After an open letter from Šiauliai doctors: SAM’s reaction: the working group leaves the working group


After 20 hours, SAM issued a press release stating that the Initiation of Change Working Group, convened for the investigation of RŠL’s suicide, was left by SAM Deputy Minister Aurimas Pečkauskas. The latter was appointed to lead this group, but it was in Monday’s speech that the RŠL doctors indicated that A. Pečkauskas was not the right person to fill that position.

SAM then changed his mind.

It turned out that A. Pečkauskas, who was appointed to lead the group of Minister of Health Arūnas Dulkis, was the direct leader of Laura Šilinskytė, a 36-year-old suicidal doctor.

“I am completely upset and disappointed that A. Pečkauskas, the head of the commission appointed by the Minister of SAM, is a close acquaintance of A. Bumbliauskas from the time of his studies and residence”,

You can read about it here.

In response to Monday’s medical statements, SAM announced: “In order to avoid the slightest appearance of conflict of interest or possible links with participating countries, Deputy Minister of Health A. Pečkauskas resigned from the position of Head of the Initiation Group To the change . Advisor to the Minister of Health, Dr. Simona Bieliūnė, in charge of mental health “.

The latter’s employees are suspected of actions that could have led to the suicide of a doctor praised for his talent.

For the first time, SAM explained in its press release why it is slower to respond to the situation than requested.

“The crisis has been extremely painful for the medical community. Understandably, in this case, we all expect quick answers and solutions. However, systemic change and fundamental solutions to the problem do not require a reckless and rapid response, but an analysis of all the circumstances and an objective external evaluation, which allows each group to be heard anonymously, according to the SAM report – SAM, after the crisis at the Republican Hospital Šiauliai, formed the Initiation Group for Change. The Ministry, in cooperation with the State Labor Inspectorate and with the help of psychologists with experience in issues related to the environment and the culture conducive to mental health, will work with determination to achieve change ”.

Specific allegations of mismanagement have not yet been made to hospital management.

“The task of the change initiation team is to assess all the circumstances and in the event of any reasonable suspicion or fact that further investigations should be initiated, they will be initiated immediately (without waiting for the group to complete its work)” the report said.

As Lietuvos Rytas announced earlier in his investigation, according to witnesses, a kind of clan could have operated in the hospital, about whose actions and faults the doctor dared to speak. During the investigation, enigmatic details about the unexpectedly saved millionaire Šiauliai and the actions against L.Šilinskytė became clear.

A SAM press release alluded to the involvement of various parties in the conflict.

The Ministry communicates and cooperates with all parties, it is determined to listen to all of them, because the situation is multifaceted, information is constantly changing and new circumstances are added. It is associated with the reorganization process, demonstrations of mobbing, managing suicide as a crisis event, ensuring adequate working conditions. The change initiation team will allow all members of the community to be heard, ensuring anonymity, without revealing the sources of information, ”the SAM report reads.

A report circulated by RŠL doctors on Monday said the hospital was holding secret meetings and that staff were being pressured to join the hospital’s leadership.
