After applying for the SSD, the Ministry of Transport and Communications terminated the tender, which was won by a company of Russian citizens.


15 minutes announced in Maythat the Ministry of Transport and Communications plans to sign a contract with the recruitment company Pharmanet. This company won the tender from the Ministry and had to select the members of the Lithuanian Railways Board. The same company served the presidential candidate and Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis during the 2019 elections: the company employed its electoral team.

This business was managed by the famous photographer Marius Jovaiša for many years through an Estonian company, but now the owners of the company have changed and their control has been taken over by a Russian citizen Sergei Salikov. He is the head of the Russian recruitment and consulting company Ancor. The Lithuanian company Pharmanet, which won the tender from the Ministry of Transport and Communications, recently changed its name and is now called Ancor Baltic.

Ancor, as advertised, operates in Russia, Kazakhstan, Thailand, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and Belarus. And now, after taking over M. Jovaiša’s business, he is developing his activities in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. It is announced that the company has a network of 40 offices in various cities in these countries.

The income from this concern in 2019 was more than 18 billion rubles.

Post 15 minutes In May, the Minister of Transport and Communications, Jaroslav Narkevich, announced that he had applied for a contract with the SSD for his company of Russian citizens and that he would not sign the contract until he received a response.

“Having learned true or false, but information about possible links you mentioned [Rusijos] services, I contacted the SSD, I asked the Government, where the National Security Commission is also located, to evaluate the information that appeared in the media “, J.Narkevičius spoke at the Seimas in May.

Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis said at the time that special services had to report potential threats to the ministry in time.

“If there is any knowledge about threats to our national security, then our special services must inform the contracting authority in a timely manner about the supplier’s unreliability, risks and everything else. <...> In other words, if such information exists, I believe it is also available to the Department of State Security, it will give a response to the Ministry of Transport and Communications and no contract will be signed with this company, ”said S. Skvernelis.

The contest was canceled.

Now the transport ministry 15 minutes alleged that the tender had ended. However, the ministry did not detail whether it was canceled due to the response received from the SSD and what was written in that response.

“We would like to inform you that the tender mentioned by you has ended,” says Dalia Perednienė, representative of the Communication Division of the Ministry of Transport and Communications.

When asked what will be done next and if a new tender will be announced for the selection of the members of the Lietuvos Geležinkeliai Board, the Ministry replied succinctly: “We would like to inform you that the members of the Lietuvos Geležinkeliai Board will be selected from in accordance with legal acts. “
