hotel manager, there are currently several types of customer reservations.

“There are several periods: this weekend and other reservations are already booked in May, June and July.

Usually late April, May is already a strong season for us. But if the restrictions come back, it’s natural that people just can’t come and they won’t, ”says A. Abromavičius.

The hotel manager adds that although the winter season was not active this year, it will not affect the prices of accommodation services during the summer season.

“It won’t change, it will stay the same as last year,” says A. Abromavičius.

Wait a minute

Rimas, who is dedicated to renting rooms in Palanga (his real name is known by the editorial board – aut. Past.), Says that people interested in leisure by the sea are already showing up right now. However, while the quarantine situation in the country is not clear, the businessman does not plan to carry out very active activities.

“As the situation is not yet clear, these releases are one day, there is no more, we are preparing more to resume operations from May. There are already some orders, there really are, more in May, June, and until then we do not accept too many reservations.

It does not make sense, because now the number of cases of disease in Lithuania is growing again, maybe everything will close again, so what is the use of starting to act when there is no clear perspective ”, shares Rimas.

Summer in Palanga

According to the businessman, April is usually a bit like the beginning of the season. However, the fact that the man plans to resume activities later this year will not affect accommodation prices, he said.

“It just came to our attention then. If the movement becomes more liberal, I think people will want to go abroad, it won’t make sense to raise those prices. Local tourism in general is problematic, because Lithuanians tend to come for a short time and it is People from other countries (Russians, Belarusians) may not travel much this year. It’s hard to predict, but we don’t really intend to raise prices, “says Rimas.

Most guests – in hotels

And if the smaller guesthouses still plan to wait a bit, the resort hotels will start at a much higher rate from the weekend.

According to Ingrida Valaitienė, head of the Palanga Hotel and Restaurant Association, to the news portal, there will already be 15 accommodation establishments belonging to the association in Palanga this weekend. Others plan to open a little later. The four hotels of the association should have their doors open next weekend.

I. Valaitienė says that already on Thursday the hotels were more or less full during the weekend; about 80% of them are already reserved in all of them. bedrooms.

“I really felt the growing interest and the flow of orders. Those hotels that have already started their activities, that have returned from downtime, will definitely have a good time during the weekend, ”says I. Valaitienė from

However, according to I. Valaitienė, this should not be considered a business recovery in any way.

“It is a return to our activities, to work, we cannot always be closed. It is not a recovery yet, it is just the opening of activities. After keeping people motionless for so long, it’s normal for people to lash out like crazy.

That effect was to be expected, it was difficult for everyone to stay that long, the more the sun rises, something with the children at home, this week of vacation for children still, it is a long-awaited and natural effect, we are not surprised. . But this is not a recovery. Cafes and restaurants are still completely closed. We cannot carry out activities in saunas and swimming pools ”, comments I. Valaitienė.

When asked if companies feel they can start running all services, a Palanga hotel and restaurant representative says the company is already adapted and used to security requirements. Now, companies that open their doors are also complying with safety requirements, with only employees who have passed coronavirus tests and received a negative response are returning to work.

“All the businesses that are now starting up again in our sector, be it accommodation, catering or beauty, need to be tested. Employees return safely and that environment is safe for work. It only remains to make sure that the guests comply with the measures accordingly. We adhere to that, a year has passed since March last year, it has already become a skill, a routine.

All distances, wearing masks indoors, adjusting guests, curtains, fences, hanging information sheets, cleaning rooms, ventilation have already become commonplace for us, ”says I. Valaitienė.

At the end of March, I. Valaitienė mentioned that the quarantine and an uncertain future, a possible third wave of a pandemic, still do not allow resorts to even begin to design more precise summer plans.

After mentioning the prices this time, the head of the association added that the prices of the leisure sector in Palanga resort will rise this summer, but these are annual changes with which the pandemic has nothing to do.

“Every year, not only in the leisure sector, but in general, it is natural that prices go up somewhat, because the costs in the resort are also going up. That is 5-7 percent. Prices in the leisure sector can certainly go up. It’s about accommodation, food, beauty and health services, ”said I. Valaitienė.
