After investing a hundredth thousandth, the symbol of Klaipeda lives in anticipation: the restaurant located in it tries to survive by experimenting


Maintaining a historic sailing ship in such a way that it justifies the name of a symbol of the city and remains one of the objects drawn by the port city is an extraordinary task. Maintaining a boat, even if it is not floating but standing on the water, is not the same as operating a building. Water, ice, other natural phenomena have a constant impact on the ship’s hull, specific maintenance and repair work on the ship is constantly required and, of course, considerable economic injections.

Experience has shown that without proper maintenance of a sailboat it is necessary to rescue it every several years so that it does not sink. Therefore, constant attention, periodic docking is a necessary condition for the longevity of this symbol of the city.

From the dock to the quarantine

In October last year, seven years after the ship was rebuilt, a symbol of marine culture that adorns the Dane River embankment was docked for repair.

According to Aloyzas Kuzmarskis, owner of the historic sailboat, head of the Klaipeda Bega maritime cargo company, Meridian is registered in the ship register, so according to legal acts, like any other ship, it requires technical inspection and periodic repair of the pier .



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Only when the ship is lifted out of the water is it possible to determine the condition of its bottom and perform the necessary work. After the ship was rebuilt in 2013, it was important to see and evaluate how its technical condition, stability and other parameters had changed.

At the dock, the bottom of the Meridian, which was richly covered with shells and aquatic vegetation, was cleaned, the thickness of the hull, the resistance of the electrical installation were measured, and the damage caused by time and water was removed.

“The ship was pulled out of the water at the same time. Major hull and ballast constructions and other repair and reinforcement work have been carried out, the submerged part of the ship, primed and repainted several times, will ensure a safe navigation and operation of the sailboat until the next berth. At the same time, part of the overwater hull paneling was renewed at the dock. As soon as time permits, these and other side and deck renovation work will continue while the ship is stopped at the pier ”, inaugurated A. Kuzmarskis.

Aloyzas Kuzmarskis

Aloyzas Kuzmarskis

© Photo from personal archive

Concerns about a person’s shoulders

Klaipeda residents vividly remember 2012, when a majestic sailing ship nearly sank off the dock and the previous owner even wanted to sink it into the sea. Fortunately, there were people who took action and the ship was rescued.

At the moment, all the worries and costs of maintaining a boat essentially fall on one person’s shoulders. A. Kuzmarskis and his family take care of the historic sailboat, its conservation and the promotion of maritime heritage, who is the founder and owner of the Meridianas sailboat, symbol of the public institution Klaipėda Maritime City. Such is the contribution of this businessman to the promotion of the history of the port city.



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Operating a Meridian costs around ten thousand euros a month. In addition to the manager, the sailboat has two employees who perform the daily maintenance of the boat, it has various systems: heating, ventilation, security, emergency pumps, used electricity, water, purchase of system spare parts, maintenance, finishing materials, etc.

According to A. Kuzmarskis, the support of EU funds was expected to finance the mooring of the sailboat, together with the partners an application was submitted for one of the programs in this field. However, the raters’ approach was disappointing. Periodic repairs to the Meridian are said to add no value, although, according to the owner, this is what prolongs the life of the sailboat and ensures that it will decorate the city for a long time to come.

Traction object

A more serious approach to self-government, assistance or contribution to the sustenance of the life of the ship is also lacking, although Meridian is like an object of attraction for all citizens and guests of the city, representing Klaipeda.

All the more so since this historic sailing ship is a fairly significant part of the history of major European events in the mid-20th century, it is also a symbol of Finland, where it was built alongside several hundred other sailing ships after the World War. Me in very difficult circumstances. Of course, out of that entire series, Meridian is currently the only one left in the water.



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Finally, it is also part of the history of Klaipeda Maritime School, a part of the lives of many honorable captains, because after this training sailboat in 1948, it was built in Finland, brought to Klaipeda and delivered to the Maritime School of Klaipeda established the same year.

The restaurant is 50 years old

Meridian has been loved and loved by the residents of Klaipeda for many years. People and guests of the port city take photos, admire the wedding and baptism ceremonies on its deck, and the marine-themed restaurant on board offers services from noon to festive banquets or romantic evenings with a royal soundtrack.

The Meridiane restaurant has been in operation since it was permanently built on Dange Quay in 1971. So this year marks exactly 50 years, when Klaipeda residents and visitors to the city have a unique opportunity: celebrate, have lunch or spend time in a historic ship.



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The current restaurant operator, the UAB restaurant Meridianas, has been working on board since 2018. the summer. Before that there were other tenants. The operator has rented the premises necessary for this activity, the rent he pays is only a small part of the income from the maintenance of the boat and is far from covering all the expenses. Even more so now that the quarantine continues in the country and the restaurant cannot function at its normal rate, the rent has had to be temporarily reduced.

Currently, due to the quarantine, only 2-3 of the restaurant’s 15 employees work for a few hours. All employees are in downtime and only a few are in partial downtime. The restaurant has business day orders for lunch, in addition to offering snack sets, gala dinners in homes or offices.

Eliminations stopped

“When the second quarantine started, we tried to produce and offer the lunch of the day for mass removal. We may have run out of time and patience to enter, but when it became clear that we were spending more than we were earning, We stopped those moves. On the other hand, even under quarantine conditions, he wishes not to lose his usual face, to maintain the quality and variety of the food, the aesthetics of its presentation. Therefore, we decided to offer ourselves to bring the celebration to homes or offices. In other words, we prepare as small banquets at home on various occasions, we serve the food in beautiful and functional kettles that keep the heat, not in disposable plates, we can prepare all the table service, if you wish. Recent holidays : Valentine’s Day, March 8th, showed that such a service may be necessary even after the end of the quarantine ”, says Mindaugas Beniušis, manager of the restaurant e Meridian.

Mindaugas Beniušis

Mindaugas Beniušis

© Photo from personal archive

According to him, if necessary, additional solutions were sought to apply to the quarantine restrictions and cooperation was established with a nearby flower shop. A joint offer is formed: a gala dinner, food and flowers.

“We have noticed that this offer has been used by the sailors who set sail on March 8th. On the occasion he wanted to surprise their wives”, – smiles M. Beniušis.

Outdoor exposure

The Meridian is like an outdoor display of maritime culture. Here people come not only to have a snack, but also to look around, they are interested in the historical exhibition, sails are hoisted, various meetings are held on board, there are all the conditions to organize conferences, trainings, etc.



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We really appreciate the photos of some authentic parts brought to Klaipėda by Klaipėda residents, used in various stages of Meridian’s life. In this way, even two real helmsmen have returned to the ship, which can now be turned after visiting the ship, ”said A. Kuzmarkis.

According to the team overseeing the historic sailboat, maritime culture is extremely important to the port city.



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“We live by the sea. For many Klaipeda residents, the Baltic countries are associated not only with lying on the beach. The sea is part of work, activities, various hobbies, way of life. Therefore, objects of culture maritime are important for the port city, there could be more ”, emphasized the interlocutors.

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