After hearing about a possible third quarantine, the business prepares: offers to control access in public places


Before July 1, when the 8-month quarantine ended, officials said the quarantine could be restored if disease rates worsen again.

Last week, after a long break in Lithuania, the weekly growth of COVID-19 cases went from negative to positive, the spread of the Delta variety is very worrying and we also see that the population is being vaccinated slowly, so according to experts, the quarantine may Return in the fall. The Ministry of Health (SAM) is even preparing for this, coordinating the conditions for the introduction of the third quarantine with institutions and experts.

Vaccines are under discussion

Vidmantas Janulevičius, President of the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists (LPK), was asked about the business plans for the fall TV Delfi at the show Monetary matters He said it was just these days in a debate about opening schools from September 1 and encouraging staff to get vaccinated.

“We have a big discussion with employers about how to try and encourage employees to get vaccinated. At the beginning of the pandemic, or half a year ago when we started vaccinating, I didn’t expect so many people to be reluctant to get vaccinated. They create a problem for the state , for companies and for everyone else, because there is also a part of civil liability in companies where these employees work and can infect other employees, visitors.

By default, in all the places we hear, 100 percent 20% of the workforce people who don’t want to get vaccinated. Even at my company, that percentage is the same, although I thought there would only be 3-5 people in total. However, the unconscious propaganda that is spread through various channels before vaccination affects people, especially the elderly, people of other nationalities and people who have come here to work. They really think it’s not healthy, ”says V. Janulevičius.

Janulevičius Vidmantas

Janulevičius Vidmantas

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

Proposes the introduction of greater control in public places

On the show, he mentioned that he had to travel a lot in the EU in recent weeks. The interviewee noted that in none of the three countries visited did he see such a liberal approach as in Lithuania.

“I have been to Germany, the Netherlands and Poland, I have not seen such a liberal approach in cafes and restaurants as in any other country. When you go to any restaurant or shop, they scan it everywhere in the app – leave your details and show your passport if you have been vaccinated. This is not the case in Lithuania. There is no doubt that consumption will increase. As consumption increases, it will be necessary to visit places. If we restrict access, if we really control and protect those people who have been vaccinated in their time and work in shops or elsewhere, we will control entry, we will force other people to get vaccinated faster.

Only today is uninteresting, uncomfortable. We need to move in a positive direction towards the West, we don’t have to do everything by force, but if we introduce clear controls, attendance at events, shops, restaurants, I think the number of those who are vaccinated will increase. It is not only the contribution of the State that should be, but also the conscience of all ”, says the representative of the industrialists.

Aleksandras Izgorodinas

Aleksandras Izgorodinas

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

Don’t expect a strict quarantine

Alexander Izgorodin, an economist at Brandnomika, predicts that we should not have a strict quarantine in Lithuania by the end of this year, because compared to the autumn of last year, Lithuania has come a long way in the context of vaccinating the population.

“The situation is not perfect, but it is not as bad as last year, so I think that if restrictive measures are introduced, and it is likely that they will be minimal, it will not have a significant impact on the economy. Therefore, we are likely to see a more normal business cycle at least in the fall or early winter, ”says the economist.

Not a huge pessimist expecting business every fall, for the great example of the United Kingdom (UK). Among other things, it lacks more active communication from authorities about the benefits of vaccines.

“You can see the number of people in the UK. There is currently a particularly high growth rate of new cases, but in parallel the number of patients in hospitals is growing at a minimal rate and the number of new deaths covid it does not grow at all. That is, the current kovid vaccines are effective enough against the virus. The only way to avoid quarantine is to increase vaccination rates.

I think that not only companies, but also the government should do a great job here. Today, in my opinion, what is lacking in Lithuania are clearer and more active government communications that the benefits of vaccines outweigh the harms. Today, we hear very little from the main faces of officials in public space ”, emphasizes A. Izgorodin.

After hearing about a possible third quarantine, the business prepares: offers to control access in public places

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

The industry is also not expecting a strict quarantine. According to the president of LPK, in the fall, the company will screen employees more actively and encourage employees to get vaccinated.

“Thanks to the fact that the industry has been able to work and test, companies have implemented all the protection very efficiently, I think it will be a great test: test employees every week, or maybe even twice. These rapid tests have come a long way, their costs are not high: 4-5 euros per person.

I think in the fall we will have a testing program of a large company: what we saw in the spring: vaccination, more tests in a company that nobody sees statistically, 200 thousand are tested. workers. Everyone wants to work, so the employer pays part of the money. It will be exactly the same in autumn: we will test, monitor and encourage people to get vaccinated, because it is the most effective tool, ”says V. Janulevičius.

Janulevičius: people with physical contact should be vaccinated

Last week, there was much debate in the public sphere about Latvia’s proposal to allow employers to fire unvaccinated workers and force workers in certain areas to get vaccinated. Some Lithuanian employers would agree to avoid another quarantine with such measures. The LPK president says employees who have physical contact should be vaccinated.

“It’s hard to say (would you agree?) Delphi), we will see the numbers for the next month or the next. Employees who work in areas where contact communication is needed, and when a company takes responsibility for certain possible consequences, I think they should get vaccinated. Or they should change in the same company from one job to another because it is a civil relationship, a legal responsibility. Employees who engage in physical contact should be vaccinated, “says V. Janulevičius.

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