About 100 Belarusian companies are considering moving to Lithuania: only a few IT specialists have submitted residency applications


About 100 IT companies are interested in the possibility of relocation

The interest of Belarusian IT companies in Lithuania is not diminishing. Invest in Lithuania currently works with about 100 companies. Former head of the Mantas Katinas organization Delphi it said that 80 Belarusian IT companies are considering such a possibility.

“Some of them are still analyzing the situation and possibilities, some are already in the decision-making stage or combine the technical nuances of project implementation. Several companies have decided to stay in Belarus for the time being and monitor the situation, ”says Rūta Nemunytė, Director of the Marketing and Communication Department of Invest in Lithuania.

According to her, these relocation projects are extremely complex, as they include not only the problems of setting up a business, but also the relocation of employees and their families.

“According to our data, the relocation of the number of employees, excluding their family members, from 500 to 2500 in Lithuania is being considered. Companies with dozens or more employees,” says the representative of “Invest in Lithuania”.

About 100 Belarusian companies are considering moving to Lithuania: only a few IT specialists have submitted residency applications

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

Lithuanian residency applications were submitted by 5 Belarusian IT specialists

According to the Department of Migration, as of August 8. until October 27. 3,778 applications were submitted by Belarusian citizens for the issuance or change of a temporary residence permit (LLG) in Lithuania. 1,826 applications were issued to LLG and 1,952 applications were superseded by LLG.

Most of the applications were for the issuance or replacement of LLGs on a labor basis. During the same period, 3,476 Belarusian citizens made such requests. 1 705 applications for the issuance of an LLG, 1 771 applications for the replacement of the LLG.

During this period, 23 applications were submitted by Belarusian citizens for the issuance or replacement of LLGs as highly qualified employees. Of these, 5 Belarusian citizens are IT specialists.

Most Belarusian citizens come to work as international freight drivers. Belarusian citizens also come to work according to the professions that are included in the list of professions whose employees are in short supply in the Republic of Lithuania by type of economic activity. In Lithuania, most of them work as concrete mixers, electricians and welders.

Belarusians also choose other neighboring countries

Geopolitical stability and security, access to the EU market, increased customer confidence in a company established in an EU country – these are several of the reasons why Lithuania could be attractive to Belarusian companies. But that is not what she alone can offer.

Here, for example, some 800 Belarusian IT specialists have already relocated to Poland. The Polish Trade and Investment Agency is directly advising 22 IT companies from Belarus who intend to relocate to Poland.

Even more IT specialists moved to Ukraine. As posted Reuters, since the beginning of the mass protests in Belarus about 2 thousand. Belarusians moved to work in Ukraine.

About 100 Belarusian companies are considering moving to Lithuania: only a few IT specialists have submitted residency applications

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

“Main competing countries: Poland, Latvia, Ukraine. The latter competes at lower costs but has serious shortcomings in the business environment. Poland and Latvia have conditions very similar to ours, so it is likely that the self-determination of Belarusian companies is determined by “soft” factors: the convenience of cities, smooth migration and integration processes, the activities of immigration agencies. investment attraction. Delphi commented by M. Katinas.

It is true that last week the news broke that EPAM Systems, Inc., the provider of software development and engineering services for digital platforms, founded in Belarus, will open a new office in Vilnius and plans to assemble a team of approximately 600 engineers. highly skilled IT professionals for the next five years. However, it is not specified that the company would relocate from Belarus.

Belarusians can get a visa more easily

Delphi Remember that from September 21 of this year Belarusian citizens have the opportunity to obtain a national multiple entry visa valid for 6 months under easier conditions. This requires the presentation of a document confirming that you have sufficient funds and (or) receive regular income to live in Lithuania for at least 3 months, or the obligation of a legal entity of the Republic of Lithuania to guarantee the receipt of such income.

A Belarusian citizen does not need a work permit if his profession is included in the list of professions with a shortage of employees in the Republic of Lithuania by type of economic activity or if his profession is included in the list of professions requiring high professional qualifications and employee shortage in Lithuania.

The amount of the foreigner’s salary shall not be less than 1.5 of the average monthly salary.

This year 1,002 Belarusian citizens were employed in Lithuania with documents issued by the Employment Service (UT). They work mainly as cooks, sales managers, mechanics, car locksmiths, plasterers in the construction sector, roofers, concrete workers, plumbers, electricians, drivers of international passenger transport vehicles.

According to UT, Belarusian citizens account for 20%. of the total number of foreigners employed in our country. In the first nine months of last year, 1,376 Belarusian citizens were allowed entry and work, that is, 374 more than in the same period this year.

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