After an unpleasant confrontation between Jazzu and officials, the police explained why he had taken such a move.


Justė Arlauskaitė-Jazzu, who was nearby, found himself in an unpleasant situation. The artist made sure that she had passed her friend Vincas Kudirka Square when the police officers unexpectedly showed up.

Jazz was asked to show their ID card and the document was later photographed. Such behavior by officials raised questions about whether performers were suspected of engaging in illegal activities.

“Today, walking with Donatas Montvydas in the park, wonderful police officers came and took photos of our ID cards. Because we suspect some illegal activity. What? On the way? Can’t we dress brilliantly on the streets? I really want to clarify to the police what is suspected. And if nothing else, I would like to explain why we were united with us, because there were many people in the park. Apparently you need to demonstrate a lot that they are protecting. What guards God protects us God …

I was laughing a lot all the time, because it’s really absurd. Democracy at its best. Do not walk in the parks, people, they will be fined or harassed. And I really look forward to the culmination of the story and an explanation of why, as I understand it, my ID card was photographed from a personal phone and where it will be used. I am a peaceful person, of course I gave him: I have nothing to hide, I am not a criminal or I do not participate in illegal activities. Then let the games begin! I think through knowledge today you will see the nation’s top criminals. The police say here we go, ”wrote the artist on her social network.

The news portal contacted Vilnius County. Head of the Communications Division of the LSC, who explained why the officials had taken this measure.

“The inspection of personal documents is regulated by law, which is one of the rights of officials. The official has the right to inspect the documents if he suspects that an infringement has occurred. As for yesterday’s event, officials had no information on whether permission had been granted to organize the event.

It will be determined if everything took place legally and who are the organizers of this event. To find out the details, people were asked to provide their documents, who could have attended or organized the event. Outrage has been expressed for photographing the document, the officer’s phone is work, not personal, so they use the phones for business purposes. It is actually easier to take a photo of a document than to write data in a notebook. Officers have cameras attached to their uniforms, walkie-talkies and phones, so they use technologies that make work easier.

Circumstances are currently being clarified, after which appropriate decisions will be made. If the event was illegal and the organizers did not have permission, it was a violation of the law. Officials will evaluate this and make a decision, “said Julia Samorokovskaya about the situation.

The invitation to the event, marked “no – # for cultural construction” on social media, began airing last week.

The call said that in doing so, cultural people would try to point out that more than half of the resources in a government-approved plan to combat COVID-19 losses would be spent on improving or installing infrastructure rather than investing directly in people.

The plan decided to allocate more than 68 million to cultural organizations and creators. Euros It is true, even 43 million. It is intended to allocate € 1 billion for the renovation of the infrastructure of cultural institutions and projects for the acquisition of goods.
