According to the announcer, R. Karbauskis wants explanations about LRT salaries, they are competitive


The Chairman of the Culture Committee, R.Karbauskis, announced on Tuesday that he had submitted an application to the LRT Council after the salaries of the positions occupied by the station for the previous year were published in the previous year’s LRT financial report. : The Director General’s salary amounted to almost 70.4 thousand. EUR, Deputy Director General – more than 60.9 thousand. 121.6 thousand euros, head of the Internet department. 99.4 thousand euros, Head of the Administration and Operational Development Department. euros The remuneration of other people in similar management positions is similar.

“The salaries of people who hold high positions in the LRT are really impressive, sometimes much higher than the salary of the head of state. The salary of the director, even when calculating the maximum coefficients approved in the Government Resolution, is double that the maximum established by the Government, “says R. Karbauskis in the report.

“Knowing that LRT is maintained at the expense of all taxpayers, the question arises whether such behavior in the media market is responsible and does not distort it, especially at a time when the commercial media is facing financial difficulties caused by the COVID pandemic. -19., – also says the parliamentarian.

The petition requests an explanation of the reasons and circumstances that led to the salaries of said executives. You are also asked to answer why the LRT, in determining the remuneration of the director and his deputy, did not follow the Government’s resolution, although it is a state-owned public institution.

LRT: our goal is to pay competitive wages

As LRT representative Jovita Bazevičiūtė informed BNS, when the station’s new managers started working, it was decided to strengthen important areas of activity and appoint competent managers for them.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo /

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / “LRT”

“This would not be possible without evaluating and taking into account trends in the salaries of specialists at this level in the country and without offering a competitive salary,” says BNS’s response.

LRT also notes that the above-mentioned salaries are presented before tax, and the salaries of the General Manager and his Deputy are set by the LRT Council, not by the administration, and did not change in 2018 when the new managers started working.

According to the station, the results show that the search for strong leaders has paid off: “Last year, LRT not only successfully accomplished its mission, but also increased its audience in both traditional media and the Internet.

The LRT emphasizes that most of the funds received, which should be reduced, go to creating and acquiring content, and about a fifth of appropriations go back into the budget as various taxes.

According to the LRT, its budget remains one of the smallest in the European Broadcasting Union (EBU).

In June, representatives of the Lithuanian commercial media complained to the European Commission (EC) about the LRT financing procedure, claiming that the current financing model distorts fair competition. news portals, 15 minutes and, which links the Internet media association and the All Media Lithuania company, which manages TV3 television, claims that the funding provided by LRT violates European Union law because it is not coordinated with the European Commission as aid. state.

LRT Managing Director Monika Garbačiauskaitė-Budrienė believes that the objective of the complaint from business media representatives to the EC is to reduce LRT funding and limit the portal, although this does not create competition for media revenue commercial.
