A woman with COVID-19 remembers a visit to the hospital as a nightmare: she did not receive hot food, the bathroom without a lock and soap


Initially skeptical of the current situation regarding COVID-19, Dajana from Kelmiškė now says that she would not want anyone to contract the virus.

“Although I was wearing a mask, I did everything according to the rules, but inside I was so skeptical that maybe it was too much of what it really couldn’t be. I thought I was still young, so even if I did get sick, it would be easy.

But none of that. It’s definitely not the same as the flu, I’m still not too bad. I have no enemies, but I don’t want to experience it for them or for anyone else, “said a woman with COVID-19 for the second week in a row.

I had no strength at all

The woman who returned home from Šiauliai Republican Hospital for treatment said she still felt weak, but it was even worse when the illness began.

“I was tired of a big cough, weakness, it is difficult to participate in any activity, both mental and physical. Anyway, I am no longer talking about you being physically limited.

I drink antibiotics, cough medicine, lots of tea, and look forward to recovery. I really wouldn’t say it’s a simple flu. Everything is much more complicated, but perhaps also because the disease complicated bronchitis together, ”said a woman who studies music pedagogy at Šiauliai University in the first year.

Dajana Bacevičienė

Infected in college

D. Bacevičienė said that he felt the first symptoms of COVID-19 on Friday, two weeks ago, when he returned from classes at the university. And it spread the infection from Raseiniai, where it was due to the spread of the virus as of October 9. The quarantine for arrivals has been announced.

“Our course includes Raseiniai students and they have had contact with people who have been approved by Covid.

However, they attended the conferences for a few more days before receiving instructions from the public health center that they too should be isolated and unable to attend the conferences. And there were 2 or 3 days when we all went to lectures, sang and played in a hall, “said Kelmiškė.

A few days later, it was announced that the university was moving towards distance education. After a short time and studying with a woman, the people of Raseiniai experienced the first symptoms of the disease.

“They were instructed to take the tests and received positive responses. And maybe 4-5 days passed when I was in contact with them, when I came back from Šiauliai on Friday evening, I started feeling symptoms and started coughing, ”said D. Bacevičienė.

As it turned out, a total of 8 people received positive responses to the COVID-19 test of their course.

Complicated with bronchitis

A woman who already has problems with her lungs immediately felt that the onset of the cough is severe and requires treatment.

“The temperature went up on Saturday, even to 39.2 degrees and it did not drop at all. I lay down on the bunk because there was no way they would knock them down. Even if you take medicine, only some parts” fall “and go back up.

Since the cough kept bothering me, I signed up for Covid-19 tests. There was the idea that maybe I just had bronchitis, but at the same time the suspicion that such a fever could be with Covid did not leave me. I was very weak, I couldn’t even lift anything, it was very difficult, ”he recalled.

He thought that maybe he wouldn’t survive

After contacting the doctor, he prescribed antibiotics, but the woman was unable to go to the Šiauliai fever clinic because she is a resident of Kelmė district.

“It was very bad while I was isolated and waiting for the investigation to take time. I thought I would not survive until Tuesday. Fortunately, at least drinking the antibiotics prescribed by the doctor improved, ”he said.

However, due to the woman’s condition, after advancing the examination date and receiving a positive COVID-19 test the next morning, the family doctor could not offer her anything but to go to the Siauliai Republican Hospital.

“He said that no one can take care of me in such a situation anymore, I need to be examined if my lungs are affected, etc.,” Kelmiškė recalled.

Residents Eglė Astašauskaitė, Viktorija Paulauskaitė and Edyta Pojawis

A nightmare experience in the hospital

However, the woman’s experience entering the hospital was tragic, and she said she would not wish it on anyone.

“I have not been in solitary confinement or in any other place behind bars, I have only seen it on television, it gave the impression that they live better there.

I didn’t get hot food, even though they put me to bed on Tuesday at 1am, I was only able to eat somewhere at 6am in the afternoon. Cold porridge and cold tea or a similar drink were served.

I didn’t touch that food because it was cold and ugly, especially because I didn’t have the strength to eat. I really wanted a hot drink in a situation like this. I asked the nurse for this, I had my own cup of tea, she said there were no such opportunities, because they themselves did not drink coffee or tea in the morning, ”said D. Bacevičienė.

Shocked by feeding conditions

Later, when two women with a similar condition were placed in the same room, the situation remained similar: patients who received cold meals began to demand hot food and tea.

