After a secret police investigation, an exceptional regret from the suspect: it is good that you have been arrested right now


“For me this is a great lesson, this lesson will avoid similar situations in the future, I think it is good that it happened now, and not later in life,” said Artūras B from Vilnius after the search by the police officers.

Artūras B., who had not previously dealt with the police and lived with his mother and stepfather, was forced to reveal his shameful hobbies after a search by police officers.

“I know how much pain I have given my family, especially my mother,” I am very sorry that she has to suffer all this, “said a man who works in the Logistics and Warehousing Department of a Vilnius company, lamenting her behavior in the police – We have been talking to my mother about what happened almost every day for half a year. I realize it surprised my mother, maybe she is thinking about how I could have done it; she thinks it is irrational and immature behavior and he emphasizes it during conversations. Now I understand it, but I can’t change the past. “

Arthur B. had to admit that since he was 15 years old, when he was locked in his room, he watched pornography on his computer almost every day. It has become part of a man’s life: he’s single, he doesn’t have a girlfriend. Interest in seeing sexual passions on a computer screen grew and the man crossed all limits about a year ago: he became interested in pornographic images of sexually exploited children. He was interested not only in teenagers but also in young children.

Vilnius police officers soon learned of Artūras B.’s secret pastimes and received information that videos of sexually exploited young children could be downloaded from the orrentTorrent software installed on the man’s computer. This information had to be verified, so the investigating judge of the Vilnius City District Court gave the police officers permission to search the home of Artūras B.

And, as it soon became clear, the information was confirmed: After inspecting Arthur B.’s computer, officers found several hundred pornographic videos and photos. It is true that not all the recordings showed children; there were about a hundred recordings of this type. Artūras B. allowed other Internet users to download most of the recordings to their computers using the orrentTorrent program; some of the records you stored on your hard drive.

The defendant immediately pleaded guilty, regretted his actions and even thanked officials for arresting him in time: “It’s good that it happened now, not later in life, when it could have been too late.”

Artūras B. said that he was not specifically looking for child pornography on the Internet.

After a secret police investigation, an exceptional regret from the suspect: it is good that you have been arrested right now

“I went from page to page, from link to link, so I found it,” he said. – I have been interested in adult porn for about 15 years, which is why I saw adult porn photos and movies on internet porn websites. There are adult pornographic photos and videos downloaded from various sources online. And about a year ago, I became interested in child pornography; I was wondering if child pornography would satisfy me, excite me … “

Artūras B. did not hide the fact that he searched for child pornography using the “Yandex” browser; After entering the keywords in the search engine, he immediately found the records that interested him.

The man admitted that the recordings stored on his computer could be downloaded by other people using the Internet from anywhere in the world.

“I had to anticipate the consequences because I know how the Torrent program works, I did not have the specific intention of distributing it,” he said.

After reviewing the videos found on Artūras B.’s computer, the experts found that the material in the video documents met the definition of pornographic information in the Public Information Law and the attributes assigned to this category of information, and therefore therefore, it was pornographic in nature. And there is criminal liability for the distribution of videos depicting young children.

The prosecution turned over the material collected during the pre-trial investigation to the Vilnius City District Court. In general, people involved in child pornography agree with the position of the prosecutor’s office and request that criminal orders be issued against them; then the court hears the case in a written procedure, the accused persons do not have to attend a hearing, they are generally sentenced by the prosecutor.

However, Artūras B. asked for a court hearing: he admitted his guilt, regretted his actions, and promised to fundamentally change his life. And the trial court was asked to provide an option: not to convict, but to be released from criminal responsibility on bail.

“I am ashamed of what happened, I am sorry for my immoral behavior, I think there is also a positive side to what happened – my mother and I opened up more,” Artūras B. said in court. I try to live social life as much as possible. possible, so please release me from criminal liability. “

The mother who lived with him agreed to answer for her son.

After a secret police investigation, an exceptional regret from the suspect: it is good that you have been arrested right now

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

“I only learned about my son’s secret hobbies when the police officers came to our house,” said Arthur B.’s mother. – I still have a hard time understanding what’s going on here. There is no way I can justify my son’s actions, but I think he has learned and has already reached some conclusions; we’ve talked about this many times, I think he’s sorry. “

The mother admitted in court that the lonely son grew up rigorously, did well in school, and, upon graduation, studied and completed a bachelor’s degree program in social work.

“The son has a permanent job, he does not change jobs, he is respected at work and that is why he is offended for the first time,” said the mother, who could change her son’s life and that he would not commit a crime.

To free Artūras B. from criminal liability on bail, prosecutor Julija Jolita Kryževičienė, who supported the state prosecution, also agreed in court.

“I believe that there are all the conditions to apply the acquittal institute, and the guarantor is worthy of the trust of the court,” said the prosecutor.

Judge Aušra Dambrauskienė, who examined the case, announced that Artūras B. had the opportunity to correct the error; After determining that the man had committed the crimes charged against him, the judge closed the criminal case and transferred notice to Artūras B., setting bail for one year. At the same time, the court ordered Arthur B. to confiscate the tools of crime: a computer and a hard drive containing records of sexually abused children.

“The criminal process itself had a sufficient educational effect on the defendant Artūras B., allowed him to critically evaluate his actions and encouraged him to choose a more responsible pattern of behavior in the future, to comply with the law and not to commit new crimes, the court decides that the defendant Artūras B. should be acquitted “, judge.

In addition, Judge Artūras B. sentenced him to a thousand euros in the Victims Fund.

“To achieve the purpose of criminal responsibility, taking into account the relevant circumstances for the individualization of the responsibility of the accused, the nature of the criminal offenses, the court considers that a measure of this magnitude and nature would have a positive effect on the personality of the accused

It is true that the prosecutor believed that the acquitted man should pay four times the premium.

“The amount of the rate proposed by the prosecutor exceeds the average amount of this measure in criminal law and even reaches the amount of the fine imposed in this jurisprudence for such crimes, so in the opinion of the court it is disproportionate and adequate, especially considering that the defendant is subject to various sanctions.- the court also highlights that the contribution of MGL 20 (EUR 1,000) to the Victims Fund, which is 4 times the minimum contribution, is considered adequate, fair and proportionate, taking into account the situation defendant, but a longer payment term must be established; “, – the judge allowed Artūras B. to pay the contribution within half a year.

After a secret police investigation, an exceptional regret from the suspect: it is good that you have been arrested right now

© Police Department

Every year, the Lithuanian courts hear dozens of criminal cases of illegal possession of pornographic records representing children. Most of the time these are children filmed abroad, but officials have also recorded cases in which minors or minors are persuaded or even willingly send their photos to perverts, who often also pretend to be girls.

“While keeping records of child pornography is an easier crime than distribution, the very fact that a person is interested in such things is already a serious sign: it is necessary to be interested in what we do,” authorities said.

According to them, child pornography “fans” who get caught up in Lithuanian officials often offer various excuses, but the real truth of why they downloaded, stored or even distributed pornography is not dared to say out loud.

“Today, without our realizing it, the pornography industry is ending its conquest of the world; its annual earnings are higher than all professional sports combined,” said Kristina Mišinienė, director of the Center for Combating Trafficking of human beings and exploitation. – There are no reliable studies on this issue in Lithuania, in the US it is announced that 35 percent. all information uploaded online contains pornographic content, and children are introduced to virtual pornography from the age of 11 on average. The American Psychological Association is even simpler: Pornography harms children and adults, destroys families and society. Let’s talk about this insidious phenomenon with teenagers at the school bench, help them recognize the dark threats of the Internet, because it can take a lifetime to get rid of them. “

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