A virtual map of the Lithuanian coronavirus has been created: check the incidence in your country


The new virtual tool, developed on the basis of global practice, is designed for more convenient public information. SAM has been constantly asking questions about the situation in a district or region of the country. Now anyone who wants to can open the map and get acquainted in great detail. The new tool is also valuable as it will be possible to clearly see trends in coronavirus spread, morbidity and mortality. This is very important when predicting the future and planning the way forward.

The virtual map was created in cooperation with the State Center for Business Registries. The data for the map is provided by the National Center for Public Health (NVSC). The data is updated once a day.

An age group is the most affected.

According to data from May 20, 1,577 people were diagnosed with coronavirus in Lithuania. 60 of them died, 1,049 recovered. On Wednesday, the National Center for Public Health (NVSC) and the Ministry of Health (SAM) presented a virtual map showing detailed and updated statistics related to the coronavirus in Lithuania.

Analyzing the table, which summarizes the cases by age group and gender, it is clear that the highest incidence is still in the age group of 50-59 (351), more women in this group (233; men – 118).

There are many patients in the 40-49 age group: 255.

The table shows that the virus is less frequently diagnosed in children.

In the age group of 0 to 9 years, the virus was diagnosed in 21 people, i. and. for a boy Girls were slightly sicker (12; boys – 9).

In children and adolescents aged 10 to 19 years, 37 people were diagnosed with the virus.

Relatively few cases (130) have been diagnosed in individuals in the age group 70-79. However, only a few deaths have been recorded in Lithuania in people under the age of 59.

The highest number of cases was registered in Vilnius: 387; In the city of Klaipeda – 271; In the Vilnius district – 227; In the city of Kaunas – 99 and others.

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