“They were asked to invite an administrator, and the doctor came and told them that the situation is as it is, that it is difficult for them, that they do not have time for tea, coffee, normal food. And that the food is not even their prerogative, that it comes from another department, but has passed our complaints, ”said the woman.

After a new conversation with journalists in the morning, the patients received cold pasta.

“They were brought in boxes with ‘urine containers’ written on them.” There was also cold tea. That is what we refuse to eat and it is all over. And we have nothing else.

At lunch, when we complained, we had a hot soup and a hot chop for the first time, and I got something hot in the evening. So in reality, only after the “boycott”, the appeal to the hospital authorities, to the media, something moved, ”commented a woman with COVID-19.

Prescription antibiotics already in use

The strange situation also appeared to the woman regarding treatment services.

“They put me to bed for 1 hour. To the room. At first I did not want to accept yet, I said that the place was not ready, but when I saw my status, when I lay down at the reception desk in the bank because I was very exhausted, then I led to the living room and I left.

5pm he came from a vein to draw blood and said he would do a lung scan the next day. I was already taking antibiotics at the time, so when I arrived the doctors asked me if I would continue to take them. That said, why would he drink them if no one was identified?

I said that I have experience with bronchitis and if I start coughing like this I definitely need medication. The doctor replied that it is his business, if I want I can take these antibiotics on my own, ”he said.

The coronavirus is spreading

The next day, last Wednesday at noon, the woman underwent lung tests and it was shown that they administered the same medications that she was already taking.

“It just came to our notice then. On Thursday, the nurse brought in an identical pill to the one I was drinking anyway. The nurse says it’s ibuprofen, I say, definitely not. Clarifying this turned out to be the same antibiotic I’m already taking. That said, I don’t need it, I’m drinking alone.

That says you may be different. I gave him the box to check, he came back and he still says yes, really the same antibiotics here, ”said D. Bacevičienė.

Asked home

After staying in the hospital from Tuesday to Friday, when the ambulance arrived, which had to take the woman further to isolate her in Ambromiškės, she asked herself to go home.

“I signed a letter of agreement that I refused to go there. I said I don’t get a chance to go out for a while when there are two small children at home, a man with a broken leg. Even more so because no one will take care of me there. I will definitely get hot food at home. So I continue to take antibiotics successfully, ”said the interviewee.

Shocked mess due to bathroom hygiene

At the same time, Kelmiškė recounted how there was a surprise mess in the toilets, which neither closed nor contained disinfectant or soap. There was also no talk of being able to take a shower.

“There is only one bathroom at the end of the hall, used by about 20 people, both men and women. The bathroom was unattended, dirty, there were no disinfectants, not even soap, there was not even a hook to close.

Already when the temperature dropped, I asked where it would be possible to take a shower if I could shower, which said there was no such option, “said a woman with COVID-19.

In his opinion, due to such disorder and the lack of hygienic conditions, the virus is more likely to be in hospitals and can spread easily. As Dajana said, hygiene measures appeared only on the third day:

“I understand that we are all human, we may not be ready right away. But neither the rooms nor the hygiene facilities were ready. I had to go to the end of the hall to take advantage of the bathroom, I was very weak, tucked between the walls. After Everything, wherever I touched, the virus also stayed and spread, ”said a Kelmė district resident.

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Hospital: food situation corrected

Sigita Klimavičienė, chief nurse administrator at the hospital, stated that today the situation regarding nutrition has already been corrected and she has not heard any more complaints without this patient.

“It was not planned to provide meals to patients in this way. The department was set up in an emergency, the patients were bedridden the same day, and preparations and work were underway, but that problem is already solved at this point.

Patients receive prepared food in our food preparation departments. It is served in disposable jars as it belongs to infectious patients. Food is being delivered and leaving the kitchen recently, because our clinics where food is delivered are very far away, ”said a hospital spokeswoman.

He stressed that the food in the jars is delivered safely, everything is stacked in thermoports to avoid heat losses.

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The situation is tense

When asked if it was not possible to cool it down due to the long food journey, a hospital spokeswoman said she had received complaints about it and that a microwave and kettle had been placed in the room.

“I myself watched over that food route, then when it is placed in disposable containers, calls are made to those departments of the tuberculosis clinic to come down and wait with their containers for other containers to be placed. And until shipping, the food is kept warm to keep it fresh. And if that happens, there is the possibility of heating that food in the microwave, ”said S. Klimavičienė.

He made no secret of the tense situation at the hospital, which previously only had 19 beds for adults and its extension to other facilities is challenging.

“Not only facilities are needed, but also personnel,” he added.
