After 30 years, a special work for Lithuania was reborn: compatriots from all over the world joined Names


1989 Vadim Kamrazer, the leader of the first children’s entertainment music choir, agreed with Gintautas Tautkus, the then leader of the band Rondo, to record a joint song. The song “Third Sigh” was first performed in public in the autumn of the same year at the Vilnius Sports and Concert Hall.

And in February this year, one of the former choristers noticed that Gintautas Tautkų was sharing this song on the Facebook platform, congratulating Lithuania on the celebration of February 16. The idea arose to urgently gather the same performers and recite the song for the March 11 celebration. And it worked.

Former children of the choir (who are now in their 40s and 45s and live scattered around the world) and current RONDO leader Aleksandras Ivanauskas remotely recorded their parties during the pandemic. Vadim Kamrazer collected the recordings and prepared a video version of this song.

Interview with V. Kamrazer and former members of the choir – in the video:

VIDEO: 30 years later, a special work for Lithuania was reborn: compatriots from all over the world joined

In the last century, in 1988, in Šiauliai, the musician, pedagogue and composer Vadim Kamrazer wrote an advertisement in a local newspaper that a slightly different boys’ choir was gathering. Arriving at the first meeting, he closed the door in fear as he gathered many more children than he expected. Thus was born the first entertainment music choir in Lithuania, which toured almost all Lithuanian cities and towns with their songs.

1989 The choir’s biggest performance took place in 2006: in the legendary Vilnius Sports Palace, the choir sang together with the Lithuanian pop band Rondo. It was an unreal and fantastic experience for the children: in the largest Lithuanian hall full of spectators, with one of the most popular groups at that time, there were more than 30 children standing on stage singing the song “Third Sigh” by Gintautas Tautkus. . and Justinas Marcinkevičius.

By the way, this song was later included in the school music program and in the repertoire of song festivals; it was played many times during various holidays and festivals.

“We are the children who once sang the song” Third Sigh “in the Vilnius Sports Palace. It still lives in our memory and today we, former children and now adult men and women, scattered all over the world, gather our leader Vadim Kamrazer, more than 30 years later, we want to cheer the entire people of Lithuania and congratulate the occasion of March 11!

Let’s be free! Let’s be independent! Let’s be united! And most importantly, let us cherish our wonderful and beautiful Homeland … Happy Holidays, Lithuania! ”It is the general greeting of the old children of the choir.
