After COVID-19, new infection records: additional restrictions in Poland: weddings will take place without grandparents


The Polish Ministry of Health reported 726 new cases of coronavirus infection on Thursday, 18 people died. The total number of people infected since the start of the pandemic has reached 49,515, of which 1,774 have died. Recently, Poland has been setting new infection records on a daily basis. Currently, there are already 20.1 cases of infection per 100,000 inhabitants.

Lithuania will likely make the decision on Friday to add Poland to the list of countries most affected by COVID-19, so when it returns from it, it will have to isolate itself from next Monday.

Read more here: Giedrius Surplys in Poland: “I return at midnight on Monday”

Local restrictions

And there is no shortage of anxiety in Poland itself. Especially in the part of the regions where the number of infections is higher and their number is growing rapidly, which are mainly found in the southern Polish Voivodeship: Silesia, Mazovia, Greater Poland, Lesser Poland, Lodz, etc.

Stronger bans are being introduced in some municipalities in these voivodships. If the county of voivodeship is marked in red, and nine of them are in the voivodeships of Greater Poland, Lesser Poland, Łódź and Silesia, it will no longer be possible to organize conferences, fairs and cultural events, sports competitions will be held outside the spectators . sanatoriums.

Map of Poland with municipalities marked in red and yellow

Map of Poland with municipalities marked in red and yellow

Private parties, such as weddings, can again only take place when a limited number of people are invited, up to a maximum of 50. Public transportation is intended to limit the number of passengers to only half. The restrictions won’t bypass churches either, as a believer will have to have four square meters here, and if there are services outside, up to 150 people will be able to attend.

It will also be compulsory to wear masks everywhere in the “red zone”, also outside.

Counties with a slightly lower incidence are marked in yellow, of which there are currently 10 in Poland, located in the Voivodeships of Greater Poland, Lesser Poland, Lodz, Silesia, Holy Cross and Podkarpackie. Here the restrictions are lighter, but so are the powers.

For example, sports, cultural events, movies will be held, but only 25% will be able to participate in them. viewers. In amusement parks and similar places, a person should have up to 10 square meters of space. For weddings and other personal celebrations, the number of guests will not exceed one hundred. There are no additional restrictions on churches and public transportation.

Wedding restrictions

These restrictions are very local, limited to individual municipalities, but in Poland there are also bans planned for the whole country. Deputy Minister of Economic Development Olga Semeniuk told Rzeczpospolita that restrictions on wedding planners were being considered.

If we can protect the life and health of grandmothers and grandfathers, we will introduce a ban on older people from attending such events.

“We know that all families would like to celebrate a wedding in as large a group as possible, but if we can protect the life and health of grandmothers and grandfathers, we will introduce a ban on older people from attending such events,” said.

According to the official, the wedding must be safe and comfortable, so new prohibitions are needed. Poland is still considering introducing them this week, as older people are the most vulnerable and will have to stay home.

It is not ruled out that such personal celebrations may also be attended by officials, who will verify compliance with the established rules.

Masks must be worn

Some restrictions remain in force in Poland even after the quarantine has been lifted. Let’s say the nightclubs are closed, there are no discos, there are no big mass events. In churches and on public transport, where the chances of infection are high enough, masks should be worn. It is true that exceptions are made for people with respiratory problems, but from September they will need to have a medical certificate with them, otherwise they will not escape the penalty.

The incident at Poznan airport is also related to the mask, he writes. Here, a plane from one of the Greek islands was forced to be delayed because a passenger disobeyed the crew’s order to put on a mask.

Due to the threat of the coronavirus, masks must be worn both at the airport and on the plane throughout the trip. However, this passenger, who was to fly on a LOT flight, had a mask, but was not wearing it. As a result, the plane, ready for take off, returned to the parking lot and the officers removed the passenger.

Reuters / Photo by Scanpix / Woman with mask at airport

Reuters / Photo by Scanpix / Woman with mask at airport

In Poland, a total of 1,774 people have died from diseases caused by COVID-19 infection. While writing, the oldest dead were a 99-year-old man and woman, the youngest man and woman were 18 years old. 21 people were under 40 years old, 1,258 – 70 years or older, of which 776 were 80 years or older.

According to the Polish Ministry of Health, very often the people who died had comorbidities, most often heart disease, immune system, respiratory, cancer, metabolic, kidney disease, as well as diabetes and overweight. These conditions, along with the coronavirus, had a strong effect on the condition of the patients.
