A Vilnius-based furniture maker based in Molėtai builds a house in his spare time, like lego blocks or puzzle details | Deal


Petrauskas moved to Molėtai only three years ago, until then he lived and worked in Vilnius. As Tomás says, in Vilnius they were like tight in a box: “These were already the limits of improvement. And here in Molėtai, it is possible to expand: to have a bigger workshop, more equipment. More, easier, more fun to live. “

The son is in business, the father is a creative break.

The company that operated in Vilnius was Darius Petrauskas: his son helped him from 13 to 14 years old, then he studied carpentry, entered the College of Construction and Engineering, although, as he admits, the latter did not finish. He got a job with his father and realizes that no one at the university has taught him what he is doing now.

“We moved to Molėtai, half a year later I opened my company. His father is already closing his house, he will retire, this house is his retirement job, he is doing his thing for pleasure,” jokes Tomás, showing the house he will give to Molėtai.

Darius himself tends to call this time different: “A creative break. I get tired of having to take a break. Abroad is normal, and with us: unemployed, strollers … Now I will recover and think again about something. I want to buy unconscious things, something else. I’ll sell nonsense like this cabin. I do what I like, I build what I want, I buy. That is enough for me. “

Tom’s company produces non-standard furniture. Like laughter, there is nothing to show even in the workshop, because only parts that are converted into kitchens or other furniture in the customer’s home or elsewhere are produced here. Therefore, it is possible to show at least the future house.

This product is the first. “We are doing some of the lego details here. I will show that the whole mountain is actually imprinted with lego details, you take a hammer and pick it up.” Even my friends help compile the first module. Come help when I offer to pay, refuse because they say they come to help just because they are interested in themselves, not money. Every weekend a group of friends comes and we build this first house, ”said the young businessman.

Friends help me compile the first module. Every weekend a group of friends comes and we build this first house, ”says Tom.

The first house – to England

According to Tom, he hoped to build the first house for himself, but it looks like he will have to sell it – the British are already very interested in it. “It is said that large amounts of such houses would be needed. Maybe you even need to sell, they want to buy the whole business from me. The devil knows how he is going to be here, even in a period of uncertainty: sell or not sell,” admits Tom, emphasizing He has not yet discussed the terms of the sale, but there is a possibility that he will remain the head of the company sold.

Business regrets it, perhaps because of this, as he says, he is also “breaking”, or money, material values ​​will overcome emotional attitudes. Of course, he understands that the sale of the company would give him the opportunity to expand and bring home, the first of which has just been born, to the market at an affordable price.

Photo by Ernesta Čičiurkaitė / 15min / Tomas Petrauskas

Photo by Ernesta Čičiurkaitė / 15min / Tomas Petrauskas

So far, the company makes money from furniture production. At the moment, the house is just a dream that is gradually coming true, as Tom says, he started to think about that structure and prepared the project only in January of this year.

“It will be an A + class house, as are frame houses. The only difference is that I can install such a house at the customer site in a few days. If the base is there, bring the segments and then deliver the keys to the host Size is unlimited: how much money you can earn Order of one, two floors and 500 m2, it is unlimited Will there be willingness to invest so much in plywood at home?

We start from 40 square meters. m, I think it is optimal. Suppose a farm. Living in such small spaces is very popular in England. There may also be 80 square meters. This house will have three modules, the other can be six, then already 80 square meters. m will be “, – says Tom, showing the house that is currently being assembled.

Maybe you even need to sell, they want to buy me the whole business. The devil knows how he will be here, even in a period of uncertainty, to sell or not to sell, says Tom.

What is the price of such a house? According to Tom, there will be around 50,000. euros

Better to show

Every day, there are three people working at the company: as Tom jokes, until the house generates income, he has to make furniture.

“It just came to our attention then. They make me money to play with stuff like that. I don’t allow them to get their hands on this, because, as I say, I’m already alone. durnius that’s why it doesn’t work, it won’t allow more people. When you enter, the orders will begin, so it will be possible to think differently, “says Tomas.

