After applying to the family clinic, the elderly resident of the district was left with a moth bite: there was a threat of not receiving the Passport of Opportunity.


When the doctors treating the woman connected to the E-health information system maintained by the Registry Center, it did not contain any data on the patient’s medical history.

“The white computer screen was glowing, nothing more. The doctors treating me were still unable to find the records in the electronic health information system. It was a shame to see the useless doctor trying to reconnect to the system. However, no matter how much it was worth, there was a blank space, no record, just a clean computer screen; I did not find anything about my visits to the family doctor, or about the consultations of other doctors, the research carried out, their results. When I asked why this is the case, I was told that it was the fault of the Records Center. I also called them on my own initiative, but they assured me that it was not their problem here, ”Delfi told the woman (her name is known to the editorial board).

The woman says that such a situation has caused great inconvenience, especially now that eHealth data is necessary to obtain an Opportunity Passport.

“I was surprised to see such important things as the use and storage of patient-specific data so casually. Especially now that such records are simply necessary to, for example, withdraw an Opportunity Passport. It would turn out that I have to be to blame, for not receiving the service, for restricting my opportunities and rights due to the fact that someone is not harmonizing the information systems somewhere ”, the woman did not hide her discontent.

She says she felt stupid when asked about medical personnel – “and what is the difference to you, those records and the doctor receives and examines you.”

Delfi contacted Marius Valutkevičius, director of the UAB Gilona Family Clinic in Lazdijai, regarding the comment.

The businessman confirmed that this was the case of the patient, but said that at this point the problem is already solved and the data is visible when logging in from the clinic’s computer.

M. Valutkevičius also claimed that this was not the only case in which the clinic’s doctors were unable to view data from their patients’ health records in the system.

“As the number of cases in which our doctors need data from the electronic health system, for example, for a patient to receive an Opportunity Passport, we have noticed more cases in which only a clean screen is opened when logging in”, Gilona’s boss said.

The director considered that the problem is most likely in the information systems of the Records Center, when the data stored there may not be synchronized and the clinic’s computer system simply “does not see them.”

“I want to emphasize that in the case you mentioned, the problem is already solved. Our staff contacted the Registration Center, we sent them a picture of the computer screen that the data is not visible. A spokesperson for the Registry Center assured that they see the patient’s data, not just us. However, after a phone consultation, somehow a solution was found on their part, and we looked at that data. However, I say that it was definitely not a single case, we have more, ”said M. Valutkevičius.

The interviewee said that he did not know if other health institutions were facing similar problems.

“I don’t have that information because I didn’t collect it,” Lazdijai Gilona’s boss said.

The eHealth system, which has been accompanied by tens of millions of euros for taxpayers for years, remains a problem, and now that it contains personal health data, in particular data on COVID-19 vaccination, it is vital for thousands of people. and dozens of people every day. Control bodies?

We asked the Registry Center to comment on this situation. According to the representative of the institution Mindaugas Samkus, “some Lithuanian health institutions use the Electronic Health Services and Cooperation Information System (ESPBI IS, or E-health) connecting directly through the portal and then professionals from health can enter new data and view historical patient data. Another part of the institutions collaborates with the e-health system through information systems developed and maintained by third parties “.

It is in these intermediaries, more precisely, the correlation of their data systems with the data stored by the Center of Records, according to the representative of the Center of Records, and there may be a problem that causes dissatisfaction to both medical staff and their patients.

“Without sufficient data, we cannot comment on the case of a particular person, but the reason why an institution does not see the historical health data of the patient may be that the information system used by the institution is configured not to retrieve the historical data of the patient from the central e-Health System. The employees of the health institution can always connect to the e-health system through the portal and see all the data entered into the system. For the information system used by health to receive all the historical data of patients in e-health, it would be necessary to contact the provider of said information system ”, the response sent by M. Samkus, representative of the Registry Center. , state.

M. Valutkevičius says that the clinic he runs actually uses the services of intermediaries.

“We do not hide the fact that we rarely use the eHealth system, mainly now, for COVID, 19 questions, and sometimes for medical records, when it is necessary for the treating physician to make a decision on the patient’s treatment plan. In other cases, we use the Foxus data transmission system developed by Soft Dent in our daily work. We have not had any problems with its operation, “said the director of the family clinic.

Neringa Maceinienė Delfi, project director at UAB Soft Dent, stated that she had only heard of the precedent in Lazdijai from a journalist.

“We immediately contacted the Gilona clinic. There, the director assured us that the problem you mentioned was already resolved. We have not received any complaints from our business partners. On the other hand, if the issue was resolved after consulting with the Registry Center , it is logical to assume that the problem and its cause were certainly not in our company’s products, “said a representative of the information technology company Soft Dent.

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