A.Veryga: Tube stocks running out will be replenished soon


“There will be tubes, they have already been found and you really don’t have to worry about running out of them. Of course, we had to react to the knowledge that came from the lab: they refused to sign a contract and then looked for other ways to buy it,” said the minister to LRT RADIO on Thursday.

According to him, no one is protected against such cases.

“Everything can be, the supplier, as with the tubes, can say that they cannot deliver, withdraw or something like that. Nobody is insured for that, but if that happens, we looked for it with the tubes and it happened, the laboratory found a supplier that could deliver earlier than promised, ”said A. Veryga.

According to the head of NVSPL, the hiring announced at the end of September through the Central Contracting Authority for 410 thousand. pieces of tubes.

“Your winner withdrew his bid because he does not have a sufficient number of tubes and will not be able to deliver the order on time. The reason for this was indicated by the supplier that the producers of the goods refuse to export the goods from their country ”, said D. Bakša.

He claimed that the news of the inability to run the procurement agency only came on November 10.

The head of the laboratory said that in such a situation, it is intended to acquire the tubes through unannounced negotiations. According to him, more than ten possible suppliers of tubes have already been interviewed during the hiring in this way, and contracts will be signed with four that will deliver them in the minimum time.

“We are working intensively with the suppliers and we are already promising to introduce the supplement this Friday,” he said.

Recently, tens of thousands of samples have been analyzed daily in the country, a number that is decreasing on weekends.

15min recalls that talks about the possible lack of reserves for coronavirus research began in the near future on Wednesday. Povilas Poderskis, director of the Vilnius city municipal administration, announced on Facebook that the stock of media at the National Public Health Laboratory is running low and will soon be impossible to acquire. Laboratory director Dan Bakša soon clarified that there was a risk of a shortage of tubes rather than media, as the winning company announced that it would not be able to deliver them on time.

Vytautas Kasiulevičius, professor of medicine at Vilnius University (VU), also spoke about the lack of tubes on Wednesday evening.

According to him, we cannot miss the opportunity to perform PCR tests for coronavirus, because in that case we will not stop the spread of infections. The doctor says that if the acquisition of the necessary tools is hampered by law, they can be changed quickly, we must not forget that we are operating in a pandemic. He also appealed to trade representatives, urging them to provide Lithuania with the necessary tubes, as the country’s government is unable to do so.
