Advisor to Šimonytė, Gudlevičienė: the measures taken are minimal


Advisor to Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė on health policy Ž. Gudlevičienė spoke on news radio on Friday that this decision to suspend contacts was made.

“I’m always optimistic. When the numbers started to rise, I felt even more optimistic that we could still avoid the situation in neighboring countries like Poland and Estonia. There, a couple of weeks ago, the numbers were alarming. But today we are seeing a faster spread of the virus. What is the goal? Reduce movement during this period. In fact, let’s admit that people are preparing to celebrate Easter and in larger gatherings than we have always asked for, “Ž. Gudlevičienė.

She argued that as the movement increases, so does the number of infections.

“The number of infections has started to grow faster,” said Ž. Gudlevičienė.

The advisor to I. Šimonytė stated that these movement restrictions also have another objective: to achieve a higher percentage of vaccinations in the elderly group by reducing mobility during this period.

Paulius Skruibis, director of the Center for Suicidological Research at the Institute of Psychology at Vilnius University (VU), stated in the program that some people accept the renewed restrictions as unavoidable.

“It just came to our knowledge then. (…) And because if the numbers increase like in Vilnius, you can listen, not listen to the Government, but there is a real possibility of getting infected and infecting your loved one,” said P. Skruibis.

He assured that the formation of social bubbles could continue.

P. Skruibis agreed on the news radio program that the Government, looking at a tired society, should take only those quarantine adjustments that are unavoidable.

“It just came to our knowledge then. That in fact there are many people who adhere firmly to those requirements, some do not. Because they do not believe or are tired. It seems to me that the challenge here is also for the Government: because it takes a long time It is very important to choose the restrictions that can really be respected. And I heard from our discussions in expert meetings that if we look somewhere more freely, people will no longer stick to anything. But some restrictions are difficult to follow. ¿ When a week, but three, four months? When a person violates one restriction, they violate the others. Therefore, there should be as few restrictions as possible “for everything,” only the most necessary, “asked P. Skruibis.

The Prime Minister’s Advisor also highlighted that the quarantine changes approved today are minimal.

“But look, only one has been returned: the restrictions on movement between municipalities. After all, none of the activities that have already started is closed again. It is a wish to ask for a little more calm this Easter. Here are the minimal measures proposed and adopted. And not again a strict quarantine with strict closures, “said the adviser to Prime Minister Ž. Gudlevičienė.

Advisor to Šimonytė, Gudlevičienė: the measures taken are minimal

© DELFI / Orestas Gurevičius

Radio listener Lina said that when she heard the news of the extended quarantine on Friday, she just cried.

“I am an actress. For me, the quarantine began in March of last year. Because the restrictions were lowered very little in the summer, very few people returned to the theaters. I only had 10 performances. This psychological condition is simply tragic. I am an independent actress, I do not have the opportunity to rehearse. Somehow I need to survive. (…) I am in quarantine, my mother lives in Šiauliai, I have not seen her for more than half a year. I am a hard-working and healthy person with a lot of energy and strength to fulfill myself, to create, and for years I have been closed.

I can’t meet my family. My dad died during the last quarantine, my mom lives alone, we can’t see her. And now to say that the restrictions are minimal … I feel completely closed. My mental state … When I heard today that the quarantine is extended, I just sat back and cried. I have the opportunity to receive psychotherapy every week, it’s just that it saves me, ”said Lina, listener for Knowledge Radio.

Following this call, Prime Minister I. Šimonytė’s adviser emphasized that people with their lonely relatives form a bubble of social support and are going to help them.

“We urge, we remind you, that there is an opportunity”, the adviser to the prime minister, Ž. Gudlevičienė.
