Accent of the new minister: revoked the board of railways appointed by J.Narkevičius Business


Continued work entrusted to the old board.

“The decision of the former minister to appoint the Lithuanian Railway Board at the last minute, before the new government takes office, is neither correct nor correct, when I built myself against this fact in one of the strategic companies of the country” said Transport Minister M. Skuodis in the report.

Furthermore, the Minister had doubts about the transparency and professionalism of this selection process. According to M.Skuodis, it is necessary to review the requirements established by the state for independent directors: “We see the need to strengthen the company’s board of directors with people who have international experience in the field of railways.”

Photo by Luke April / 15 minutes / Marius Skuodis

Photo by Luke April / 15 minutes / Marius Skuodis

A new selection to the company’s new board will be announced, the transport ministry announced. There will also be an audit of the selection process of the Council of Lietuvos Geležinkeliai with independent experts and suggestions on how to improve the selection of all members of the Council of SOEs in general.

“This company has already undergone a major transformation implementing systemic changes, changing the work culture, and I just want it to move even faster. At present, the company is increasingly entering international markets, must withstand the increasing competitive pressure. My main goal is to have the strongest international board possible that implements the expectations of the state, ”said M. Skuodis.

Lithuanian Railways employs more than 9,000 people. workers.

Colorful biographies

M.Skuodis even before coming to work 15 minutes He promised that there will be changes in the railway board.

“I will honestly say that such a legacy is distasteful to me”, 15 minutes said a politician last week. “Such a strategic decision made in recent days with a legacy for the new administration is, to say the least, wrong.”

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Marius Skuodis

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Marius Skuodis

Gediminas Vyšniauskas, human resources specialist, Valdas Tekorius and Vygantas Sliesoraitis, entrepreneurs, Arijandas Šliupas, aviation company consultant, and Matsas Hansonas, member of the current Council of Lietuvos Geležinkeliai, have been appointed independent members of the Council of J. Narkevičius.

The Ministry of Transport and Communications has delegated to the Board the former member of the Seimas Virgilijus Poderis and the Senior Advisor of the Ministry Henrik Surovičius.

15 minutes he had described the colorful biographies of some of these people. You can see the text here.

J.Narkevičius explained that he had appointed the board before the end of the term, because the term of the previous one was coming to an end and was due to end on December 14.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Jaroslavas Narkevičius

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Jaroslavas Narkevičius

Ministry of Transport and Communications 15 minutes He previously said that since the selection procedures for the Board take around 3-4 months, the contest was launched in late August.

Selection interviews with invited candidates took place on October 9 and 12.

After the selection of the Board members, J.Narkevičius asked the police authorities for information about their reputation and received the latest responses on November 30.
