Adamkus Urgently Addresses Unvaccinated Lithuanians – Submits a Request


V. Adamkus tells the news portal that the situation is sad because people are hostile to coronavirus vaccines and the vaccination scale is decreasing every day.

The vaccination situation is sad

The president is considering that people’s reluctance to get vaccinated only shows that we still don’t understand the seriousness of the situation. If a person does not care about his health, he must take into account the fact that the health of others is also at risk.

“It saddens me that we have people who are so skeptical at all, that’s the first thing. Second, it shows that our society is not growing to assess the situation, because if they do not personally care about their own health, they should at least take into the environment counts, because there is a potential danger to all the people in the environment who take care of their health, ”said Adamkus.

The president does not understand how people can mistrust science and says that all conspiracy theories reject and mistrust any unscientific information. He is convinced that scientists are trying to achieve the best and most effective result to stop the spread of the pandemic:

“I don’t believe in any conspiracy theory, everywhere we try to do our best. There may be a difference between vaccine companies, but I am sure there is no vaccine that does not work, that is available to the world and At the same time, for Lithuania, it is effective. Probably thousands or millions of people are already vaccinated, so I do not see any danger, I reject conspiracy theories. “

V. Adamkus says that people who know that the only way to protect themselves from the virus (vaccines and choose not to get vaccinated) hurt themselves first, but often forget that they pose a danger to everyone around them.

“If vaccines are found to have an effect and are a safeguard, how can you, in common sense, not prevent it? And here, I will repeat, if they are so indifferent, they will think that they are more intelligent than others than scientists, I read, they are not only a plague for themselves, but also for the environment. We must have a sense of responsibility towards the entire nation, towards each other and do everything possible to prevent this disease, ”said the president.

President Valdas Adamkus and Mrs. Alma Adamkienė

Send a message to those who do not vaccinate

V. Adamkus and A. Adamkienė were among the first to be vaccinated against the virus, when the opportunity was given to begin vaccinating people over 80 years of age. The president emphasizes that he has not hesitated for a second in the vaccination and is convinced that the surrounding neighbors have also been vaccinated, which makes him feel safe.

V. Adamkus appeals to all indifferent and skeptical people against vaccination with a request to be accountable to the whole nation:

“My wish and I really ask that we continue to feel a sense of responsibility not only against ourselves but also towards society, because we have enough of all kinds of disasters, cases of disease, and a possible new wave of infections, which we ourselves would cause. “. , it is already a crime.

My call to all the indifferent is to be conscientious and responsible citizens in front of the entire nation, in front of our environment and vaccinated ”.
