Actress A.Metalnikova cries out for help: her older brother has stage 4 cancer, doctors give 2 years | Names


On social networks: a sensitive address of the Lithuanian Russian Dramatic Theater, film and television actress, winner of the project “Musical mask” A.Metalnikova. The woman hopes to collect 150 thousand. euros, which will be used to treat his younger brother Alexei. They are desperately needed because a healthy 34-year-old man was unexpectedly diagnosed with stage four glioblastoma, an aggressive form of brain cancer, while on vacation.

15 minutes A. Metalnikova, who was interviewed, had difficulty putting the words together, realizing that what she was saying could fundamentally determine her brother’s life, and the family had only two months to raise the necessary amount.

Photo from personal album / Aleksandra Metalnikova

Photo from personal album / Aleksandra Metalnikova

Waiting for the firstborn is a blow to a new family

“My brother does not have bad habits, he does not smoke, he does not drink, he is a personal trainer. He was married on November 28, his wife is expecting her first-born … One month after the wedding, just before the New Year, brother He noticed that his vision was beginning to deteriorate a lot, ”the actress began.

Alexei soon visited an ophthalmologist who diagnosed inflammation of the optic nerve. For further examination, the man was sent to a hospital where he underwent an MRI.

“Then the doctors saw that Alexei’s brain had a tumor about 4 cm in size … A great shock awaited us, because everything was fine in my brother’s life. We really couldn’t believe such a disaster would happen, “the woman said, a sad experience.

Alexei is currently receiving treatment in Great Britain, because he has no possibility of returning to Lithuania due to the interrupted flights. Here, the man’s treatment is likely to continue, but only after a month, when his body will recover and it will be possible to carry out chemotherapy. It is true that so far the doctors do not have much hope.

Photo album from a private album / Alexei

Photo album from a private album / Alexei

“The same night after the investigation in London, Alexei underwent surgery, he managed to remove about 80 percent. Tumor, but 20 percent. Remained in an area where doctors could not reach. Doctors said no. it could be completely cured, but the disease could be controlled with chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Glioblastoma is malignant and can grow back very quickly, but if its spread is slowed down, a person’s life expectancy can be longer ”, still awaits A. Metalnikova.

The most frightening thing, as the woman said, is that it is impossible to visit the brother at this difficult time: Britain has closed itself off from the world. Alexei’s pregnant wife is now separated from him too – a woman in Russia is trying to get a visa.

However, the family is not giving up and intends to express its support by collecting donations for further treatment, which, according to A. Metalnikova, has already helped many critical patients to stay here a little longer.

Last hope

“We found a clinic in Cologne, Germany, which sent a response that he was ready to receive his brother after chemotherapy. There is also the possibility that doctors in Israel will help him live longer, “the woman said.

Amount – considerable: 150 thousand. euros. But how much can the hours, months and years of the family cost together? A. Metalnikova’s heart burns with the hope of collecting the required amount in two months.

“At the moment my brother has raised about 10,000, and I have raised about 5. In fact, there is not that much in percentage terms, but it still seems like a miracle,” said the interlocutor.

Photo album from a private album / Alexei

Photo album from a private album / Alexei

While collecting donations, she said that she had experienced various experiences, both a feeling of discomfort and a surprise at people’s kindness and understanding. “Even though I help my acquaintances or strangers a lot, I always try to pay attention to others, it was extremely difficult for me to ask for help in public.

Going public with her family’s situation was particularly difficult. And I was very surprised when people started donating money, which, as much as they could: they are 5, they are 20, they are 100 euros. Then I realized that I am not alone in my problem, there are many sincere people who are really determined to help. I noticed that many of those I don’t know personally made many sacrifices, ”the woman shared with surprise.

Do you want to contribute to Alexei’s treatment? You can do it by transfer to the following bank account:

Alexandra Metalnikova


Purpose: for the treatment of Alexei
