A.Veryga warns that the number of COVID-19 cases will only increase: he hopes Vilnius works and discusses less


“We hope that those municipalities in which the number of cases and the percentage of all those inspected is registered is significant, that they immediately take all the measures that have been approved by the Government sufficiently in advance as the situation recommends.

I want to urge you not to hesitate, to not hesitate, because waiting can turn against you and then the measures will be much more strict and complicated, “said A. Veryga during a remote press conference on Friday.

He does not want a conflict with Vilnius

He emphasized that the government’s strategy for managing COVID-19 had not changed – the need for local measures.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Warm night in Vilnius

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Warm night in Vilnius

“Currently the national quarantine is not being considered,” the minister said, but did not rule out the possibility of it being announced.

“Regarding the instructions of the positions of power in the government or in the government, I just want to remind you once again of a strategy and a choice that has not changed: apply local, local measures and to make them as effective as possible, we need a consensus with the municipalities, “he commented. A: Very good, adding that it is not bad to do it.

It is said that only the Vilnius city municipality is still trying to “discuss, discuss”.

“We hope this does not turn into a contentious pre-election discussion, but that the rational mind will still prevail and we will agree,” Veryga Esperanza expressed.

Issuance from the Ministry:

This week, epidemiologists have expressed concern about the spread of COVID-19 in Vilnius: the incidence of the virus is increasing 1.5 times per week, the spread is taking place in educational and medical institutions, sports clubs, bars and other facilities of leisure.

As a result, the capital’s municipality has not yet taken stricter restrictions, promising to intensify testing of target groups, although the National Center for Public Health (NVSC) has recommended limiting the opening hours of bars and stopping some bar activities. leisure.

In Vilnius, hopefully, the municipalities will not sleep and implement the measures.

“In Vilnius, hopefully, the municipalities will not sleep, they will adapt the measures, they will consider less, maybe even argue, but they will find an agreement with the NVSC specialists and do their job. Not only quarantine solves the situation. Where measures are usually applied, the situation usually begins to improve and stabilize, “said A. Veryga.

The situation at the national level “is not exceptionally bad”

Earlier, the Minister said that quarantine or stricter conditions in Lithuania could will be introduced if the number of people with severe coronavirus increases and hospitals cannot cope.

So far this is not the case.

“There are separate medical institutions – Kaunas Hospital Infectious Diseases Department – there are already several [pacientų stacionare], but this is explained because there were active chimneys around, many people came. But if you evaluate the situation of the whole country, it is definitely not exceptionally bad, ”explained A.Veryga.

Last day 281 new cases of coronavirus were detected in Lithuania, of which 116 people experienced symptoms of the disease, that is, 59 percent. patients – asymptomatic, said NVSC doctor epidemiologist Daiva Razmuvienė during the press conference.

The main spread of COVID-19, according to him, is in the hotspots: 19% of virus cases detected the previous day could not be traced. its route of infection.

“So far, thanks to the great effort of epidemiologists, the situation is traceable, if the percentage sticks to around 20%, there is no significant threat,” said a representative of the NVSC.

The virus spreads in nursing homes, educational institutions.

The largest foci of infection named by her are nursing homes and nursing homes, educational institutions and medical institutions.

Almost a hundred COVID-19 cases are associated with the Blinstrubiškės welfare home located in the Raseiniai district. The new focus of the coronavirus is the special social care home of Marijampolė, to which a total of 15 infections are associated.

A.Veryga stated that it is planned to repeatedly speak with employees of social care institutions about infection control measures, restrict or refuse to visit people in institutions, test employees.

D.Razmuvienė emphasized that individual cases of students, teachers or staff are registered in educational institutions, but in total – 522. In 37 educational institutions, an internal spread of COVID-19 is observed.

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Daiva Razmuvienė

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Daiva Razmuvienė

“Since July, the number of children under 19 years of age has increased and the incidence of COVID-19 has almost doubled. If in July it was 6 percent. Currently it stands at almost 12%,” said a representative of the NVSC , linking it to the beginning of the school year.

Most of the patients, according to her, are healthy young people.

People should appreciate whether to attend events, stay after work or on weekends.

“It just came to our knowledge then. I would like to point out that even if some municipalities, knowing that they are spreading and may not be able to come up with recommendations, prohibitions, restrictions, society itself, people should assess their own personal risk, family risk , their activities, decide for themselves whether to participate in events, after work or on weekends.

If the responsibility were greater, we could say that the spread figures each day will not increase “, commented D. Razmuvienė.

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