It will take more than one weekend to install the first, according to Tom: It takes two weekends to put together a frame for one module, so a three-module house will take six weekends or a month and a half. “I can’t afford to do this every day. But we also make the furniture well enough, we have clients, no one complains about the furniture. We make all the furniture, we just string them together gently, there is another specificity,” says Tomas of life. everyday.

Photo by Ernesta Čičiurkaitė / 15min / Tomas Petrauskas

Photo by Ernesta Čičiurkaitė / 15min / Tomas Petrauskas

His motto, as he himself says, is “I will not say what I can do, I will show it better” because it is better to brag less and do more. Until now, the part of the house that is in the courtyard has not been completed. The second already went to Vilnius, where a large round window is placed, which is also a considerable challenge. The decoration will be done by an American company, which at the same time intends to film its advertising, so Tom will “dress” his first house for free.

Showing the details with which he assembles the house, Tom laughs: they remember the children’s lego blocks. Or part of a puzzle. In this way, they are joined together and become a house where there is very little nailing.

Petrauskas settled near Molėtai, in Mindūnai, where Darius had already built a house on his grandfather’s land. Now they say they enjoy nature and fresh air. Darius assures that he will be able to stay in Vilnius for half a day, and then he is already attracted to return here. Tom, a young boy, still enjoys having fun, but he also admits that once or several times a month, he doesn’t want to.

One should be able to start doing something freely. This requires a better tax system, incentives, mentality, education, teachers. Young people should not be afraid, Darius said.

You need a simpler system and don’t be afraid

And for more young people to start a business in Molėtai, according to Tomás, the lack of determination is the greatest: In fact, when assuming these things and expanding the business, I had to mortgage the apartment twice with loans in order to buy the equipment. And friends no, no one is willing to take such a risk.

You should not be afraid of taking risks if you think you can do it right. But if you are afraid, you will get nothing, it is easier to go to a factory in England, you will definitely get money there. When I return, the smartest will buy an apartment, the other will be a car, a BMW and everything. “

Ernesta Čičiurkaitė / 15min photo / The owner of Molėtai Furniture builds a house in his spare time

Ernesta Čičiurkaitė / 15min photo / The owner of Molėtai Furniture builds a house in his spare time

Darius, adding his son, says that a young person does not have to fear failure: if he fails, all he has to do is stop his activities so that his debts do not sink.

“It is the case that if a young man has a good idea, then he is given money for the first stage, be it a song, father, mother, grandfather, or he has to go win some kind of England.” Only after leaving does he not want to return. Watts and a vicious circle spin. One should be able to start doing something freely. This requires a better tax system, incentives, mentality, education, teachers. Where are the students who are not happy with the strike? There is not. Young people should not be afraid. And everything, “said D. Petrauskas emotionally.

Municipal help is also needed as their staff know better where and what programs are available, who can benefit from them and how. Darius says that to receive European support for the purchase of machines, which the family business has acquired, Lithuania must complete the thicker package of documents. And here in Poland, to the extent that you have spoken to your colleagues, a customer who can receive this kind of assistance goes directly to the machine dealers and they complete only a few documents themselves.

We are on other planets with them, and we have to compete, says Darius.

“We are on other planets with them and we have to compete,” Darius lamented.

Furniture makers are currently completing another project: a small house, which Darius decided to donate to the city of Molėtai. Furniture is already in it, and the cottage should be next to the future Molėtai Business and Tourism Information Center at the entrance to the city. As Tom says, it will be possible to meet friends and sit here.

Ernesta Čičiurkaitė / 15min photo / house

Ernesta Čičiurkaitė / 15min photo / house “Molėtai Furniture” for Molėtai

“My father’s good heart here is what I can do,” Tom laughs, asking how the idea of ​​handing over the house to the city came up. – The city likes gifts. Do something for yourself, not yourself. “
