Actress Marija Chlebopaševaitė-Vaidilė became a mother: “Thank you to your husband for giving birth together” | Names


Maria reported the news of the increase in family in the social space. Here he also revealed the name of his son.

“Our angel Gabriel has come to this world. Tall like a father and very strong. We love him to infinity … Childbirth is something only women will understand … It is an incomparable experience. And who will say that there are no miracles in the world?

That’s what happened from Sunday night to Monday, and it was the greatest miracle I have ever experienced. I thank my husband Kęstutis for giving birth together. I felt his presence next door like never before. This experience brought us even closer. I can’t wait to see her wonderful grandparents … ”- the actress shared the good news on Instagram.

Photo by Ieva.passion Photography / Marija Chlebopaševaitė - Vaidilė

Photo by Ieva.passion Photography / Marija Chlebopaševaitė – Vaidilė

The news you are waiting for was shared by the actress on Facebook last December. The sensitive text about the life born was accompanied by the moment of the photo session.

“I am indescribably grateful to the Universe for this gift. With the many questions that arose, there were even more answers … About what is really important in this life and what is not important at all, but was only emphasized and valued for some vague reason … Everything that is natural it is real . “, – wrote the woman.

As Mary wrote, she was given the privilege and opportunity to take a child with her, probably the most unlike any other.

“And until you experience it, it is almost impossible to realize that you would like it very much … Here is one of those things in life that is impossible to understand without experiencing … If a new life can come through a woman, she is unquestionably surpassed only by God ”, – wrote the actress.
