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“It’s a really good achievement, but it’s about how we will absorb that money.” Lithuania will have very little freedom to maneuver, to think of something innovative with that money, because there are already clear rules across the EU for what that money will be used for: digitization, the green course, ”A. Izgorodin told Eltai.

Lithuania may borrow up to 4.7 percent from the Resuscitation and Resilience Fund. of Lithuania’s gross national product, or 2.2 billion. to implement reforms. However, the economist said he was skeptical about the possibility.

“If we were not members of the eurozone, I would say this unequivocally. Now if we look at how much Lithuania borrows in the market, then we have free access to financial resources, then there is a lot of that money. Personally, it would be against the loan for economic reforms Because it is very uncertain, there are many opportunities for inefficiency, “said A. Izgorodin.

“If we were to borrow, we would have to borrow for specific problems that needed to be addressed,” he added.

After five days of discussions in Brussels, the final round of negotiations on the multi-annual financial perspective of the EU and the European Recovery and Resistance Fund to deal with the effects of the coronavirus pandemic has ended, ELTA recalls.

“If we were to borrow, we would have to borrow for specific problems that needed to be addressed,” he added.

Compared to the previous one, in this financial perspective, for 2021-2027, Lithuania managed to negotiate 1.7 billion. The total amount of EU funds allocated to Lithuania amounts to € 14.5 billion. euros

LTL 6.2 billion has been allocated to Lithuania for the implementation of the cohesion policy. euros A total of € 5 billion will be allocated to agricultural financing. euros

The EU has contributed 490 million euros. € 189 million for the closure project of the Ignalina nuclear power plant and € 189 million for the implementation of the Kaliningrad special transit scheme. financing in euros. An additional $ 1.4 billion has been allocated for the development of Rail Baltica. quantity. The focus has been on military mobility, which has a budget of 1,500 million euros. financing in euros.

Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda said that leaders of EU member states agreed on a common EU response to the health, social and economic crisis caused by the pandemic. To this end, the EU Resuscitation and Resilience Fund is being created, in which LTL 2.4 billion has been allocated to Lithuania. euros

The President noted that, if necessary, Lithuania could also borrow up to 4.7 percent from the Resuscitation and Resilience Fund. of Lithuania’s gross national product, or 2.2 billion. to implement reforms.
