After bathing in the pond: itching and rashes



Readers who reached out to the Market Square editorial office said some were barely submerged in the water and the itch started in an instant. Most of the people who showered or made it to their runs rushed to pack their belongings and head home.

“After bathing, most of the people began to get itchy bodies. The itching has not gone away for some time. We bathed at five o’clock and the same for everyone: first we were bitten and then the next morning we woke up with a rash.

I’m not referring to the fact that other people immediately turned around when they saw it and went home, “said the people who experienced unpleasant symptoms after bathing.

It has been checked

Contact with the Kėdainiai District Municipality Public Health Office (VSB) revealed that the latest inspections of the bathing places were carried out approximately two weeks before the unpleasant incident.

After receiving a report from the media and the public that the Dvariškės quarry was possibly contaminated, VSB unexpectedly took water samples again for analysis.

However, the answers were not clear: the laboratory, which analyzed the water samples, indicates that the bath water meets hygiene standards and is safe for bathing.

Not everything is explored

Certainly, the response of the neighbors that the water is clean does not bring much peace. After all, the results were the same before, but water-hungry tourists will remember swimming for a long time, not in the most pleasant context.

It turned out that the lab only performs two tests on water samples, and both are designed to find the causative agents of intestinal infections.

“The laboratory is testing the bath water for intestinal infections. Two tests are carried out: if the water is contaminated with intestinal bacilli and intestinal enterococci. No other investigation is being carried out, such as biochemical contamination, ”said Danguolė Avižiuvien Head, Director of the VSB.

Local pollution?

D.Avižiuvienė pointed out that tourists often experience allergic reactions when bathing in water with flowers. True, in this case the water did not bloom, so it is possible to suspect local contamination of the water pond, which quickly decomposes.

“Rashes, allergies and itching are usually caused by blooming water. Lately it has been very dry and hot, so these processes may have started in the water. However, residents did not mention that the water had flowered. and we did not see blooming during sampling in the lab.After all, vacationers do not go themselves to the blooming water, because it looks unaesthetic and often has an unpleasant smell.

In this case, no surface contamination or unpleasant odors were observed.

Therefore, it may be that it is some kind of temporary contamination caused by irresponsible human behavior. It is unlikely that there is a permanent source of contamination in that pond, because there are no agricultural or industrial facilities nearby, ”said D. Avižiuvienė, adding that if the situation repeats, the nature protection specialists should be informed as soon as possible. , you could do more research on water.


Meanwhile, the National Public Health Laboratory, which has conducted water tests in the bathing areas of the Kėdainiai district municipality, claims that bathing is safe.

Asharėna Pond, Pėdžiai Quarry and Barupė Pelėdnagiai Sen. Pond, Babėnai Quarry, Nevėžis River on Skongalio str. and in Justinava gardens, Keleriškės pond, Bartkūniškis Kėdainiai sen. pond, Nevėžis river in Pašiliai Pelėdnagiai sen. gardens, Šušvė Josvainiai sen. river, Academy Dotnuva sen. pond, Gudžiūnai sen pond. the Aristava pond and the Juodkišiškis pond. sen., pond Krakiai Krakiai sen. and Angiriai Josvainiai sen pond. the quality of the bathing water met the requirements of the hygiene standard, making it possible to swim in hot weather and in water.
